Belly for babies

Chapter 8 - Keep eating, honey

11 weeks pregnant and 158 pounds, 2 pounds in a week sounds like a lot.. It's March 6th, time for a meeting, and I'm feeling bigger. I rub some lotion on before putting on my new navy and white horizontal striped curve-hugging maternity dress. The mirror informs me my bump is just past my hefty chest. I take some time to soak that fact in. I waited a long time to get pregnant and boy, am I blowing up fast. I didn’t think I’d see this say so soon. I take my weekly bump pic and text it to Sarah and my husband.

Sarah responds, "You're massive and gorgeous! I can’t believe how quickly that belly is growing! I bet you’re hungry all the time. Can't wait to see you and feel that thing."

Mikhail reacts with a heart emoji to the picture.

I eat a few waffles before moving my driver's seat back and heading to the office. I sit in my car and release a sigh, preparing for stares and attention. My growth since the last meeting is night and day, like I swallowed a small basketball. With effort, I carefully get out of my car and slowly waddle into the office. I’m immediately greeted and fawned over, people asking to rub my belly and if I needed anything. Just the short walk leaves me a little tired, so I find my chair and plop down. Cindy brings me 3 donuts, “one for each baby” she says. I thank her and slowly eat them, not wanting to offend her generosity. I catch everyone staring at me at different points during the meeting. The meeting table is nearly up to my chest but I feel squished if I sit too close so I need to be back enough to where I can reach but my upper body is also fairly visible from the other side of the table. I knew this was coming but didn’t realize how embarrassing it would feel. We’re dismissed for a short break so I use the restroom before saying hi to Megan.

“You can’t hide it now,” Megan says with a smile. “I’ve never seen anyone put on a belly so fast or pregnant with triplets. Honestly, I have never even seen twins in person. But your bump is absolutely adorable with the horizontal stripes. It accentuates your curves in a very good way.”

“Thanks. I was a bit self-conscious today.” I look down and cradle my belly with my hands. “This thing just grew so fast, I wasn’t prepared to look, well, this pregnant yet.”

“You’re rocking it,” Megan smiles. “You’re so short and adorable. I’ll be sure to ‘pamper’ you after the meeting with donuts. I’m excited to see these babies grow.”

We finish the meeting and Jake asks to talk to me afterwards. I get up with a little effort and meet him in his office. “Well, when you said you were expecting I wasn’t expecting that,” he says as I sit down across from him.

“Neither was I. Didn’t think I’d get so big so fast.”

“Well, just keep me in the loop so we can make sure you have time off for your appointments. We’re going to have meetings every 3ish weeks right now until we finish this project. If need be, once we get past it, you can do the meetings virtually if it gets too much.”

“Thank you. I like seeing everyone in person and getting out of the house every so often so I’d like to come as long as I can. I just don’t want this to be a distraction at your meetings.”

“You’re fine, Annie. You wanted a family and you’re getting one. Well, a bigger one at one time than I’m sure you expected. I support you and want to make sure you’re healthy. I’m going to be sending you snacks and pastries every week or so to make sure you can keep up with feeding those babies. I expect to see the effects of them every meeting.”

I wonder if Jake is a bit of a feeder, which is something probably shut down by his wife who wants to stay thin, and he sees an opportunity in me. I thank him for the offer, knowing Mikhail is going to like that, too. Even though we’re not stuffing anymore due to obtaining the goal, I have been ravenous and eating until full most nights now. I waddle to the break room where I can catch up with everyone else now that the meeting is over.

“Here, eat,” Cindy encourages, handing me a muffin. “I bet you’re hungry all the time with 3 growing in you.”

I chuckle a little. “Yeah, it’s pretty tiring. Knew I’d lose some energy but I’m losing three times more energy than usual. I’m only 11 weeks and already look nearly full-term for some women.”

“Keep eating, honey. And get as much rest as you can. It’s only going to get harder to move around the bigger you get.”

“I bet. My friend gave birth a little over a month ago and was so tired all the time. She was a big girl by the end of it, though. I’m imagining it will start even earlier for me.” I eat my muffin as Cindy shares some life updates and how Doug is out sick today.

My feet are starting to hurt so I sit in a chair and rub my bump. Another coworker, Carrie, brings me a bottle of tea and a cookie. “Congrats, Annie. Triplets? Do they run in the family?”

“Thanks, and no, not at all,” I say, opening the bottle and taking a drink. “They happened by chance.”

“That’s amazing. Your husband is so large I would assume your babies will be large as well.”

“Maybe, but they’re measuring right where they’re supposed to for now. They have limited room here so hopefully they listen.”

“True. Are you going to keep coming to the meetings? I’d think it would be harder the bigger you get. You’re so small and your belly is already so big since last month.”

“I’m going to come as long as I can. I talked to Jake already and he’s very understanding. I have frequent doctors appointments and he’s allowing me flexibility.”

“That’s good. My curiosity has to ask, how much weight are you supposed to gain with triplets? I only know with 1 baby stuff from when I had my son, which I gained way more than my doctor originally said. I gave in to most cravings and blew up.”

“There isn’t a set number since triplets are less common, but it’s up to the doctor to give a general recommendation. Mine told me to eat when I’m hungry, work my way up to 4000 calories a day, and drink plenty of fluids.” I omitted the 50-80 pounds part since I don’t really want people knowing how much I (may be) gaining.

“I look forward to watching you blossom,” Carrie said before walking away. Why was everyone so excited to see me get bigger? I had one other person bring me a pastry before everyone went home. I hang around a little, even though I want to go home and take a nap. It is just me, Jake, and 1 other person left. I stand to leave when Jake waves me over to his office again. He asks for my preferences on pastries and flavors. I try not to sound eager but I am a bit excited to see what he finds. He obviously enjoys food so I trust he knows where to find tasty things. I thank him again, take the remaining pastries as he requested, and drive home.

I sit on the couch, munching on a few more before curling up and falling asleep on the couch. I wake up to the smell of Chinese food. Mikhail is putting takeout trays on the dining room table as I sit up and stretch. Mikhail smiles at me. “Have a good nap, my little pumpkin?”

“Yes, thanks. I’m starving for real food that’s not pastries.” I pat my belly as I sit at the dining room table and Mikhail puts a tray in front of me. Orange chicken with veggie fried rice. I thank him and dig in with gusto. I finish quicker than I thought, but Mikhail smiles as he opens a second tray with mongolian tofu for me. I finish that a little slower since it’s a bit spicy. I drink some soda, making me burp. After the addition of 3 egg rolls and 5 crab rangoons, I’m full. I lean back and give my full belly some love.

Mikhail brings out a store bought cheesecake and plates me 2 slices. I eat slowly but manage to finish them both, dense chocolate and caramel added to my cauldron of food. I feel like I’m going to burst. I leave lotion all around the house now, so I reach over and put some on, trying to ease the itch. I was distracted by food so I didn’t feel my skin practically ripping apart until now. I get some relief but it’s not much. “I don’t think I’m getting up.”

Mikhail walks over to me, picks me up with ease, cradling me in his arms, and kisses my belly that now points up towards his face. I’ve always been self conscious about how heavy I am so I’m not used to being picked up. Mikhail is so big and strong that I feel safe and try to ease my worries. He places me on the couch where we watch a movie to end the night, his protective hand never leaving my belly.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 12 months
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Tanatos 1 year
Promising continuation. It will be interesting to see how things will develop further.
Tanatos 1 year
forward to continuing
RedMama09 1 year
thank you so much!
Escape60 1 year
I really enjoyed reading this, a solid story that I'm looking forward to continuing 😉
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!