The christmas miracle

Chapter 2

Opening her eyes, Nicole’s hand somehow felt lighter. Opening it up, to her amazement the stone she was clutching was now gone.

“What the heck just happened?” Nicole mused to herself figuring her imagination must have gotten the better of her.

Throwing the remnants of her mysterious package in the trash, Nicole heard footsteps approaching.

Entering the kitchen, Nicole got a look of Renee’s attire for the party. Thin and fabulous as ever, Renee had clothed herself in an incredibly skimpy Mrs. Claus outfit. Delicate red mesh stockings, a tight body contouring red dress with immaculate holiday embroideries and fluffy white lacing, high-heeled boots, a little black belt, Santa hat, and cleavage galore. To say Nicole felt jealous of her sister’s impressive physique would be an understatement.

Ignoring her sister’s gaze, Renee observed the remaining package on the counter and wondered, “What’s that?”

“A gift from Santa I think?” Nicole replied absentmindedly.

“Gimmie!” Renee burst smiling devilishly. In an instant she tore it open and marveled in the cute little box she’d received. Hoping it was jewelry, she squeaked excitedly, “Cute.”

“Yeah, isn’t it?” Nicole agreed noticing that Renee hadn’t paid a second thought to the little letter that fell out from the box.

Opening her gift without a second of hesitation more, Renee seemed shocked by what she’d just received.

“Coal!? HA HA, very funny Nicole!” Renee venomously grumbled, while chucking it in the trash and focusing her mind on getting to the party, “Now are you going to change out of that ridiculous outfit so we can go?”

“Hmhm, just give me a minute.” Nicole smiled to herself exceptionally happy that Renee had made the naughty list this year.

‘Perhaps Santa is real after all…’ Nicole mused, subsequently deciding to swap out her strained onesie for an ugly sweater and some black yoga pants.

After Renee downed a few shots of vodka to ‘get her buzz on’ while Nicole was changing, the duo spent nearly half an hour driving through traffic across town, the sisters finally found a parking garage two blocks away from the bar her office had rented out for their holiday party. After parking, the sisters walked down the sidewalk of the relatively busy neighborhood chit-chatting about their soon-to-be night out on the town when suddenly Nicole heard a strange noise emanating from Renee’s stomach.

It was unquestionably a noisy rumbling tummy.

“You feeling okay?” Nicole wondered. Renee had certainly overdone it with the shots back at the apartment and was already drunk.

“Can we… can we stop at Shake Shake?? I’m starvingggg…” Renee slurred her request. The skinny mini could never handle her liquor well.

“Shake Shake?” Nicole repeated not understanding what her sister meant.

A little impatient, Renee pointed across the street and grunted, “Shake Shack! Right there!”

“Okay, okay, let’s grab a bite before the party.” Nicole conceded, while her own greed gut swayed her opinion. She’d had some leftover pasta for dinner, but nothing too substantial.

Entering the establishment, the sisters waited in line. Nicole was patient, as usual, but Renee seemed unusually testy. For the liquored-up wannabe trophy wife, she was experiencing a hunger like she’d never felt before. Her newfound lust for food was apparent in her order:

“I’ll have a… bacon cheeseburgerrrr, AND a shack stack… aaaaand for sidessss I’ll have the Bacon cheese friessss and the chicken bites with barbeque sauce. To drink… get me a large coke and chocolate milk shake.” Renee slowly finished what she was saying only to seem somewhat unsatisfied with her order, “And what the heck, get me a grilled cheese too. It’s the holidays.”

“Are you kidding me? Eyes bigger than your stomach much?? You will never eat all that.” Nicole doubted her skinny younger sister. The fitness princess had ordered enough food for a woman three times her size.

“Will too!” Renee protested immaturely by sticking out her tongue toward her sister.

“Fine, I’ll eat whatever you don’t finish.” Nicole sighed, as she handed her money over to the cashier, so accustomed to paying for her younger sister that she didn’t even think twice about it.

“Then prepare to be hungryyy the rest of the night.” Renee vowed with a determined look in her drunkenly glazed over eyes.

A few minutes later, with food finally in front of them. Renee started to eat, and it looked to Nicole like the poor girl hadn’t eaten in days. Starting with the shack stack, the cheeseburger topped with a shroom burger, lettuce, tomato, a heaping load of shack sauce and ketchup didn’t stand a chance.

