The mind of a fatboy

Chapter 3 - Breakfast

Everything was great.

No, really!

It was hard for Reese to accurately describe how the past four weeks felt, and though "great" was the only operative descriptor in mind, that just didn't hold a candle to just how positively perfect things had been.

Enzo was more than an amazing roommate. In quick time, he had become a great friend to Reese, the two taking turns picking each others' brains and sharing laughs at every chance they got. Reese wanted to know everything about him, and the feeling was mutual.

"Buddy, you haven't even heard half of my world-famous philosophy," the bigger of the roommates declared, shoveling half a waffle into his vigorous maw. "Then again, you already seem to be a pretty happy guy. Doubt you'd need it."

Such a sucker, Reese's jaw dropped a little in protest, absentmindedly revealing the half-chewed food on his tongue. He'd been subconsciously eating at a near-identical pace to Enzo. Gazing into those soft, inviting eyes, it was hard to keep a clear thought.

"Tell me anyway," Reese shot back, guzzling a tall glass of orange juice, the sugary flavor sliding down his throat so deliciously.

"Hang on a sec," the blonde replied, slathering a heap of butter onto a piece of toast. Without a thought, Reese followed suit, then took a large bite as he waited for Enzo's answer.

Besides the noises of eating, the sound of heavy breathing between chews filled the air.

"So, for starters, dude, you seem the type of guy who thinks way, way too much."

Reese nodded. It was the truth. There was no fighting it.

"You can just be happy for the hell of it. Have a bad day? No you're not, you're doing awesome!" Another slice of toast went in to each of their mouths. It was like they were a mirror, only one looked clearly used to eating this big.

"You really think it's that easy?" Reese cocked his brown incredulously. He had to lean back a bit, dropping a hand to soothe his bloated gut while Enzo's eyes followed.

"It really works. Power of suggestion, little man."

Reese laughed skeptically, though it made some amount of sense. "Yeah, I guess I was in a pretty low place at the start of summer. But life's been just... nice these days."

There was a moment to be seized, and Enzo took it as soon as Reese's mouth shut to chew another waffle. "Honestly, I'm really digging having you as a roommate. It's been nice to let loose with someone who gets it."

Let loose...

Let loose?

Without a thought, Reese undid his belt.

His eyes were a little glazed over, the gears in his head slowly grinding to a halt. Before he could muster an equally cheery reply, Enzo continued, his voice dropping so low, it was barely audible over the clinking of forks against their plates.

"Feels like we're best friends now," went on Enzo.

Best friend... it's been how long?

Reese's brows furrowed, an even deeper daze crossing over his face. But, before long, a grand smile found its way on. "Yeah! It's gonna suck when school starts. We won't be able to hang at home at much anymore."

Enzo's brows creased. His roommate was right; school was just couple months away, and it was already enough work getting Reese to quit his part-time job once and for all. It was just too stressful.

Enzo had been busy perfecting his hypnotist routine the past month. The hardest convincing was definitely getting Reese to take a break from the gym for "mental health". And to spend more time chilling and eating out with his brand new buddy.

"Heh, looks like someone's full!" Enzo quipped, reaching to give a firm pat to his roommate's normally nonexistent belly. Reese let out a low groan, instinctively resting two hands on his distended gut, grasping it softly, experience the slight curve that hard formed over the course of his giant breakfast. Never had such an extended, intense lack of comfort been so pleasurable. Shockwaves of bliss shot up Reese's veins as he rubbed his bloated tummy, taking in the newly-pleasurable sensation of being utterly stuffed. It was crude and very unflattering in the best way possible.

Enzo pointed to Reese's pants, a newfound sense of satisfaction forming at the sight of his still-buttoned pants. Even after undoing his belt, it seemed the waist size on Reese's pants hadn't left room for such a huge stuffing.

"That looks like it hurt," Enzo said.

Reese looked up with strained eyes, nodding, fighting the urge to let out a pitiful whimper. He feeling everything so... strongly. The beginnings of tears brimmed on his eyes.

The room fell silent, only for a moment. Then, gradually lowering his hand to his waistline, Reese unbuttoned his pants, his overstuffed belly surging forward, taking up a little more space. He looked back down, staring thoughtfully at the rock-solid ball resting in his lap. It felt alien, but undeniably familiar.

If memory served correct, they had been doing this for the past... month. But how had he forgotten? Every time this bloated moment occurred, it felt like the first. But not quite this time.

Enzo, staring back pensively, could plainly see this realization on Reese's face.

He rubbed little circles around his belly button, brushing the downward trail of fur that he had neglected to shave for reasons, honestly, unknown. He then made bigger circles, pressing into the parts of his stomach that gave to his fingers the most. Breathing like he usually did after a workout, the pressure on his stomach made him start to moan.

It was hard to squeeze his gut with how full it was but he tried, grabbing a small pinch of his own freshly-formed fat. Though he'd only been without the gym for a week or two, it felt like ages. How did he ever manage to do that five to six days a week? Right then, all Reese wanted to lift was a big bottle of soda to his mouth, even despite the fullness.

An onlooker's guess would have been that Reese had swallowed a small melon. It was beautiful, a work of art in the starry eyes of Enzo. A fond smile stretched to the ends of his fuzzy cheeks, which he, too, had been lax about shaving in the past month.

"It's so... round," Reese mused with a chuckle, his whisper of a tone a dreamy far cry from his normally pointed, clear-as-a-bell speaking voice.

Enzo couldn't keep his eyes off of the thing, only looking up seconds after Reese finally did. "It looks perfect on you." The wideset man stood up out of his seat and sauntered to the other man, the weight of his equally-huge breakfast apparent in the heaviness of his steps. Reese's cock was pulsating, each of Enzo's steps eliciting a more intense throb than the last. His draw dropped and he exhaled a deep breath.

At last, a big hand placed itself on Reese's belly. He couldn't help the moan that erupted from the touch, and the gasp that followed as a result of Enzo's hard squeeze. "Fuuuckkk..." He seemed huge standing over Reese, who was slumped over helplessly. "I'm so fucking—BRAAAAUUUP!"


Ther e wasn't so much as a single movement following Reese's echoic, resounding burp. Enzo's face was nothing but a casual smirk, though it soon faded as a look of horror passed over Reese's face. He blinked a few times, his doll-like eyelashes fanning away the mental fog that had claimed him.

"Fuck, fuck, I... I'm sorry," he stammered, pushing himself out of his seat with a groan. It was just as painful as before, except the pleasure of the past moment had dissipated. Now it just hurt, and he was embarrassed, and...

"I have to... to go out today!" he cried, cheeks hot with shame. "I... uh... I need to get ready!"

With that, the ball-bellied boy dashed off to his bedroom, sticky syrup stained on his t-shirt, his belly, and his quivering fingertips.

How could he be such a goddamn pig!

Enzo could surely hear the crash of Reese's body onto his bed from the other room, and the sound of his weight's impact evoked two very distinct responses between the young men.

At the dining room table, Enzo gave a sigh.

He wasn't ready.

Enzo's footsteps echoed outside Reese's door, growing louder until it was capped off with a firm knock on the door.

"H-hang on, I just... I need a minute!" Reese called out, curled up clutching his stomach. "Getting ready!"

Heaving another sigh, Enzo spoke quietly. His deep voice phased through the door effortlessly, near-silent but just enough for the other to pick it up.

"Go to sleep."

Immediately, Reese's vision faded to black.
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