The perks of my summer job

Chapter 7. Pool party (part II)

Kelsey's hunger had fortunate timing, as stacks upon stacks of pizza boxes had materialized in each of the several cavernous living rooms on the ground floor. At that point, what did you call each one? Living rooms A, B, C, is that how it worked? While I puzzled over this and did my best not to get trampled by the crowd, Kelsey deftly wormed her way to the front and came back with a plate loaded with greasy slices. There was a variety, I liked that: what looked like BBQ Chicken, Meat Lover's, Mediterranean, Veggie, and a classic true Canadian (pepperoni, bacon, and mushrooms).

"Feed me," she shoved the plate into my hands. It wasn't a question, it was a command. I flushed. Around her, I was in a perpetual state of being hopelessly flustered.

"Here?" This request was unusually bold, even for her. Although, I guess I couldn't claim to know her all that well. Or at all, really. The thought made me feel sort of sad but I didn't know why.

"Why, you too nervous?" She cocked an eyebrow. "No one's watching, don't be such a wuss."

My hands were raising the first slice to her mouth before consulting my brain. Kelsey took it enthusiastically, letting more than half the slice slide into her mouth, almost down her throat, before taking a bite. Her eyes were locked on mine. I felt suddenly like I, not the pizza, was the one that was truly at risk of being devoured. A silly thought, but it sent a thrill through me. Enthralled in her stare, I held the remainder of the slice out to her and she snatched it from me with her teeth. It was gone in one ravenous gulp. She didn't break eye contact. I didn't know what else to do except feed her another slice, then another, in this fashion. In her jean shorts that she had lent me, my pussy was pulsating with desire. I had wet my panties, and I felt hot all over, but not from the body heat of the crowd. Gosh, she was so hot. I loved watching her teeth tear through all that bread and cheese, her jaw work and chew and crunch through each topping. She was unstoppable. I observed, entranced, as a trail of grease dripped from her lip down her chin. I wanted to take care of her, didn't want her to get all messy. Thankfully, her platinum hair was pulled back into one of her trademark ponytails. Sleek, not a hair out of place, her long blonde locks were safe from the pizza. But I knew she would be upset if she ruined her makeup or worse, her outfit. I reached out to wipe the grease on her chin away with one finger before I could help myself. I wasn't quick enough to pull away. She lunged forward to suck the grease right off my finger, still watching me with those predatory hazel eyes of hers.

I had first noticed her eye colour when she came in that day to get ice cream, alone. They were the type of hazel that shifted in each type of lighting: green, brown, and gold. Beautiful. Now, they reflecting the pulsing glare of the party lights: emerald, cobalt, magenta. I think I could have gotten lost in them forever, if it wasn't for the graceless intervention.

"Damn Kels, is that you? What happened?" An unwelcome voice sneered.

Kelsey swallowed the pizza in her mouth and her head whipped towards the intruder, fire in her eyes.

"Becky," she snapped, "betrayal isn't a classy look on anyone, bitch."

The fervor with which she spat the last word was enough to capture the attention of fellow party-goers around us. They began to gather, eager for a new source of entertainment. Perhaps they hadn't seen a good ol' catfight in a long while.

Becky laughed, high and cruel.

"Ya think? Looking this fat isn't a classy look on anyone, so you don't have room to speak, bitch." She poked at Kelsey's distended stomach. Overloading on beer and pizza hadn't done her any favours. A cute, round little belly protruded from under her top, pushing the waist of her skirt out.

I shook my head. This fool wasn't even creative enough to come up with an insult that went beyond mirroring what Kelsey had just said. Moreover, she seemed to have completely missed the point; while Kelsey had challenged her character, she had nothing to say for herself except to belittle Kelsey by making a dig at her appearance. It was low and vile of her. I glanced at Kelsey anxiously to gauge her response. I worried that Kelsey would be devastated at Becky's retort, especially in her current state. I hadn't needed to at all: she was unphased.

Kelsey swiped another pizza slice from the flimsy, grease-soaked paper plate I was still standing there holding dumbly. She took a massive bite, calm and collected. I held my breath.

"Right now I'm just enjoying all the good food and drinks this party has to offer. Can I get a hell yeah?"

She turned to the growing crowd with a million dollar smile.

"Hell yeah!" They roared. Someone passed her a beer, and she cracked it open. Becky's jaw hung wide open. Kelsey wasn't finished.