Nicole was shocked into silence. She had never, ever, ever, seen Renee make a display of eating so gluttonously. It was like her sister had been replaced by a starving pig!

Zoning out in the face of her sister’s insatiable display, it was impossible for Nicole to determine the last time Renee had taken a breath. The scantily clad party girl actually seemed to inhale bite after bite of her food. It was like she didn’t need oxygen…

Once nothing was left of her first burger, Renee used a napkin to clean her face before swiftly turned her attention to her bacon cheeseburger. This one lasted even less time than the first. Whatever hunger had taken possession of her sister, it didn’t seem like anything she forced into her mouth and down her throat was enough to quell it.

That’s when Nicole stopped looking at what Renee was eating and started looking at her sisters’ body, the body she had been so envious of for the last two years. For some reason, looking at her stuff her face, Nicole wasn’t feeling quite so jealous.

Then, a stray thought crossed her mind, “Does Renee look, bigger… than usual?”

Maybe Renee was just sitting at a bad angle, or had she put on a few pounds this holiday season that Nicole just hadn’t noticed until now? It was her stomach. Every time Renee lustfully breathed in another mouthful of food, her trim tummy seemed to press more tightly against the constraint of her tight red dress. The little black belt she was wearing looked like it was holding on for dear life. In fact, blinking a couple times, Nicole realized with certainty that her sister’s tummy didn’t look quite so trim anymore.

‘When did Renee sprout a soft little pot-belly?’ Nicole thought to herself in silence, as Renee finished her burger and moved onto her chicken bites.

Ravenously dunking one chicken bite after another into the pile of barbeque sauce on her plate and then popping them into her mouth, it looked to Nicole like Renee’s outfit was actually shrinking! ‘Wait, not shrinking… Renee… Renee is growing?? Growing fatter!?’

Nicole was at a loss for words to describe what she was seeing. With each subsequent bite of fast food, Renee’s formerly toned frame softened and filled out just a little bit. A pinch of pudgy there, and inch of fat there… It was like each bite of food caused her to put on an additional five pounds! Before her very eyes, her sister had changed from a flawlessly thin beauty into a pudgy pot-bellied one!

But this miraculous change wasn’t stopping. If anything, the change was accelerating! As Renee continued to eat like a woman three times her size, her body was filling out more and more! Her dress rode higher and gradually began to tighten against the thickening of her hips and thighs. Her belt seemed to tighten as each gluttonous piece of fast food graced her lips.

‘She’s almost as tubby as me…’ Nicole thought to herself feeling a strong sense of joy overcoming her. Her sister always teased her for being fat, and now it looked like Renee was going to be the fat sister!

With the chicken bites completed, Renee started filling her greedy mouth with bacon cheese fries. Another bite, another inch of new fleshy mass seemed to find its way onto Renee’s thickening frame. Renee didn’t seem to notice the changes her body was going through, but Nicole couldn’t ignore it now.

‘This is my Christmas wish come true…’ Nicole finally realized with a sense of excitement, as she watched Renee seem to slowly rise up in her seat, while she remained seated. Looking down in curiosity, Nicole realized that as Renee greedily stuffed bacon cheese fries into her mouth, her once pert butt was furiously expanding into two big orbs of thick fat.

Two minutes later, upon completion of Renee’s grilled cheese and large coke, the chunky Mrs. Claus now looked like she really filled the part. Her hips softened, widened, and flared out. Most of the fat Renee was magically gaining collected around her now bulbous torso and massive lower body, but her breasts were now ballooning as well. Her fat body had inflated, but she wasn’t done growing yet. She’d gone from looking like a girl who never skipped cardio day to looking like a girl who never skipped dessert!

The greasy fast-food finally seemed to be slowing Renee down, as her newly pudgy arm struggled to bring her chocolate milkshake to her lips. With alcohol fogging her mind or perhaps some form of Christmas magic, Renee appeared so addicted to food and so unaware of what was happening with her body, that once she got her thicker lips around her straw, she began gulping her shake into the recesses of her rapidly expanding body without any hesitation.

She was fatter than Nicole now, by a lot. Each gulp of that shake seemed to stick 10 extra pounds of fat to Renee’s bulbous body. This remarkable transformation was surely some kind of Christmas miracle, but in all honesty the real miracle was that Renee’s dress, now stretched to the limit, hadn’t ripped into shreds yet. Either the dress had always been extremely elastic and stretchy or whatever magic was at work here was doing its darndest to protect Renee from an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction.

