The weight gain of hannah harris

Chapter 5: The Night

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Ty and Hannah had an amazing time on their date at the Mexican restaurant. Both of them ordered food to the point where they both needed to undo their pants to let their belly hang out and breathe. They both needed to wait a good 10 minutes after eating to get up and lumber to Ty’s car.

When they got back to Ty’s apartment, Ty immediately went to grab snacks from the pantry.

“More snacks?” Hannah said “I can’t even take a drink of water right now”

“I want to test you” Ty said. “I want you to eat all you can, I’ll join you so we can grow together.”

Hannah obliged and her and Ty chowed down on Pop Tarts, Tastykakes, Ice Cream, and other various snacks. After a while Hannah was feeling so constricted in her clothes that were super tight on her growing body.

“I need to take my clothes out it’s to tight and I’m sweating my ass off so I need to cool down” Hannah said.

“I’m gonna join you” Ty said.

As both kept snacking while fully naked, Hannah could sense Ty struggling to continue eating. She started rubbing his belly as he took a break from eating. Then she started playing with his rolls. He had so many of them. Eventually as they were sitting there she snuggled up against him. As she was laying next to him she started playing with his moobs and nipples, jiggling them and pinching his nipples. She could see him getting hard as he started to whimper softly.

“I know you like when I play with your fat. I’m gonna make you such a fat pig.” Hannah whispered into his ear. “Let’s take this into the bedroom so you can stuff me that much more”

Hannah and Ty lumbered into his bedroom and wasted little time getting to work. For being a guy as big as he was. Ty had a pretty damn good sex game and Hannah was enjoying every second of it as their bodies jiggled around. Hannah also loved him being on top as his weight crushing her really turned her on, giving her a chance to play with his belly and grab his rolls.

Once they were done they were both lying in bed, thinking about all the memories they were going to make together, all the pounds they were going to gain, all the clothes they were going to rip, and all the fat that was going to be added to their bodies.

Hannah was excited for the next semester, not only was she happy about her classes, she not only found herself a man, it was a man with the same goal as her, to get big.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
Big Daddy 1 year
Love it so far 🔥🔥
CollegeStory... 1 year
I will be updating this story a chapter at a time 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.) Hope you guys enjoy and leave feedback if you please!