The wingman

Chapter 3

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We staggered/waddled to her bedroom, stripping each other’s briefs and panties off. We made love, the first time for both of us. Fat bellies slamming together, fat bottoms being squeezed and poked, bellies and boobs colliding, it was awesome. I had to help Lisa, roll over and move around the bed, she just so obese. We were lying face to face, our bellies squeezed between us, “Nat I love so much, this was the best.” Lisa said tearing up. “Lisa, you are the hottest, loveliest, sexiest girl ever!”

The next morning after going out to breakfast and of course, getting stuffed, we were hanging out in the apartment when Lisa asked, “Nat what are you doing for the Thanksgiving holiday break?” I smiled, “I guess going home with you?” She giggled, “Nat I want you to meet my mom and dad.” I patted, my bloated belly, “Lisa, do you think I’m fat enough for them, yet?” She giggled, “Nat, they’ll adore you, even if you’re not fat yet.”

Clara’s parents wanted to meet Dave as well. Lisa’s parents made reservations and bought our tickets to fly home. They got first class seats for us, knowing their daughter’s body issues, coach would be too uncomfortable for Lisa. Dave and Clara were on the same flight.

A couple of days before the break, I was in the bathroom at the frat house. I was only wearing a now really tight pair of briefs and my belly was nearly touching the counter while I shaved. Dave came in, “Ah Nat, you’re putting on some serious weight there big guy.” I chuckled, “Dating Lisa is a high calorie enterprise Dave.” “Clara mentioned how much weight you’ve gained while dating Lisa and she even said something to Lisa that you are okay with putting on weight.” “Yeah Lisa asked me how I felt about all the eating we do and how much weight I’ve gained and I told her I love it and I don’t mind getting fat either.” Dave chuckled, “I thought that what you would say, I know you absolutely adore Lisa. So how much have you gained?” I patted my belly, “Dave I’ve put on thirty pounds this semester!” “Wow Nat that’s a lot of weight! Do you really feel that weigh, I mean about putting so much for Lisa?” “Yeah, I do Dave. Look at it this way, you and Clara are both slim and athletic, you both stay in shape as much for yourselves as for each other. I love that Lisa is so obese, I feel it’s only fair, that I should be at least willing to put on weight for her if she wants me too, which she does, so I’m gaining weight.” “Nat that’s a good point I can make to Clara.”

We all flew to Clara and Lisa’s home town. Clara’s mom picked up Dave and Clara at the airport. She hugged Lisa and said hello to me, saying how much Lisa’s mom had told her about me. Lisa’s mom was picking us up. “Nat this way, Mom, doesn’t like to walk very far, so she weighting for us at door fifteen on the passenger pick up lane.” Lisa giggled seeing her mom’s car. “Nat stick out your tummy when we get close, okay”?

Lisa’s mom was huge! She was Lisa’s height, but weighed over three hundred pounds. “Hi dearest and you must be Nat, welcome, we have looked so forward to meeting our daughter’s love.” “Mom!” said Lisa, blushing. “Sorry dearest, but it’s true. Nat you’re so handsome, though skinny, we’ll see about that.” “Mom, Nat’s gained thirty pounds since we started dating, I’m so proud of him.” Her mom replied, “That’s so sweet dearest”, looking at me winking.

We drove to their home, which as massive, nearly an estate. Huge house multi-car garage, acres of lawn and a long driveway, I was impressed. I had to help both Lisa and her Mom get out of the car, which was a late model Mercedes Benz. I followed the two huge bottoms inside. Lisa grabbed my hand, “Nat, stick out your tummy again, I want you to meet my daddy.” We walked toward the back of the house and into a very well appointed den. “Daddy, my boyfriend, Nat, Nat this is my dad George.” I was straining to stick out my belly as far as I could, George, was massive over four hundred pounds and only a couple inches taller than me. “Hello Nat, it’s so nice to meet you finally, Lisa has told us so much about you. Lisa, dear he is quite skinny.” “Daddy, Nat’s put on over thirty pounds since we started dating, he loves to eat with me!” I said, “It’s a pleasure to me you George and Carol, I’ve heard a lot about you from your lovely daughter.”

