Birthday balloon

Chapter 2

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I woke up and immediately showered. Allie was dozing beside me, dead to the world. I had an 8:30am class but she was off until her 4pm-6pm lecture. I loved how she slept – she barely moved. I often found her in the same position as she had dozed off in the night previous.

Our tiny little bathroom in our tiny, shared apartment was dimly yellow-lit. I felt the water cold, then warm, then hot against my skinny and lanky frame. I had never weighed more than 150lbs my whole life. And at 5’10”, that was not a lot. As I felt the water cascade down my body and through my curls, I found myself growing erect at the thought of the coming day.

It was 6:30am. It was my 22nd birthday.

In my notes app, I had spent the past 12 months amassing ideas of how I wanted today to go. It was my free-for-all, my kinkfest, my one day of splurging. Ideas would hit me and I would scramble to document them so as to not lose them.

Allie and I had had a very normal year. We made it through school, took a small holiday to the east coast in the summer and spent a lot of time working and trying to get ready for the next stage in our lives. I was going to be graduating this year and Allie had one more kick at the can, so we started setting up roots in this apartment and finding jobs and stability here. It was a university town, so a lot of connections were possible for alumni.

Allie had decided not to join the volleyball team again this year. Third year was the most demanding of her program, and she wanted to be ready for it. Only two months in, and I could already tell she was stressed more than usual. She was staying up late and sitting in front of a screen a lot. I didn’t mind, but I made sure to check in. She had become very focused all the time.

Alone in my thoughts in the shower, I desperately tried not to stroke myself. I wanted to make today last. I wanted it to be everything I’ve ever fantasized about before.

She came into the bathroom, mumbling a hello and scratching her bedhead. She peed while I washed, then poking her head past the shower curtain she finds me naked.

“Oh, hello. See we are looking forward to our birthday, are we?” She eyes my arousal.

I smile.

“What do you need from me, Captain?” She says, reaching out and touching me. It shocks me like a short circuit.

“Would you put your volleyball stuff on for me?”

She nods. “I will. Coffee?”

She disappears while I dry and get dressed. In the kitchen, I find her in her tight booty shorts and long sleeve athletic top. It has LIONS printed across the ass and bra-line. Her hair is tied up into a tight pony.

“I hope you’re hungry today.” I said, as I opened the fridge and pulled out the concoction. It was my first ever weight gain shake. I definitely had overdone it. It must have been 6000 calories.

“Is that for me?” Allie coos, dropping to her knees like a good girl.

From behind my back, I produce my Amazon purchase: the funnel. Allie, from parties, knows what comes next and lifts the tube to her mouth. With a nod and a squeeze of my thigh, she beckons me to begin.

I pour it slowly as she guzzles. Her eyes close with the effort. It is so much richness for first thing in the morning.

It takes about 20 minutes for Allie to make it through the whole thing. By the time she has, her small stomach has swollen forward and filled the front of her uniform. Much to my chagrin, the last year had not changed much of her physique.

I was hoping this year would be different.

Allie leaned against the cupboard. “I don’t … think I can … do anything right now baby.” She hiccups a burp.

I smiled. I was blinded by lust. “No, that’s for later.” I kiss her on the head before leaving for my lecture. She stays there, dazed and stuffed to the brim – just for me.

While at school, I send three UberEats orders. McDonald’s breakfast, Starbucks coffees and sandwich, and a burrito. After delivery, I text her: “Please be done before I get home. Take vids.”

When I arrive home, Allie is gone for her lecture. Quickly setting to work, I whip up the most crucial part: dinner.

I make homemade pizza, two boxes of Kraft Dinner, an entire loaf of garlic bread, and grilled cheese sandwiches. Allie was in charge of dessert, but I was going to be building the carbohydrate kingdom.

Into the meal, I placed my kryptonite: these appetite enhancement pills I had found online. I tried them a week prior, and Allie commented just how much I managed to put away at our favourite sushi place. If one worked for me, surely two would knock her into overdrive.

At 6:30pm, Allie returned in tears. Her lecture had been awful, her paper had not been well received, and the professor had used her work as an example of critique in front of the whole cohort. I hugged her and rubbed her back, feeling very self-conscious now of the massive meal I had selfishly made. After I released her, I started to speak:

“Hey, we don’t have to –”

Before I could finish, she was digging in. She pushed past me and stuck a spoon into the KD and began to eat. It wasn’t even off the stove yet.

In her emotional delirium, Allie worked her way through most of the meal. She barely spoke, just eating and moaning her agreement as to how good it was. When I finished, she reached over and picked away at my morsels. We chatted casually, but I was surprised I hadn’t moved the table a few inches closer to the ceiling.

As if she had only just begun, Allie jumped up with a burp and headed to the kitchen. Had she grown a hollow leg? Where was she storing all this?

She returned this time with a sheet cake almost as wide as the table. Leaning in front of me and over the cake, she said, “I’m sorry there are no candles. I’m just too hungry to wait.”

Her sultry voice struck my core and she leaned forward with her mouth and bit into the cake, without utensils. My jaw dropped. She hunched over, hogging out while I caressed her skin and felt her swollen belly.

She put my hand between her legs and ordered me to please her while she ate.

Allie only made it about 1/3 of the way through the dessert. She then fucked my brains out, letting my caress her bloated belly and climax nearly four times in just a few hours. As we lay sweaty, side by side in bed, dozing off, she mumbled. “I’m definitely gonna need the next twelve months to recover from that…”

I smiled, but my heart sank.

“Honestly, it made me feel better though.” She slurred in her sleep. “Eating your feelings really does help.”

Then, she was slumbering sweetly.

Allie had a piece of cake for breakfast every day that week. It wasn’t until it was gone that I realized I hadn’t even had a slice for myself.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Randomuserna... 1 year
I have a feeling who this story is really about
Randomuserna... 1 year
I have a feeling who this story is really about
Zephyr 1 year
love the story! keep it up!
Monthofdays 1 year
Just amazing! I love it!
Fluffylove 1 year
Love it,please keep it going
Fanedfox 1 year
Great story, wonderful characters!
Monday Io 1 year
Love it just wondering if there will be more
Theswordsman 1 year
Love this one