Big girl struggles

Chapter 4 - christmas dinner wreckage

i spent this christmas eve at my uncle’s house with most of my extended family. at this time i was about 320lbs and was gaining quite fast thanks to the holidays. i was wearing some of the only clothing that still fit me: a sweater and some leggings.

i definitely got some stares from my family members that hadn’t seen me in a while, but no one really dared to say anything.

they sat me down between my aunt and uncle. i had to sit on this very small, wooden chair that was very uncomfortable. i don’t think they expected me to have become this big, but still, i’m not a kid anymore. my body practically swallowed up the chair with its mass; each ass cheek hanging out from each side.

it was an uncomfortable dinner in general because not only was the chair too small, my clothes were too. i kept having to lift my leggings up or readjusting my sweater.

at one point, i tried sitting up straight in order to lift my pants up, wiggling my butt a little, but that movement seemed to have been the final stroke for the chair.

the chair made a small creaking sound before it completely snapped under my crushing weight. i fell flat on my back, and as i did my belly untucked from under my pants and my sweater lifted up slightly, revealing my massive, stretch mark ridden stomach. i felt my body wobble back and forth like a big plate of jello. i couldn’t see much in front of me other than my humongous girth. as i looked up i remember seeing my aunt with her hand on her mouth asking if i was okay.

my family gasped and got up to see if i was okay. my back hurt quite a bit from that, so it took me a while to get up.

my dad and uncles lifted me up and cleaned up the chair parts. i felt embarrassed and a little guilty for breaking my uncle’s chair, but he insisted that it didn’t matter and that the chair was old anyways. i’m honestly surprised this hasn’t happened with the chairs from my house yet.

they then had me sit in a small couch and i felt like royalty. i still ate an enormous amount of food that night, and i was not ashamed.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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ThePatchwork... 1 year
This is really hot, and I feel bad for saying that because of your struggles. I hope that your comforts are encouraged, and that your access to things improve!
Leo66 1 year
Thanks for your stories. You are so brave.
HappyBigBelly 1 year
Ooh, hope you’ll be alright!
RioGrande718 1 year
Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing I really enjoyed it.
Ifmusicbe3 1 year
Great stories! Love your direct writing style, too.