The weight gain of hannah harris

Chapter 3: The Boy

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The rest of the semester went by smoothly for Hannah, her grades were still going well and she was having an amazing social life in college, routinely going out with her friends on weekends to party it up at the frat houses.

Her weight gain hadn’t slowed either. Hannah was eating almost inconceivable amounts of food at the dining hall at least 2 and even sometimes 3 times a day as well as the tons of fast food she got when she was drunk. And to be honest she loved it, she loved the feeling of being stuffed to the max and having nobody scold her for doing so. By the time the semester hit finals week she was up to 180lbs, having gained 15lbs in the past month.

Another thing that was good regarding Hannah’s weight gain so far was her increased sex life. Since she hadn’t truly reached the fat level yet, boys were still happily willing to make out with Hannah due to her adorable face and S-tier legs. However, she was worried for when she got officially “fat” how her sex life would be, nervous that having sex with hot boys would be a thing in the past for her. But that was only in the back of her mind.

One thing Hannah never told anyone however was how cute she thought big guys were. Sure she also loved the stereotypical Adonis meathead type, especially in the bedroom, she really did enjoy how bigger guys looked.

There was one boy she had always kept her eye on when in class. A boy named Ty who she shared 3 classes with. Ty was a big guy, being 6’0 and about 285lbs. He wasn’t the most athletic looking either, having a pronounced double chin, moobs, and a pretty sizable gut. But her favorite features were his eyes and personality. He had baby blue eyes that any girl would love, and he was a hilarious guy who truly did seem to care for everyone that he talked to, just an overall gem of a human

After they both finished their last final, Hannah wrote a little note with her phone number and tapped Ty on the shoulder.

“Hey Ty!”

“Hey Hannah what’s up! How’d that final go”

“Eh it was alright, I was actually gonna ask if you wanted to go on a date with me tonight”

“Omg really, I’ve never told anyone this but I actually think you’re like super hot. Yes I’d love to go!”

“I’ve had the hots for you for a while but I’ve been afraid to tell other peop…”

Hannah froze in her tracks, she didn’t want Ty to think she was afraid to ask him out due to his large figure.

“Because I’m a big guy? Don’t worry about it. Commenting on my size doesn’t phase me I hear it everywhere.”

Hannah knew he was the one right after that statement. They settled on eating at the local Mexican joint down the road as they were both huge fans of Mexican food.

After the two of them split off, Hannah was ecstatic, she couldn’t have been happier how all of that went down. Tonight was going to be the time of her life.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
Big Daddy 1 year
Love it so far 🔥🔥
CollegeStory... 1 year
I will be updating this story a chapter at a time 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.) Hope you guys enjoy and leave feedback if you please!