The weight gain of hannah harris

Chapter 4: The Pre Date

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It was Friday and Hannah was ecstatic. Today was her date with Ty and she couldn’t wait. She had spent all morning going to the local shopping mall to pick up new clothes for the next semester as her old clothes were near the end of their lifespan on her growing body. Hannah also grabbed a pair of jeans and a cute crop top as her date outfit. Ty told her he wasn’t dressing up too much and Hannah was fine with that. She probably figured it was decently hard to find stuff that fit him

Ty told Hannah he would pick her up from her dorm room after his final class at around 3 PM. They’d go hang out at his apartment for a bit before heading to dinner and then they’d hang at his place the rest of the night. Ty also said he had plenty of alcohol for the two of them which she was thrilled about.

Eventually at about 3:15 she saw Ty pulling up in front of her dorm room in a beautiful red Ford Bronco that was pretty decked out. Hannah wasn’t aware of Ty’s wealth but judging by his car he seemed to be very well off financially.

“Omg Ty your car is beautiful” Hannah said. Did you buy it?

“Thank you!” Ty said. “My parents got it for me for my birthday. I absolutely love it, helps that it’s very spacious because my old car was a tight squeeze”

Hannah, now aware of Ty’s seemingly deep pockets was very excited to see what his apartment looked like which was only a 5 minute drive away.

“Are you excited for dinner tonight?” Ty asked

“Omg I’m so excited” Hannah said. “I haven’t eaten all day just so I could enjoy this food that much more.” Hannah lied about that, she ate a massive meal at the dining hall today but didn’t want Ty to think she was a feedee right away.

As they pulled into the apartment complex Ty lived in, Hannah was very excited. The outside of the apartments looked recently renovated and looked pretty big.

When they walked into his apartment, Hannah was amazed by how nice it was. Ty lived by himself but it was a 2 bed, 2 bath modern apartment and very spacious.

“Well this is it.” Ty said

“Ty this house is amazing” Hannah exclaimed.

As Ty showed her around she noticed the place was loaded with snacks and junk food all around the house. “No wonder he’s as big as he is she said, there’s snacks galore.”

After the tour, Ty went to the fridge and grabbed a tub of Cookie Dough Ice Cream. After Hannah said she didn’t want any he started devouring the ice cream, eating it at a rapid pace.

“Hungry aren’t you?” Hannah laughed as watching him eat was very cute in her opinion.

“I’m starving” he said. “Only things I’ve had to eat today was 4 cheeseburgers, 20 chicken nuggets, a large fry, and a large Coke.”

“That’s a lot of food!” Hannah said. “How are you still hungry”

“Well it’s not hard to tell I’m a pretty big guy” Ty said. “It’s weird because two years ago when I started school I was pretty skinny and barely ate. Now I feel like all I do is eat and my weight has just skyrocketed. I went from 135 to about 290 in barely 2 years.”

“Well for what it’s worth I think you look hot as fuck with your added weight” Hannah said. “Seriously don’t get weirded out but I think your belly is so hot.” Hannah knew that was a risky move but she figured it was worth a shot.

“Really?” Ty said. “Well if you love it so much you want to take a closer look at it” he said with a mischievous demeanor.

“Please do so.” Hannah said. “I think I’ll do the same.”

As both of them stripped naked, both of their chubby bodies were on full display and Hannah was feeling like she was in a dream

Ty’s body already looked big when clothed, but it looked even bigger when naked. He had massive moobs that would’ve been a C-cup for a female and puffy nipples. His arms were layered in red stretch marks on the upper part with loads of fat hanging off them. His thighs rubbed and you could see visible chub rub due to them rubbing together. However, his belly was the star of the show. It hung below his penis and was caked in stretch marks all across his lovehandles. And even though his penis was hard to see when his belly was hanging down, Hannah saw the impressive size of it when he had to pick up his belly,

Hannah was also looking big. Her thighs were also furiously rubbing together with stretch marks galore. She had fully developed a belly now and her boobs were now a DDD.

As they sat on the couch playing with each other. Hannah loved how soft and warm Ty was. His belly was an amazing pillow and she loved the sensation of the added weight when he layed on her.

After about 15 minutes of exploring each other’s bodies, Hannah had two more questions to ask before they went to eat dinner.

“Hey Ty, do you have a scale?”

“Yea why?”

“I wanna see what the two of us weigh. And while I’m at it, are you interested in getting fatter? I’ve been intentionally gaining for a little and I was hoping you’d want to join”

“I’ve been gaining on purpose for a year Hannah. I didn’t want you to think of me as a freak for that. But yes let’s do it. I’ll grab the scale”

Hannah set her goal at 300lbs to see how she felt at that point and Ty set his at 400lbs

Current Weights:
Hannah- 209.4
Ty- 288.6
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
Big Daddy 1 year
Love it so far 🔥🔥
CollegeStory... 1 year
I will be updating this story a chapter at a time 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.) Hope you guys enjoy and leave feedback if you please!