The perks of my summer job

Chapter 8. Pool party (part III)

Kelsey had really thought this through to rig it in a way that cut Becky down to size. She was either a genius, or favoured by sheer dumb luck. Not only did Kelsey successfully manipulate Becky into putting herself in a position where she would feel awkward and degraded by default, but she engineered the situation so the boys had all the power. She instructed them to line up in front of the girl they wanted to feed. They would present their offering slice by slice. Since Kelsey was the clear favourite among the boys, this resulted in embarrassment for all the other girls as they could only sit, tied up, and watch as all the boys flocked to Kelsey and fawned over her. A few would trickle over to some of the other chairs now and then, feeding the other girls a slice or two. But it was obvious that this was no competition: it was a show, Kelsey the unspoken star. And she was loving the spotlight.

Kelsey encouraged the boys to feel her up as they fed her. One by one, they approached her with their greedy eyes glinting in anticipation. They would offer their slice, and she would scarf it down like a starving animal while they pawed at her tits with a similar urgency. Each boy worshipped her body with utmost enthusiasm: squeezing, kneading, and caressing her impressive breasts, stroking a hand along down her body to feel the inward curve of her waist, move out to cup her hips, the brash ones opting to reach behind for a pinch of her bum. For them, I assumed this was the fulfillment of many a wet dream. Although, I doubted that the tight belly protruding over the waistband of her skirt was part of the picture in those. After having gorged herself on copious amounts of beer and pizza, Kelsey was more bloated than I'd ever seen her. It wasn't that she was all that big, but her belly looked massive on her petite frame.

The diminishing available volume in her stomach did not deter Kelsey's voracious appetite. She continued to eat without slowing her pace, moaning in appreciation in between bites and squirming in delight at the feeders' touches. I felt like it wasn't appropriate of me to watch, but I couldn't look away. Something monstrous and rageful was twisting in my gut, intensifying in restlessness with each boy that laid a hand on her. Why did it bother me that they were touching her that way? The monster roared, that should be me! That should be me all over her, making her feel good! I sighed heavily. So much for continuing to deny to myself that I was catching feelings for this girl. Impulsively, I snatched a slice of pizza and got in line.

"Finally," Kelsey purred as I approached. Moaning and grunting, she made quick work of the pizza slice. She licked her lips when she finished.

"I'm ready for a taste of something else."

Before I was ready, she pulled me down on top of her. I was straddling her, she was kissing me, the crowd was going wild, I was short-circuiting. Her lips were attacking mine wildly, urgently, passionately, but they were so soft. I was right up against the curve of her swollen tummy, and I could feel how rock-hard it was. Being in such close proximity to her was driving me crazy. I knew my panties were probably soaked through. Part of me wanted to get her out of these tight clothes and have my way with her right here, in front of everyone. I wanted to devour every inch of her body, run my hands all over her, grope her ass, spank her, cup her belly in my hands, scold her for behaving so recklessly in front of all these people. Didn't she realize how fat she was going to get if she kept eating like this?

My fantasy fizzled away when Kelsey broke the kiss.

"That's it, folks! I think it's pretty clear I win, and you're all free to go!"

She turned back to me with a sly smile.

"Now, where were we?"

I reminded her by picking up where we had left off, gripping her small dome of a belly with both hands while I kissed her. It was a frustrated kiss: I didn't like how she had teased me by inviting all those boys to be all over her, and now I was making it clear that this bloated princess was mine to claim. She had been driving me crazy all night packing herself so full with all that food and alcohol. Now, I wanted nothing more than to admire and appreciate how huge and round she looked, and relish the feeling of her heavy gut pressing into me. I was getting more and more turned on as I imagined her food baby becoming a permanent fixture - how Kelsey would fill out and fatten up by the end of the summer if I had my way with her. I'd make sure she sprouted a belly too big to be hidden by her baggiest hoodies. Given some time, her blubbery ass would never squeeze into one of her favourite tiny miniskirts again.

She pulled away, breathless.

"Let's take this upstairs."

We walked in on four couples having sex in different bedrooms before we found an empty one. How many did this house have? The theme of this room was red velvet, deep crimson curtains and warm mahogany hardwood. Kelsey staggered over to the bed and flopped backwards onto its vast surface. Her belly stuck straight up. Cute. I sat on the edge of the bed and admired how her platinum blonde ponytail spread over the rich cerise duvet cover. Her eyes had closed, her breathing was laboured. She must have been so uncomfortable, stuffed to the brim like that. I inched closer to her and started massaging her belly: slow, gentle rubs. She groaned, but didn't open her eyes.

"Arewegonnafuck?" She was definitely still very drunk.

"Not right now," I let her down gently. As much as I enjoyed her body in this state and wanted to explore more of her, the right thing to do would be to stay with her, make sure that no one took advantage of her and she would be okay in the morning.

"Aww," she pouted, "but I really really wannnaaaaaa..."

"In the morning, if you're up for it."

"Mmmmm," she wasn't happy with my response, but she was too incapacitated to do anything about it.

"I like how you touch me..." She trailed off.

Asleep, she looked so sweet. Calm, blissful. I hoped she'd have lovely dreams to make up for the fact that she'd feel like absolute garbage in the morning. I gave her belly one last pat, did my best to make sure she was somewhat covered by folding the duvet over her, turned off the light, and slid under the covers myself. I fell asleep listening to her breathing and fantasizing about how I would do my interior design, if I had a mansion like this.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Letters And ... 1 year
I had to check the posting date because this feels like a story I’ve been reading forever. It’s timeless and you just hit all the right notes perfectly. Nice work, keep going!
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much! Glad you are enjoying it so far πŸ€— I'm particularly excited about the plans I have up my sleeve 😏
Bodyofwater 1 year
I can't wait to read more, the teasing is so good
Passing For ... 1 year
I love that you're liking it! I'm really excited to share the next few chapters with you. 😁
Peeve 1 year
I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS! I usually don’t get drawn into the romance aspect of these kinds of stories, but this one is so good! Had to leave a comment! (my first ever) fantastic writing smiley
Passing For ... 1 year
Peeve, I'm truly honoured! I've had so much fun with these girls, each of them is a bit of a mess in their own way πŸ˜‚ Glad they've won your heart over too πŸ€—
Truth 1 year
Oh wow that hit me hard. I love how that turned out. I wonder if the protagonist is going to keep gaining...
Passing For ... 1 year
I'm so glad you enjoyed! You'll have to stick around for a few more chapters to find out πŸ˜‰ I have some fun things planned for these two 🀭
FlabbyGabby 1 year
Love it! Can’t wait to see what happens
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much for your comment, I hope you continue to enjoy it as it unfolds πŸ₯°
Fanedfox 1 year
Well written, I liked both characters and good descriptions too.
I'm looking forward to more chapters.
Passing For ... 1 year
Hi there, thank you! I'll be updating this story again on Friday and on Monday, and we're going to be introduced to another new character smiley Glad you're enjoying it so far.
Sir Neapolitan 1 year
I am definitely going to have to try out cherry ice-cream! A very enticing start!
Passing For ... 1 year
It's quite good actually in my opinion! So is cherry yogurt πŸ’
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