Belly for babies

Chapter 7 - You’re beautifully rounding out

“Would you look at that,” the doctor quizzically says at our February 27th appointment. She is using a traditional ultrasound machine on my big pale expanding belly now that I’m further along. I crane my neck from my reclined position to try and see the screen. “You’re carrying triplets, Miss O.” She emphasizes the proof on the computer screen. “3 healthy 10 week old babies with heartbeats. Your torso is short so you’re growing outwards more quickly than someone with more height. Knowing that might help with your concerns regarding your belly size. Early ultrasounds aren’t always accurate with multiples, but now we can clearly make out 3. Congratulations.”

Mikhail is gripping my hand tightly, staring at the screen. He appears to be in more shock than last time. I had prepared myself for the possibility we could be leaving the appointment with no babies and I’m really just getting fatter, or there could be extra in there. I’ve spent alot of time online comparing bump sizes and photos recently, so I feel confident comparing myself to looking 4-5 months along with a single baby, my belly sticking out almost past my overflowing DD breasts this week. The scale read 156, which the doctor didn’t say anything about so it must be on track. She explains I’m even more of a high risk now but will still have frequent appointments and will need to deliver them via c-section. She said to plan to be put on bedrest very soon to lower my risk of complications.

Sitting in the car, I cradle my stomach that is already getting in the way of seatbelts. It’s growing so quickly I don’t have time to adjust. I open a pregnancy tracker app on my phone and update it with my new information given. Each baby is the size of a prune apparently. I text Sarah the news as well, now that she’s had some time to rest after having her baby 4 weeks ago. As I'm sitting, I notice my medium maternity pants are tight around the waistband and my regular t-shirt is noticeably stretched in vain. I haven’t even eaten this morning and my clothes are already uncomfortable. Mikhail takes me shopping to buy some new clothes. We go to a local maternity store, not knowing what we’re really doing since our situation is a little unique, and we are greeted by a heavyset middle-aged woman as we browse.

“Welcome, and congrats,” the lady says, looking down at my new focal point where my hands rest. “When are you due, dear?”

“Um, August. I’m having triplets.” The words feel weird leaving my mouth but cause me to rub my bump more, unsure for comfort or to emphasize its size.

“Oh wow, that’s amazing. You’re my first triplets in a long time. Please, let me help you find things that you’ll be able to grow into.” She shows me some muumuu style dresses, but I get flashbacks to Sarah and how much it looked like she was wearing a shapeless tent. I found some dresses that have a ton of stretch so they should last me until the end and will be good for my meetings. I get a few casual shirts and tank tops but Mikhail encourages me to get a few more things since this soon will be the full extent of my wardrobe. I know there is an assortment of large and extra-large garments but try to keep that part out of my head. The kind woman gives us a discount at the register.

Mikhail stops at a boba and donuts place on the way home, getting me my favorite drink and 3 donuts. “One for each baby. You got the clear today that you’re healthy so now time to destress and enjoy yourself, babe.” I realize he’s right. I’m almost out of the first trimester danger zone anyway. I enjoy my treats which pads my bump, making my clothes even tighter. Mikhail reaches over and places a protective hand on my belly. “That’s my girl. Feed those babies.”

I took the morning off work. When we get home, I’m suddenly ravenous. Mikhail reheats some pasta from last night while I set my work computer back up. I’m growing so fast that I’m having to sit further back from my work station every day. I eat the pasta and feel my skin stretching. I rub lotion all over my bump for some relief. I finish my food then begin work.

First thing, I message Jake that I’m back online and have some news. He congratulates me and ensures there will be extra pastries at the next meeting. I message Megan the confirmation and the added information of how many I’m cooking.

“Triplets?! That explains so much. Congrats!” the message read.

