Big girl struggles

Chapter 3 - taking a tumble

this is a story that happened to me last week.

my mom asked me to take out the trash, so as a good daughter, i did so.

to give you an idea, the trash can is at the end of the inclined, icy parking lot. of course, i didn’t see the iciness. i waddled carelessly towards the trash can, and in my first step i slipped and fell on my back. the trash bag came with me and opened, all of its’ content coming out. i started slipping towards the bottom of the parking lot.

the fall had hurt my back quite a lot. i couldn’t really move. i just laid there like a sea-star. after a bit, i tried rolling on my stomach to get myself up, but i couldn’t. i probably looked crazy as i tried rolling from one side to the other as i groaned.

so then i tried yelling for my mom to help me, but she couldn’t hear me. fortunately a sweet lady that was walking on my street came up to me and tried helping me. she got me to sit up, but she seemed much too old and skinny to lift my 300+ pound body off the ground. i thanked her and told her i could handle it from here and she left.

that was a lie, when i tried pushing myself up, i fell back on my ass. to my rescue, my dad has just gotten home. he parked his car on the side of the house and ran towards me. that’s when my mom finally got outside.

my dad pulled me by my arms as my mom pushed me up from behind. they struggled for a while as i almost weigh as much as the two of them combined, but they finally managed to get me up, but as i tried walking back towards the house, i slipped again only this time i landed on all fours. my pants had slipped down and i felt like my whole back was exposed. i just crawled until there wasn’t any ice and got home.

i don’t know if the thought of all of my neighbours seeing that embarrasses me or if it turns me on, honestly.

i had so many bruises after that incident. i also slightly ripped the leggings i was wearing. it also led to a talk with my parents about how i needed to do more physical exercise. bla, bla, bla.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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ThePatchwork... 1 year
This is really hot, and I feel bad for saying that because of your struggles. I hope that your comforts are encouraged, and that your access to things improve!
Leo66 1 year
Thanks for your stories. You are so brave.
HappyBigBelly 1 year
Ooh, hope you’ll be alright!
RioGrande718 1 year
Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing I really enjoyed it.
Ifmusicbe3 1 year
Great stories! Love your direct writing style, too.