Belly for babies

Chapter 3 - Are you trying to fatten her up?

Thanksgiving. I understand why we do this at home, but I'm not so sure I want our family to see me like this if I'm not with child. Mikhail couldn’t hide his excitement all day as we got ready and drove to his parents’ house, talking about how much he’s going to enjoy feasting. I’ve only really been here a couple times, and last time I was a few pounds smaller for sure. I give myself a pep talk, reassuring myself that I haven’t gained an excessive amount of weight and it won’t be that bad. I smooth out my maroon stretchy dress, feeling the soft fat on my stomach beneath the shaper shorts in an attempt to hide.

We greet everyone and catch up, thankfully only some questions about when we want to have kids which didn’t feel like they were asking after looking at my stomach. When it’s time for dinner, Mikhail grabs me by the hand and leads to the table. Mikhai doesn’t require me to, but I make him a plate piled high with turkey, stuffing, casseroles, rolls. Once I place the plate down, he makes me a plate that nearly matches his. He puts his food away quickly as usual. I like to joke that my 6’5” 240 pound husband eats so much because he’s a “growing boy” as I call him. I’m only about halfway through my plate and growing uncomfortably full when Mikhail is finishing his mashed potatoes and stretches back, putting his muscular arms and full belly on display through his fitted shirt. Mikhail is a large man, not chubby, not chiseled, but slightly thickly muscular is the best way I’d describe him. He works out regularly but he’s not a bodybuilder and enjoys some food.

He says to his brother that he’s working on his dad bod. I laugh and try to stifle burps to make more room. Mikhail wouldn’t make me uncomfortable in front of his family, but I know he’d say I didn’t like his mom’s cooking or something to guilt me into finishing. He continues talking to his family and nuzzles one hand under the table between my full stomach and my thigh, which I knew was his way of feeling me grow and gauge when I’m full by his standards. I eat until my plate is nearly cleared, my shaper shorts stretched to their capacity, cutting into my upper belly, thankfully keeping my fullness rounded and supported. I lean back and sigh heavily, feeling his hand move in an attempt to jiggle me. When I don’t burp and he feels only firmness, he shows satisfaction with my attempt with a smirk.

“Hopefully this time next year we’ll either be parents or this food baby will be 4 times as big with a real baby,” MIkhail smiles, patting my stomach.

I turn a little red in embarrassment since he said that out loud to where his brother, sister, and aunt still at the table can hear him.

“Well, he’s probably right about 4 times as big, Annie,” his aunt says kindly. “This family is tall and has large babies, so you being so small will make for a big belly for sure. You’re going to be cute parents.”

“True,” his brother added. “Mom said I was almost 10 pounds and you were over 10, right?”

“Hey mom!” Mikhail hollers into the kitchen. “How much did I weigh when I was born?”

The taller than average chubby woman comes around the corner drying her hands with a dish towel. “Let’s see… You were 10.5 pounds if I remember.” My face grows warmer and redder as I realize this information. “Oh, dear, you’ll be fine,” she assures. “You might even have a baby that big since your genes are smaller. You’ll look so cute with a baby in your belly.”

A few hours go by before dessert is served which I’m thankful for. This gives me some time to digest and make room for a slice of pie, but Mikhail instead brings me 3 slices. I puff out my cheeks and glare at him.

“Are you trying to fatten her up?” his sister chimes in with a laugh, giving me a wink saying she was on my side.

“Yes, actually,” Mikhail says point blank. His sister’s smile slowly fades to confusion. “We’re trying this stuffing method where she makes herself look pregnant in order to prepare her body for being pregnant.”

“I’ve heard about this somewhere,” his sister says in thought. “I don’t know how well it actually works, though.”

“It worked for a friend of ours. Pretty quickly, too. So we’re giving it a go. So far Annie has been doing amazing and never looked better than she does with a full belly.”

I can’t control the redness in my face now, tugging on my dress to try and hide my stomach. I’m a little turned on by the attention, but also embarrassed. I’ve never felt this big in my life. Mikhail hands me the plate with a smile. “For our future babies.”

I eat slowly but finish what was given to me. I can’t move and my shaper shorts are painful. I don’t want to lower them and have my stomach fat spilling out everywhere. At least with them on I look more like I’m pregnant. Now that Mikhail shared that with his family, they had some questions and Mikhail could openly rub my stomach. I needed relief. Part way through there was a question for me.

“How much did your friend gain before she got pregnant?” his sister asked.

“Oh, um, 20 pounds I think it was. Now she’s about 6 months pregnant.”

“So I guess it really worked at least for one person. I was reading that it's hit and miss and depends on a woman’s genetic predisposition to weight gain and fertility, too.”

“Well,” I add, “I’m quite predispositioned to gaining weight. My parents are both a bit bigger. I had to work hard to keep the weight off for years so it feels weird to me trying to actively gain weight. I was hoping 20 pounds is all I need but I guess we’ll find out soon.”

“You look amazing,” his sister says. “You look adorable right now. I can’t wait to be an aunt again. I don’t get to see my nieces and nephews often. Our 2 older sisters don’t really talk to us much. And I’m not having kids anytime soon. So that pretty much leaves Mikhail and you to repopulate.”

I start to wonder how I would look 9 months pregnant with a big huge belly. Will it be firm like after a stuffing? Or will I gain so much it’s perpetually fatty and soft? When we got home we made love again. Post-stuffings seems to be Mikhail’s favorite time as he gives my belly so much attention. With my other assets expanding, it’s hard for him not to grab my chest and butt, jiggling them and massaging them. Maybe tonight will be the time.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 11 months
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Tanatos 1 year
Promising continuation. It will be interesting to see how things will develop further.
Tanatos 1 year
forward to continuing
RedMama09 1 year
thank you so much!
Escape60 1 year
I really enjoyed reading this, a solid story that I'm looking forward to continuing 😉
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!