While George and Carol were sizing me up for fattening, Dave and Clara were riding home with Clara’s mom, Jill. Jill said, “It was so nice of you two to set up Nat and Lisa, all Carol could talk about was how happy Lisa was dating Nat.” Jill chuckled, “I hope Nat doesn’t mind gaining more weight, all George, Carol and Lisa do is eat. They have live in cooks and maids.” Dave spoke up, “Nat is prepared to gain weight for Lisa, he feels it’s only fair.” Jill chuckled again, “I hope he still feels that weigh, Sunday evening when you all fly home.”

The feedings started right away. Lisa went to visit with her mom and George and I talked. He had beers brought in, nice and cold. We sat and talked and drank beers for nearly an hour. I had four heavy lager beers and felt bloated. Carol called “Dinner guys.” I helped George up and we both went to the dining room. The table was covered in rich heavy food. I helped both Lisa and Carol into their chairs, much to George’s approval. I sat down and no sooner was my plate filled to overflowing, I started to eat with everyone else. Lisa had told me to eat as much as possible, just gorge myself, which I did. I struggled to help Lisa and Carol up and we all went into the living room to be served after dinner drinks and coffee. Lisa sat next me, we discreetly fondled each other.

Around ten, Carol and George went down to their bed rooms. Their house was a single story, no stairs here. Lisa and I made out for a while, she giggled, poking my bulging belly, “Nat thanks for being a good sport and eating so much. I think my mom was impressed.” I ran my hand over her huge belly, “It was my pleasure.” We kissed and Lisa showed me to the guest room. We kissed again as I opened the door. My bag was in there already it was a lovely room with a huge king size bed and its own bathroom. I got undressed, stunned at the size of my belly now stuffed with rich food. I wore just my briefs to bed. I got up two hours later to pee. I heard a soft knock while heading back to bed, thinking it was Lisa, wanting to make out. I opened the door and it was Carol, she giggled, poked my belly, “Nat, dear, no wonder Lisa adores you, you look so cute in those little underpants. Please join me for a little snack don’t dress, you’re too cute in those.” I following Carol’s massive booty to the kitchen, where the cooks had left a midnight gorge, Carol and I talked, while she virtually fed me. An hour later I followed her back to the guest room, waddling now I was so stuffed.

Lisa knocked on my door at eight thirty. She slipped in, “Nat, did my mom, drag you down to the kitchen to stuff you again. I chuckled and pulled back the sheets, sticking my bulging belly up in the air, I patted my belly, “Yes she did. We had a nice talk as she was virtually stuffing food in my mouth.” Lisa giggled, “Oh Nat your tummy is so cute and round this morning. Get some sweats on, we’re having breakfast in ten minutes in the breakfast room, oh bring your appetite!”

I went down to the breakfast feast. There was everything you could think of to eat for breakfast. I gorged under Lisa and Carol’s watchful eyes. I sat there with my belly, clearly bulging out onto my thighs. “Nat we are starting Thanksgiving dinner at one o’clock. This lets the cooks fix our dinner and then they can go home to fix dinner for their families. Oh Nat, we pretty much eat all day.” I helped Lisa up and we went back down toward the bedrooms hand in hand. “Nat my Mom and Dad adore you. I think my Mom wants to stuff all weekend, so be prepared to be really, really full and stuffed.” I patted, my bloated belly, now lifting up my t-shirt. “Lisa, don’t worry, I ready to get obliterated with food!”

After showers and getting so clothes on for dinner, we all sat down in the dining room. Their kitchen staff brought in platter after platter of rich foods and spread them out on the table, my belly growled, Lisa sitting next to me giggled. Carol thanked her staff warmly, giving each a nice bonus and sent them home or to their quarters for the rest of the day.

We stated eating, I had five serving of nearly everything, getting stuffed and bloated. Lisa too was over indulging, as were Carol and George doing the same. We took a short break in the eating to let our gorges settle, then laid into the pies. I had seven slices with ice cream of four different pies, feeling nice and full. Lisa was so stuffed she couldn’t move, so I helped Carol up, she bumped me with her belly and poked my now tight bulging orb. I help her clear and put things in the refrigerators.
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