The weight gain of hannah harris

Chapter 2 - Freshman Year: Fall Semester

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Hannah was really loving the first semester through the first 2 months. She had already made a bunch of new friends in her classes and enjoyed all of her professors so far as well.

The party scene at the university was also top notch. Hannah routinely went out with her new girlfriends on Thursday through Saturday, getting hammered and making late night food runs to Sheetz, Dominos, Wendy’s, and all of the great food options around their college town.

One morning Hannah woke up and was getting dressed in her bathroom when she saw her reflection of her naked self in the mirror. Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor in shock now that she saw her body for the first time this in depth

She figured she had gained a little weight with all of the beer, cheap alcohol, and greasy food from the dining hall and the fast food joints around her but she had gained much more then what she originally thought

Her face, while still beautiful, had started to round a little bit and she was starting to get a double chin. Her arms had taken a pretty big hit as well. Her arms lost a lot of their former definition, and she even noticed some faint stretch marks on the upper parts of her arm.

Her stomach and boobs also had gained a pretty noticeable amount of weight as well. She never had massive breasts as she was a C cup when college started, but now she was pretty clearly at least a D cup. Her stomach had a noticeable pooch and her hips gained a lot of extra weight as well.

The biggest damage however was to her legs. Her thighs and ass had ballooned and were now massive. She noticed this when she ripped a pair of her size 6 jeans one day when she went to sit down on her bed. Cellulite had become very prominent on her legs and her ass had started to get some as well.

In a panic, Hannah rushed to grab the scale in the bathroom to see how much she weighed. As she stood on it the number showed


Hannah stood there in shock, she had gained over 20 pounds in barely 2 months. She sat and looked at herself in the mirror

However as she sat and looked at herself, she kind of liked how the weight sat on her. It made her boobs and ass stand out more then before and she thought it actually looked quite flattering on her. She liked the curvier look this brought her and thought that she could look even better with more weight.

After getting dressed and going into her dorm bedroom, Hannah made a goal; to be 200lbs by the end of the year. And it was a goal she was excited to hit.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
Big Daddy 1 year
Love it so far 🔥🔥
CollegeStory... 1 year
I will be updating this story a chapter at a time 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.) Hope you guys enjoy and leave feedback if you please!