"I have to say Becky, I should feel sorry for you. I can eat as much as I want with no consequences, while you can't do the same. Well guess what? The douchebag you're bending backwards over to impress will cheat on you whether you manage to maintain your size 0 or not. All it takes is a double zero to come along, one who can afford to buy a bigger rack than you and a fatter ass than...whatever that sad, flat little pancake is." She gestured vaguely at Becky's bum. Becky was fuming, humiliated, but it seemed like she didn't know what to say. It was hard, considering the crowd wasn't on her side. They were loving Kelsey's party animal attitude and were even yelling encouragements.

"You tell her!"

"Eat that pizza, queen!"

Kelsey gave her straining belly a slap for good measure and kept a hand on it as she leaned back and chugged her beer.

The crowd went wild. Kelsey crushed the empty can in one hand and turned to them, revelling in their cheers. Then she stalked over to Becky, got all up in her face. I inched closer. Kelsey kept her voice low, dripping with venom. I could hear, but the crowd couldn't.

"Watch this, Becky. Even with a food baby, my drunk ass can pull more men than you can sober."

She turned back to the crowd.

"Listen up, losers! This party is getting a little borrrrrrring! Who's up for a little friendly competition?" Kelsey roared.

She was met with ear-splitting whoops and hollers.

"You!" She pointed and snapped her fingers at some random schmuck in the crowd. He looked honoured to be noticed. "Fetch me a chair!" The underling scurried away. "Girls who want to take on my challenge, come to me if you're not scared of a little eating contest!" She commanded next.

Becky grudgingly stepped forward. Despite the revulsion painted clearly on her face, it seemed her pride prevented her from backing down. A few more girls came to join us from the crowd. Then a few more, and a few more. Some timidly, looking shy or nervous. Others with a bit more confidence and a competitive glint in their eyes. The remaining girls in the crowd were egged on by the boys to join us.

"What are you lot all standing around for? Bring these ladies some chairs!" Kelsey demanded, prompting another half dozen of lads to get a move on. They rushed off. I admired how well-trained they were to obey their queen's orders.

"Here's how this is going to work," Kelsey explained, "any girl who can out-eat me gets a favour from me of their choosing. It doesn't matter, because it's not going to happen. I'll win, obviously."

"What about us boys?" Came a call from the crowd.

"Don't you worry, I have a plan for you. This would be too boring if the boys just watched, wouldn't it girls?"

The girls looked unsure. Some of them nodded, but most hesitated. No one could be sure what Kelsey had planned at this point.

"Here's what's in it for you, boys," the queen declared, "and girls who are too lame to participate are included too I guess. I forgot to mention one little detail. Us competitors will be tied up. Which means you'll have to be the ones feeding us!"
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Letters And ... 1 year
Very sweet ending, lovely story. The characters really came into their own.
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much! πŸ’œ
Pd500 1 year
Great work! I loved chapter 11 big-time
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you very much! It was indeed a juicy one 🀭🍰
Reader 1 year
The banter between these characters makes this story unique! I love their relationship. Your writing is excellent and I can't wait to read more!
Passing For ... 1 year
Thanks Reader! I'm so happy you commented, I love this relationship too and I have so much fun writing about it πŸ₯°
Pd500 1 year
I love this! Can't wait to read more! Great writing!
Passing For ... 1 year
Hi there! I am not the most consistent with updates, but they will be worth the wait 😘 Thank you for the compliment, these two girls are very dear to me πŸ’œ
Piturekapiteka 1 year
My favourite story from you, simple as
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you sir! 🫑 As promised, updates will continue rolling out at a snail's pace 🐌
Built4com4t 1 year
That was different for me but very arousing…a definite treat
Passing For ... 1 year
Incorporating variety can enrich any diet πŸ˜‰
Angelhoney 1 year
very nice update. this story is incredible, love the dynamic of a domineering feedee + feeder that also likes to eat
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you for the compliments! I'm happy you're enjoying it πŸ₯°
Piturekapiteka 1 year
Omg this story has not been forgotten!! So good to see it continue
Passing For ... 1 year
I definitely plan to continue it, and my other stories as well! I am just going to be a bit slow with updates πŸ¦₯ Glad that you're enjoying so far πŸ₯°
Kouradaor8ia 1 year
good freaking lord, i love this
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it 😊
Jazzman 1 year
This is good. I always love reading this story
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much, it makes me happy to know I can put out content that readers enjoy 😁❀️
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