Birthday balloon

Chapter 3

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I did not want to leave the warmth of my bed on my 23rd birthday. Allie had pushed her backside so close to me and was radiating heat like some deep star in the universe. Her heavy breaths seemed to lull me back to sleep. I felt her smooth skin beneath the pads of my fingers. I pinched the overhang of her stomach and ran a hand down her thighs. It was nearly 5:45am and I only had an hour before I had to log on for work.

I had graduated with honours, and Allie had succumbed to the stress of school. I immediately landed a position at a local firm, and Allie stayed at home. I worked during the day, she attended classes, and we made grandiose plans of our adult lives before 25.

In March, we had entered lockdown and never left. Allie’s classes were all shoved online, and my position at the firm was immediately hired as a WFH. We had converted a section of our bedroom to an office, and I wore sweatpants and my Calvin Klein dress shirt and tie to work every day for our morning check in. Reading copy and pouring over documents was draining, but it was nice to have this much one-on-one time with my love.

I felt bad for her. School had smacked her in the face and made her life hell this past year. I tried to be as supportive as I could be, cooking dinner, taking on errands, trying to appease her to just get through and finish and be done with it. I was killing the husband game. I was trying to prove to her just how good I could be…

To get to the point, Allie’s weight finally changed with the stress of school, lockdown, and settling. We’re talking a solid 35lbs since last year. She had the “skinny-fat” girl look, where her body had widened but not yet plushed. The two years without volleyball had definitely taken a toll on her metabolism, and her lean-lined figure was a memory of her past youthfulness.

Now that I was working, and now that we were stuck inside with each other for all waking moments, the only thing left to do was eat, fuck, and watch movies. Allie and I had worked through all the superhero films of the past decade, and binged 90s sitcoms like we were being paid to do it. Snacks accompanied every venture. I was no innocent bystander to the gluttony, softening myself up a meagre 17lbs. But I just looked lived in, I wasn’t worried. Not yet.

I had finished the appetite enhancers months ago, but I didn’t need them anymore. We were in a strict routine of breakfast, lunch, post-school/work snack, dinner, dessert, nighttime nibble. Allie’s jaw had lost that cutting edge it once had. She looked tired a lot more. But she was finally growing into the girlfriend I had always dreamed of.

This year, there wasn’t much available to us to do for my birthday. We decided just to day drink and to let me feed Allie to my heart’s content.

“Honestly Adam, I don’t see how your birthday is going to be much different than our regular fare this year.” Allie said, placing a hand on her tummy and giving it a slight shake for emphasis.

That made me smile.

That morning, I felt Allie’s soft body in my hands. She had definitely grown, but she still had lots of room left. Her panties were digging into her sides with vigour. She had basically stopped wearing her bras for comfort – and to avoid the angry underwire.

When she awoke, I climbed on top of her and slipped her wrists up around the bedpost. She smiled and opened her mouth, lolling her tongue out for my cock. Instead, I cracked open the value pack of brownies and dropped them in, one by one, while I fucked her.

She ate the whole thing.

We drank an entire bottle of wine before noon.

She also ate the entire family-sized lasagna I made for lunch.

She blew me under the table during my afternoon teams meeting.

The ice cream cake we ordered for our after-schoo/work snack – I barely touched it.

Gin and tonic(s) for aperitif.

Bag of Doritos before dinner.

An entire Chinese take-away (meant for six) for dinner. And a six pack of beer.

Finally, once again, a weight gain shake before bed. But this time, Allie drank it without help. She sucked all the creamy goodness from that blender without hesitation. I beat off to it as I watched her.

Zoning out over Breaking Bad, Allie stood up suddenly. I watched her belly wobble slightly and her small, cellulite speckled ass shift. “Do you want me to get my volleyball stuff again?”

I looked at her. God, look at the sight of her. She was bloated and plush and … shapeless. Allie was actually getting chubby. My crotch said yes to the outfit, but my brain said no. No, it was better to wait, I thought, see how it fits next year.

“I’d rather just keep looking at this.” I grabbed her pooch and pulled her close, kissing the rolls between my fingers. I ate her out right there in front of me.

At 11:59pm, she asked if I wanted to order a pizza. We got one each, and I ate until my stomach hurt. Allie couldn’t get through hers, but smiled saying we have “lunch” for the week.

When I woke up the next day, both mine and her boxes were empty. She was in the shower, humming sweetly.

As an early birthday present for next year, I ordered another box of appetite enhancers.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Randomuserna... 1 year
I have a feeling who this story is really about
Randomuserna... 1 year
I have a feeling who this story is really about
Zephyr 1 year
love the story! keep it up!
Monthofdays 1 year
Just amazing! I love it!
Fluffylove 1 year
Love it,please keep it going
Fanedfox 1 year
Great story, wonderful characters!
Monday Io 1 year
Love it just wondering if there will be more
Theswordsman 1 year
Love this one