The weight gain of hannah harris

Chapter 6: Winter Break

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Winter Break had now arrived for Hannah and she was beyond relived. She now had 6 weeks to do nothing but eat, fuck, and sleep at Ty’s house. She chose not to go home over winter break as she was scared what her parents would think about her weight gain. They had already noticed her fuller face when they did FaceTimes but they never brought anything up to her.

Every day of winter break was pretty similar for Hannah and Ty. They would wake up and immediately get to eating, grabbing all the snacks in the world as well as ordering massive orders of breakfast for delivery to keep them from moving as much as possible. After breakfast they’d go to Ty’s to cuddle and watch a movie on his bed until Lunchtime, and the cycle would repeat through dinner until they fucked after being stuffed from dinner

Hannah had also become very spoiled by the wealth Ty possessed. She constantly begged him for nice shoes and clothes and he always obliged, consistently bringing home luxury brand clothing and brand new shoes that cost a pretty penny. She was being pampered to the next level and she loved it. She had to do absolutely nothing except eat and sleep.

Both of their bodies were growing at alarming rates. Hannah was truly becoming a fat girl real quick, her belly had taken the majority of the damage over winter break and now had a pretty decent hang and stuck out more then before. Her boobs also blew up in size, now having puffy nipples and big saggy tits. She honestly loved it though. Her getting out of breath from now the simplest tasks turned her on so much.

Ty was also really growing. His face had become rounder than before. He also added another chin to the 2 he already possessed. But his main area of weight gain was his belly. Hannah was convinced he had the best belly in the world. It was so soft and hung so low with so many back rolls as a result of his belly.

During the last weekend before the spring semester. Ty and Hannah decided to check their weight for the first time in 6 weeks. Both decided to eat a gigantic lunch of Italian Food, both over 6000 calories for each before weighing themselves.

Ty stepped on the scale first. After a bit of time the number landed on 326.4

“Holy fuck that’s a lot” said Hannah. “It’s making you look so cute though” Ty laughed as he went to drop his belly on the sink in appreciation.

Hannah went next, as she stepped on the scale the number 238.8 popped up on the scale

“Omg that’s almost 40lbs in 6 weeks” Hannah said.

“Just crazy that we’re almost a 600lb couple” Ty whispered in her ear.

“I want us to be 600lb individuals honey, not just combined as a couple.” Hannah cooed back
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
Big Daddy 1 year
Love it so far 🔥🔥
CollegeStory... 1 year
I will be updating this story a chapter at a time 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.) Hope you guys enjoy and leave feedback if you please!