Belly for babies

Chapter 9 - It's so beautiful watching your belly grow and swell so quickly

Today is March 27th, the day of my 14 week appointment. As promised, Jake had boxes of pastries delivered to my house the last 2 Fridays, which I (and Mikhail) very much enjoyed. I see when comparing my weekly photos how quickly I’m growing. I have not stepped on the scale the last couple weeks, just stuffing my face almost all day, so I’m a little nervous to see. I put on new large black maternity leggings and a very stretchy t-shirt. I feel different parts of my body stretching, softening, and growing. My new DDD bra should last me a while hopefully. I take my weekly photo in the restroom at the doctor’s office as I hear the nurse call my name. Mikhail has been so attentive and makes sure he’s at every appointment, one of the perks of being his own boss.

I walk to the scale cradling my belly that looks 9 months with a single baby, feeling my thighs rubbing and jiggling along with my butt. 168 sounds like a lot to me, but I have to remember I’m carrying THREE babies and they’re going to grow fast so 10 pounds in 3 weeks isn’t THAT much. All my vitals look good and the doctor encourages me to eat more. I can almost feel Mikhail’s excited energy hearing that. She says, “your iron is a little low, which is to be expected. Be sure to eat foods with calcium and vitamin D to keep your vitamins up, too.”

“I’m not gaining too much weight?” I ask, a little curious.

“No, you’re fine. You’re still in the beginning stages so you’re going to gain more later on. Your bump is mostly babies. Your blood pressure and blood work look good. Try and eat some nutritious snacks throughout the day to help with cravings and staying full. You need more energy. At this point it’s safest for you to put in your 2 weeks at work and stay home and relax.”

We leave with many stares as usual. Between our 18 inch height difference and how massive I look, I’ve gotten used to it being one or the other. I put both hands on the small of my back as we walk to the car. Mikhail asks to bring the car around but I tell him I want to get at least a little exercise while I still can. I’m almost out of breath as I buckle myself. Mikhail stops at the Burger King drive-thru for lunch. I plop on the couch and let him feed me fries between sips of a milkshake to earn his belly rubs. After a double whopper, large fry, a milkshake, and a slice of pie, I’m ready for a nap. Mikhail rubs my full stretch-mark riddled belly on the couch until I fall asleep.

The next day I put in my paperwork with my HR department. I’m going to be put on temporary long-term medical leave in case I want to return once they’re born.

It’s Saturday and we planned to meet up with Sarah and Matt for brunch and to officially meet their son. I put on a stretchy maternity dress, a cardigan, a belly support band, a little makeup and a necklace to make me feel pretty, and we left. It feels weird needing a support band so soon, but if you saw me you’d know why. We pull up to the restaurant and Mikhail comes around my side of the SUV to help me out, placing one hand in front of me to catch my front heavy body from falling forward. Sarah and Matt were already seated at a table waving at us. When Sarah gets up to give me a hug her body is no longer partly hidden by the table and I can see she looks nearly as big as she was at her baby shower still. Her belly no longer sticks out like a baby bump and instead is soft, like she literally only lost the baby, placenta, and fluid. Her breasts feel firm when we lean forward to hug, engorged with milk and definitely about a cup bigger than 2 months ago. Sarah doesn’t even ask before her hands are holding my belly.

“My goodness, pictures don’t do this justice. No wonder you already have a support brace on.”

I internally scoff, thinking how I didn’t say anything about her size while pregnant and yet she’s commenting on mine. “Yeah, they’re growing fast.”

“So, you’re how many weeks now? And how much have you gained?” Sarah gives my belly a little jiggle, which I think she’s trying to gauge how much is fat and how much is baby.

“Monday will be 15 weeks,” I calculate. “I lost 4 after finding out at your baby shower, so not counting that back in I’ve gained about 15 as of right now.”

“That’s IT? Girl, you need to eat.” We sit down in our chairs. I could swear I heard a creaking from Sarah’s.

“The doctor said I’ll gain more quickly later on when they’re rapidly growing. I’ve been eating pretty well. He’s made sure of it.” I give Mikhail a little elbow.

“You’re eating for 4. I can’t help it,” Mikhail shrugs.

“Did I hear that right?” Our waiter walked over and heard what he said.

“Yes, she’s carrying triplets,” he explained, placing a hand on my belly.

“Congratulations. Make sure you eat as much as you want!”

We quickly look over the menu and order. Mikhail orders an extra entree of pancakes “in case it’s not enough” as he puts it. We catch up and when the baby awoke, Sarah hands him over to me to hold. He feels so tiny yet chubby, his little body resting on top of my stomach. I hand him to Mikhail, which is a beautiful site. He looks a little awkward, not knowing what to do, and because of him being a giant, but it makes me a little emotional. When the baby fusses, Sara takes him back and latches him to her breast under a cover. When I have these babies, I plan on breastfeeding.

When the food comes we dig in. I eat slowly, talking and not wanting to look like a pig. Sarah eats rather quickly while still nursing. Everyone took turns encouraging me to eat more which results in my omelet and potatoes being met by those extra pancakes Mikhail ordered. As I'm eating, Sarah orders a second entree and so does Matt which I find interesting since he doesn't seem like he is eating as much as her. I learn he takes a few bites and gives it to Sarah to finish. Her weight makes sense after seeing that girl put away pancakes, waffles, a sandwich, potatoes, bacon, and scrambled eggs before saying she was full. I sit back after I finish the addition of a blueberry muffin, patting where it all wound up. Mikhail ate an extra side of sausage, showing how good the food here really is. I openly give myself much needed belly rubs, feeling the layer of fat between my stretching skin and my growing offspring.

When the bill came, there was a discount added which we thanked the server for. He congratulates us and says he's never known anyone with triplets before and encourages us to come back. We talk with Sarah and Matt about getting together more often, possibly even coming back here again next month.

Once we get home, Mikhail does some work on his laptop while I take a much needed nap, digesting the surplus of food. When I wake up I feel peckish so I stand in the kitchen snacking on some pretzels. Mikhail notices me and comes in. "Hungry already?"

"They just wanted a snack," I say with food in my mouth, patting my stomach for emphasis. "I guess they're going through a growth spurt soon. I felt like I was eating all day yesterday, too."

"I can't wait," he says, rubbing my belly and smiling. "I knew you'd make a beautiful pregnant woman but didn't realize how gorgeous you'd truly be when heavy with child. Or in your case children. It's so beautiful watching your belly grow and swell so quickly."

"Well don't wish rapid growth on me just yet. I'm still adjusting to my new center of gravity. I'm sure my next weigh in is going to be a big one. I feel my skin stretching and my clothes getting tighter every day, especially on days I'm ravenous."

"Do you want an early dinner then? I can order you something?"

"No, it feels weird just me eating by myself."

"I'll snack. Like I said, I'll enjoy your cravings and changes along with you, babe."

We order an assortment from a local Mexican restaurant. I can't believe how ravenous I am even though I just ate 4 hours ago. I eat until I'm full and cuddle up to my husband who helps alleviate pressure with rubs. When I lay in his lap I feel his firm full stomach against my head and wonder if he's going to gain weight over the next 4ish months. Or if he has already. I groan as I digest and watch a movie, thinking if Jake is also going to continue sending treats now that I’m going to be leaving.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 12 months
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Tanatos 1 year
Promising continuation. It will be interesting to see how things will develop further.
Tanatos 1 year
forward to continuing
RedMama09 1 year
thank you so much!
Escape60 1 year
I really enjoyed reading this, a solid story that I'm looking forward to continuing 😉
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!