The Gift That Keeps on Gaining

Chapter 1

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November 24th-Thanksgiving

I was in a bit of a daze when Nick and I left his parents’ Thanksgiving dinner. I fully remember us thanking them for the good food, and how we couldn’t wait to see them again. But it was almost like I was a machine, saying and doing what I hoped would get me to the car faster. My mind was only focused on my painfully full belly and my desire to exhale for real.

As soon as I sat in the frigid sedan, I popped open the button of my jeans and like a tin of pillsbury cinnamon rolls my belly surged free of its restraints. “Oooof, freedom at last…”

“I told you my mom can cook.”, Nick chuckled, turning the keys in the ignition and drove the car out of the driveway.

“I see where you get it from. God those mashed potatoes were so creamy”

“My favorite was the stuffing.”

“Oh I’m sure it was.”

“Hehe, caught me staring did you?”

“You weren’t exactly discrete about it, perv”

“Well what can I say, it’s my favorite holiday, especially when I get to see you cut loose for a change.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just don’t get used to it. *Burp* After tonight, it’s the treadmill for me.”

“Mmmmh, I actually wanted to talk to you about that…” Almost as soon as I saw Nick turn on the blinker of the car I felt the momentum shift as we made a quick turn into a nearby parking lot in the neighborhood park. Confused, I looked towards him and was met with his nervous smile.



“No, this was a one time thing. Don’t make me explain why.”

Nick paused, considering his next words carefully, “It’s just that tonight was so much fun. You seemed to really be enjoying yourself for a change.”

“Have I not been enjoying myself before now?”

“No, but there is this…restraint you’ve had for a while now. Like, sometimes you’ll skip lunch because you ate a big breakfast and you’ll be pissed off for the rest of the day. Or we’ll be out with friends and you won’t have dessert, even if everyone else does. Today was the first day in a long time that you actually cut loose.”

Nick and I had been going out for over a year now. I’d always been on the chubby side, and when we first met at a checkout line I was at my highest weight of 220 pounds. At first I thought him giving me his number was a joke I just didn’t get. But after our first, second, and finally third date it finally clicked for me. This guy actually preferred big girls. And not just that, he loved the idea of making them bigger.

We really hit it off after that and I began to relax, a bit too much. It wasn’t long before my once steady weight began to ramp up. The dinner dates, snacking, and encouragement from Nick all blew me up like a parade float over the course of several months. By the time Thanksgiving rolled around I’d blimped up to 280 pounds, and walked into my family’s dinner to stares and whispers. My mom even took me aside and asked me if I was pregnant!

After that experience, Nick and I had a serious talk where I told him I wanted to get in shape, and that I needed him to not encourage my gluttonous behavior or try to tempt me. For the past year he cut any mention of feederism from our relationship. I still teased him every now and then, or ate a treat while we were making love. But I took my diet seriously and managed to get down to, and maintain 250 for the past year. Tonight had just been a lapse in judgment, nothing more.

“*Sigh* Nick, I am fat! Even when I’ve starved myself and workout religiously I’m still not able to get back to under 250. I’m not sure if I f’d up my metabolism or something, but I just know that if I just quit dieting I’d be enormous! I know you want that, but I don’t.”

“I’m not asking you to quit entirely, or to gain weight for me. I just think it’d be good for you to…put it on hold. Just for a little bit. ”

I considered this for a moment. To his credit, Nick HAD held true to his promise so far. He may be a feeder, but he definitely had enough restraint to not fatten me behind my back. He’d even helped me hold strong by quietly disposing of any excess sweets that may come inside the house, or going to my morning workouts to motivate me. Maybe it was because of my food addled brain, but I was willing to hear him out. “How long is a little bit?”

He seemed to mull over the question in his brain, making a bit of a show of it, “Mmmh, until Christmas”

“Hell no”

“It’s the holidays! You’re going to have a hard time keeping to your diet anyway. Remember last year? It was like you were dying of dehydration with a glass of water at your fingertips.”

Flashbacks to crying fits and emotional turmoil passed through my mind as I remembered how stressful last year’s christmas had been. I shook my head slightly to scatter the bad memories. “All the more reason WHY I need to watch what I eat right now.”

“Oh come-on”, Nick said playfully. It was then that he pulled out his trump card. My exposed belly suddenly felt Nick’s warm, groping fingers begin to massage it. The discomfort turned to pleasure as I let a little moan escape my lips. It had been a while since I got one of his specialty belly rubs after a big meal, mostly because I hadn’t been this full in ages. It felt like when we’d first started going out, when we’d sit in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant. The remains of my binge tossed in the back seat as I was rewarded for my gluttony. I forgot how much I missed it.

“Mmmh, No fair”

“I promise to give belly rubs too. EVERY day. A Christmas gift for you and me”

His idea was starting to seem more and more reasonable as he stacked more and more benefits on the table. This sounded more like an offer to pamper me than to satisfy Nick’s desires, although it was almost certainly an ulterior motive. Nick was right when he’d said I’d been pushing myself a lot this past year. I’d declined good food, snapped at those around me, and worried about every single pound I’d lost or gained constantly. I’d been good so didn’t I deserve to relax, just a little bit? “F-fine”

“Is that a yes?”

“…just until Christmas. Then you’re helping me with my diet again.”

“Deal”. It was all he could do to suppress a big grin creeping on his face, as he continued to rub not just my belly, but a bit lower than that. I felt like pudding in his hands as waves of pleasure washed over me. Before I knew it I drifted off to sleep into my food coma.

‘Mmmmh pudding sounds nice’
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Degek2001 1 year
Great story. Can't wait to
ZAGuy 1 year
What a wonderful story. The characters feel believable. There are so few stories where the female weight gain happens naturally while still balancing the attraction from the male partner.
Maneki Neko 1 year
Excellent! Go on, please
Fluffylove 1 year
Love it please keep it going! Could use more descriptions of her shape and ever growing form.
VanillaFeeder 1 year
Coming up in the next chapter smiley
VanillaFeeder 1 year
Joey95 1 year
excellent story, please continue.
Just out of curiosity who is the person on the cover photo?
VanillaFeeder 1 year
Not sure, I found it floating on the web a while ago to use as a reference
Bbman30 1 year
I’m excited to see where this goes
VanillaFeeder 1 year
It’s gonna get spicy 🌶️
Nikola090 1 year
Can't wait update!
VanillaFeeder 1 year
Thanks! I’m going to have more physical descriptions in the next chapter, but I imagine her as 5’ 6” with a pear shaped figure