Big girl struggles

Chapter 2 - college struggles

as you might be aware of, i’m a college student. although i love my field of study, attending college is getting quite hard. i am 330lbs and i’m not slowing down.

first of all, the seats are far too small. i feel like one of my ass cheeks is bigger than the chair. so when i sit on it, the rest of my body hangs all around it. sometimes the desks are shorter too so i don’t full fit in there. my stomach is so big that it doesn’t let me be close enough to the desk. so as you can gather, it’s just a very uncomfortable experience.

second of all; my clothes. i am constantly outgrowing my clothes and with every pound that i gain it gets harder to find any that fit me. so i constantly have to lift up my pants to avoid my stomach or butt crack to escape.

thirdly, the physical exhaustion. my college is massive so that means i have to walk a lot. i tend to get quite sweaty and red in the face. i waddle a bit in the hallways and i take very long to go up a flight of stairs. so when i get to class i’m breathing heavily for a while. i even had to remove my physical education course because i simply could not keep up anymore. the teacher even told me that i didn’t have the basic competences to take the course. now i take the elevator to avoid all of this distress, but my goodness am i out of shape.

fourth of all, the bus rides. i take public transportation because i can’t drive and my parents can’t always pick me up. the buses i take are always packed which means you have to sit next to another person most of the time. the thing is, as i keep expanding it gets harder to share with others. i take up about a seat and a half, which leaves the other person with little space. when i have to sit next to someone, one of my ass cheeks is hanging off the seat which is very uncomfortable and has caused me to tumble over a couple of times. one time the only free seat on the bus was next to mine and someone looked at it, then looked at me and decided to just stand up the whole ride, probably because of the little amount of space i left.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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ThePatchwork... 1 year
This is really hot, and I feel bad for saying that because of your struggles. I hope that your comforts are encouraged, and that your access to things improve!
Leo66 1 year
Thanks for your stories. You are so brave.
HappyBigBelly 1 year
Ooh, hope you’ll be alright!
RioGrande718 1 year
Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing I really enjoyed it.
Ifmusicbe3 1 year
Great stories! Love your direct writing style, too.