Her massive meal finally finished, Renee leaned back into her chair and let out a powerful belch. It appeared to Nicole’s eyes that Renee’s body slowly stopped growing, fattening, expanding, and softening. Renee was now quite obese…

“*BBBuuuurrrppp!!! What’s wrong?” Renee asked innocently, as she mistook her sister’s astonished expression for one of concern.

“Do you feel okay?” Nicole asked completely stunned her sister remained unaware of her fat-filled transformation. Needing to see if what she’d just witnessed had all been in her imagination, Nicole reached across the table and punctuated her question with a curious poke to Renee’s colossal sized protruding belly.

‘It’s real…’ Nicole discovered. There was no question, Renee’s entire body was now covered in an ultra-thick layer of soft, fleshy, fat! Renee had to weigh somewhere north of 350-pounds!!

“Never better. Now, let’s blow this popsicle stand. It’s time to party!!” Renee smiled, as she struggled to her feet, and turned around to head to the exit.

Nicole’s eyes widened as they saw Renee’s new awe-inspiring posterior sway back and forth while she waddled away. Feeling empowered for the first time in a long time, Nicole thought, ‘This night is going to be one to remember!’

Alcohol, eggnog, Christmas cookies, Christmas music, and a crowed bar welcomed the two sisters’ when they finally arrived at the party. To start things off, Renee wobbled her obese booty over to the dance floor, and Nicole found her place beside the snack table. She wanted to keep her sister in her sight at all times, and it probably wasn’t going to be difficult considering that Renee was the fattest girl at the party by far.

At first, while Nicole snacked and people watched her massive sister dance, she received questions from coworkers regarding the identity of her blubbery guest. Their reactions, when Nicole informed them that she was her sister, were worth the price of admission. For example, her manager had this to say when she gave him the news:

“Your sister was hot last year, what happened? Did she get ill or have an injury?” The drunken man desperately wondered.

“Yeah she fell into the buffet…” Nicole joked at her sister’s expense, “Now she can’t put the pin back in that fat grenade!”

It was nice to tease Renee for being fat, even if she wasn’t within earshot to hear it. For Nicole, she was letting out a lot of pent-up irritation with her sister with these snide comments.

As the night went on, the astonishment surrounding Renee’s size seemed to die down among her coworkers. Fat people were common in society and now Renee was just another pretty girl who’d really let herself go.

Part of Nicole feared that Renee might wise up to what happened with her formerly flawless body, but as Renee feasted on wine and cheese, it was clear that her blissful unawareness wasn’t going anywhere. The only time Nicole was scared that Renee might catch on to her fate was when her bubbly and drunk younger sister literally bumped her big belly into one of their mutual friends, Cindy. The conversation she overheard when like this:

“It’s sooooo nice to see you! I haven’t seen you in sooooo long!” Renee burst, as her fat body jiggled with excitement.

“You look… good.” Cindy hesitated, while she appeared to struggle to recognize Renee.

“Thanksss! Sooo do you!” Renee giggled, as she lavished her friend with a big squishy hug.

“Okay…” Cindy squeaked, while Renee crushed her with some drunken affection, “It looks like you’ve ballooned a little bit, no offence, as a friend, it looks like you’ve gained quite a bit of weight…”

“What are you talking about?” Renee curiously questioned, as she let Cindy breathe and let her go.

“You’re a blubbery mess! You shouldn’t have all this fat on you!” Cindy pointed out with a gently slap to Renee’s thick and squishy love handles.

“Ptth! You’re just jealous!” Renee concluded unable to even imagine that she might not be looking as perky and perfect as usual.

“I’m not jealous! You are humongous girl! What have you been eating? You used to have a flat tummy!” Cindy complained unable to fathom Renee’s level of denial with her obvious obesity.

“I eat what I want! And right now, I want some Christmas cookies so bye-bye!” Renee burst ending the conversation and waddling over to the snack table.

Nicole never wanted this night to end.

But of course, like all nights, eventually it did have to end. The sisters both had a great time, but eventually they decided to call a cab. Nicole had drunk a bit too much and she knew it was better just to pick up the car sometime tomorrow. Thoroughly stuffed and exhausted from the party, both sisters fell asleep the moment their heads hit their pillows…
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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