Vicious cycle


Chapter 2 - Descending

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With her willpower dwindling and her boyfriend seemingly approving of her new physique, April’s personality began to shift to match her new lifestyle. She no longer considered the healthier options on the dinner menu and began opting for whatever seemed most delicious. Late night snack binges became a frequent occurrence. Her lifestyle was becoming obscenely hedonistic, and the constant overeating was pushing the limits of her stomach beyond more than double its previous capacity.

Steve watched with anticipation as his girlfriend’s metabolism and healthy eating habits came crumbling down, and the two’s sex life hit overdrive as April’s athletic shape transformed into a blubbery ball of excess flesh.

Crossing the 250-pound threshold, April’s body underwent significant changes as it fell deeper into obesity. Her thin facial structure became buried under a soft layer of pudge, her head becoming spherical as her chin doubled and her cheeks ballooned into chubby jowls. April’s enlarged G cup breasts lost any semblance of youth, dangling towards the earth as they caved to gravity’s pull. The potbelly she had slowly grown while approaching 200 pounds had quickly tripled in size. The gigantic and gelatinous sack had grown so large that it had begun to obscure the woman’s fattened upper pubic area, making it more difficult for her to masturbate by herself.

April’s lower half wasn’t spared either. Walking had gone from a mindless task to a tiresome workout. With her two tree-trunk thighs fighting for space, April’s modest gait had devolved into a bumbling waddle. Two pearly white bean bags adorned themselves near her waist, their plush flesh providing a comfy seat no matter where the newly-established fatty decided to sit.

Having seen enough of April’s rapid and unprecedented weight gain, the woman’s friends and family attempted to stage an intervention to set her straight, but Steve caught wind of their plan and surprised April with a last-minute trip to Paris. There, standing on a balcony overlooking the beautiful Parisian night sky, Steve proposed with one of the largest diamonds April had ever seen, and the 264-pound woman cried tears of joy as she frantically nodded yes. When they made love only a few moments later, Steve emptied himself deep inside of his fiancé as he cradled the bulbous sack of stomach flesh he had helped cultivate. April cooed as her hands clasped his, her mind no longer worried about what had become of her physical shape. She had everything she could ever want, and a few extra pounds were a small sacrifice for that kind of happiness.

The two eloped shortly after they landed back in the states, and April found out she was pregnant a month later. Any hope her friends and family had of halting Aprils descent ended quickly, with even her parents coming around to the idea of having an obese daughter so long as she was happy.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Caramelkarma 1 year
Sooo hot they're both living the dream lol. Love the descriptions of all that fat
LovesBigTummy 1 year
Very erotic. Thank you for writing it
Towel 1 year
Cheers1758 1 year
So glad you’re back!
SpideyFlash8 1 year