Everyone in our office chat has been supportive, but also surprised at the triplets part, and it feels good. I’m nervous for everyone to see me at our meeting next week, though. Jake is going to be moving them around a bit and hopefully he doesn’t make them too frequent. I enjoy being home and not having to get dressed up, especially since my belly has become obvious since the last meeting. As I’m doing work, Mikhail is working off his laptop in the living room. Every half hour or so he’d get up and bring me a random snack from the kitchen then sit back down. I don’t notice at first until I could feel my skin stretching again and saw the pile of snack cake wrappers, snack size bags of Cheezits and pretzels, and fun sized candy wrappers at my desk. My stomach is gurgling and rumbling from the steady pace of snacks and anticipation of dinner soon. I put more lotion on, feeling how firm yet soft my stomach is.

I finish my work before pulling my stretched out shirt under my boobs, my pants panel under my bump, and sit on Mikhail’s lap facing him. I immediately feel his excitement underneath me, even before he put his hands on both sides of my belly. “Why hello beautiful.”

“I’m hungry,” I pout.

“Your wish is my command. What do my babies desire?”

“Olive Garden. Endless breadsticks.”

“Mmm. Can’t wait to see the beautiful results of those.” He rubs my belly then gives me a kiss. “I want you to wear this outfit, though, not one of your new ones. Want to see how it holds up to your feasting.”

We drive to our favorite location and get a booth. I feel all the stares at my figure, knowing how much farther along I appear since onlookers don’t know I’m carrying multiples. We sit next to each other in the booth, order, and immediately I dig into my breadstick craving. Mikhail eats 1 as I devour the other 3 before asking our waiter for another basket. Same thing, Mikhail eats 1 as I eat 3. I’m starting to feel full when our food arrives. Mikhail’s food usually looks huge compared to mine since he’s a huge man, but today we both decided on the current special: never ending pasta bowls.

As the waiter asks if we need anything else, Mikhail orders another bowl of each, knowing we’ll need them. We put our pasta bowls away as well as the second. I’m feeling the effects of all the carbs, making me tired and full. I feel how firm and heavy my belly has become under the table. I take Mikhail’s hand and place it on my belly, to which he instead moves his arm around me and puts his hand on the other side as we eat a third bowl each. My shirt hem has moved up to belly button height and is stretched tight. My “growing boy” eats his fourth bowl while I stare at the dessert menu, trying to make room by stifling burps.

Mikhail gives my belly a little jiggle. “You’re running out of room there. Sure you can add a dessert?”

“Challenge accepted,” I say as I point to the tiramisu on the menu, indicating for him to order it when the waiter comes back. The waiter places it directly in front of me. I squirm in my seat and spread my legs a little to make room. I slowly finish the cake before laying into Mikhail’s side, breathing shallowly, his hand still on me. “I’m beyond stuffed.”

“You sure are. You’re beautifully rounding out so quickly. Daddy wants dessert when we get home.”

I feel the weight of the food sloshing around once I stand, my shirt hem and pants barely meeting in the middle to hide my girth. I waddle to the car like I’m full-term, which I nearly match the size of anyway. Mikhail opens my doors at the car and house and holds my hand as we walk into the bedroom. He helps me peel off my skin tight shirt, an inch of skin showing between the hem and panel on my tight maternity pants now that my stomach has started digesting and growing to its full size after the meal. He reaches down and slowly folds down the panel with effort before rubbing my engorged midsection that springs forward. He takes them off the rest of the way, then I ask him for lotion. The food really pushed my skin to its rapidly stretching limits and itching like crazy. I lay with my back propped on pillows while Mikhail enjoys giving my bump attention with the lotion, attempting to minimize inevitable further stretch marks. It's not long before we're laying on our sides and making love, him cradling my swell with his thrusts. This feels magical and I hope we continue this until we can't anymore.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 12 months
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Tanatos 1 year
Promising continuation. It will be interesting to see how things will develop further.
Tanatos 1 year
forward to continuing
RedMama09 1 year
thank you so much!
Escape60 1 year
I really enjoyed reading this, a solid story that I'm looking forward to continuing 😉
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!