The weight gain of hannah harris

Chapter 7: 2nd Semester

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The first half of the 2nd semester for Hannah had been amazing. Of the 5 classes she had, 4 of them were online. She did this as it made her able to stay home with Ty as much as possible. Plus the task of walking all the time was starting to make her out of breath.

Every day Hannah had the same schedule, class from 8 AM to around noon and then the rest of the day to gorge on food and sex with Ty. Hannah was lucky to walk more them 300 steps a day, not getting up from her bed in Ty’s guest room or the couch in the living room unless she needed to use the restroom or to grab more snacks for her and Ty.

Ty and Hannah were quickly ballooning in size. In 9 weeks. Hannah had gone up from 238.4 all the way up to 268.9.lbs. Most of the weight was starting to sit on her belly and face. She had a serious triple chin which according to Ty was really making her an awfully loud snorer. Her belly also fully covered her pussy at this point. Most days Hannah didn’t even wear pants when she had online classes as only her face was being shown.

Ty had grown as well. He had shot up to 359.0 lbs. His mobility was slowly declining as well Hannah noticed. Walks down to his bedroom started to get him out of breath. He gained most of his weight in his face, chest, and belly. He now had 3 massive chins. His moobs were also massive and the sprawled across his body when he sat. And his belly hung halfway down his meaty thighs.

The rest of the semester was much of the same. Hannah and Ty made a deal to ramp up their eating and to limit their activity level as much as possible. Hannah started skipping her in person class and getting her notes from a friend as attendance didn’t count for her grade and all the exams also being done online.

These next 7 weeks were the fastest both Ty and Hannah had ever grown. Hannah shot up all the way to 288.4lbs. Ty had to admit the weight genuinely sat on her really well. Her boobs were all the way up to a 42E. And her ass was out of this world. It stuck out to the point where it could act as a shelf. Pants were getting extremely hard to find for her when she did have to step out to the outside world. Tops were getting hard as well.

Ty’s weight skyrocketed all the way up to 387.3. His mobility was pretty bad at this point. Sex was hard for him to maneuver his body due to all the weight he had to carry. Hannah still loved the sex though. Just for the fact she got to jiggle every part of his body. She also started to enjoy being crushed by him and have him feed her while sitting on top of her. The near 700lbs total on her body aroused her.

7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
Big Daddy 1 year
Love it so far 🔥🔥
CollegeStory... 1 year
I will be updating this story a chapter at a time 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.) Hope you guys enjoy and leave feedback if you please!