The wingman

Chapter 4

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I was encouraged to “graze” all day, which I did. Carol would suggest that I have more of this casserole, or more turkey, it was a constant, “Nat, please have more of this, or Nat eat some more you can’t be full…” Needless to say I was in Heaven just eating and eating.

While I was in the kitchen nibbling and putting things away for Carol, she asked Lisa, “Dearest, we adore Nat, he is so wonderful, he’s getting so cute with his tummy getting bigger and bigger. Lisa, you should marry him.” Lisa teared up, “I know Mom, I had a crush on Nat the first time I saw him in my history class. When Clara friend Dave brought Nat along for a double date it was the happiest day of my life. I thing we fell in love that first night. We have barely been apart since.”

I came back in from the kitchen, making sure my belly was sticking out as far as I could get it, by arching my back. It was getting late so we headed down to the bedrooms. Carol and George went into their bedroom, giving Lisa and I a little privacy for some fondling. She asked, “Nat, I want to show you around my town tomorrow and of course eat. How does that sound?” I kissed her, great especially the eating part.” She giggled and kissed me back.

On Friday, after getting stuffed with a massive breakfast, Lisa and I drove around town in her car, which was a Mercedes Benz too, though, not as big a car as her mom’s. We of course ate out three times, stopping for Cold Stone Creamery and other treats.

Saturday, was of course more eating. I watched some football games with George, while Carol and Lisa went shopping. I had several beers, all the while being nearly stuffed with snack foods all day.

On Sunday morning I got up early, went into the bathroom used the toilet. I looked in the mirror and was a little stunned by the size of my belly. I was wearing a pair of now very tight shiny nylon briefs, which are Lisa’s favorites. My belly touched the countertop. I shook it and to my delight my fat wobbled. I noticed a scale be shower stall, I stood on it and the dial spun to two hundred and fifty one pounds! Wow, I was around two hundred thirty pounds when we got here Wednesday night, I’ve gained over twenty pounds in four days of eating bliss.

There was a soft knock on my door and Lisa waddled in, “Nat, are you in the bathroom?” I laughed, “Yes, Lisa, come and see how fat I am!” She giggled and waddled in, “Oh Nat your tummy is so cute, so nice and round. I bought you a pair of pants to wear back to university today, try them on please.” I took them from her, pointing out that they were a sixe forty-four waist. I pulled them on they were a little tight around my fat bottom, but otherwise fit just fine. Lisa and I fondled for a while on my bed then she waddled down to her room to shower and get ready to go to the airport.

Meanwhile and Clara’s home, they too were getting ready to leave for the airport. Clara asked Dave, “Dave, do you think Nat put on weight this weekend?” Dave chuckled, “Clara, I’m sure he has. He loves Lisa and he will do anything to please her.” Clara’s mom piped up, Clara, the Masons’ love to eat, Nat really didn’t have a choice about gaining weight, I’m sure knowing Carol Mason, he’s gained a lot of weight too.”

Lisa and I were able to board early, given our first class tickets. Dave and Clara waved at us when they filed through to coach. When they were seated, Clara said, “Dave, Nat looks like he gained a lot of weight, did you see how big his waist is?” Dave chuckled, “Clara I knew he would put on weight. Remember what your Mom said about Mrs. Mason.”

After dropping the girls off at their apartment, Dave and I drove to the frat house. Dave chuckled, poking my fat belly, “Nat how much weight did you gain this weekend?” I patted my belly, causing some wobbling, “Dave I was fed all weekend, I gained over twenty pounds.” Clara’s mom said Carol would fatten you up.” “Dave, she was right!”

Lisa and I were inseparable during the remainder semester. I went home and shocked my family at how fat I was. I explained there was a lovely lady in my life, my mom knew immediately that she must be a fatty and that was that as far as my weight went.

The next semester went well, Lisa and I were together as much as possible. Which of course meant lots of eating, I gained another twenty pounds.

During the summer I got an internship at an engineering firm, which meant I pretty much sat on my fat rear all summer. No one seemed to mind that I was so obese.

The start of our senior year, Dave and I were able to move out of the frat house, a couple of large rush classes meant we had than enough guys who wanted to live in the house. The arrangement with Lisa and Clara’s families was that Clara would room with Lisa all four years. Lisa, as much as she would have loved to live with me, she didn’t want to go back on the arrangement with Clara.

Dave and Clara were very close and in love too. So the new arrangement was, when Lisa was with me at our apartment, Dave and Clara were at the girls apartment and we switched weekends.

Lisa and I had some serious talks about my weight. Even though we both wanted me to gain more weight, we decided to back off on my overeating and weight until we got married for me to really let go and gain weight.

Dave and Clara became engaged around Christmas time. Lisa and I went to their wedding. Clara had asked Lisa to be maid of honor or at least a bride’s maid, but Lisa, declined, saying she was just too fat to be standing up in front of everyone. Clara was disappointed, but understood.

I asked Lisa to marry me on Valentine’s Day. She cried for over an hour on the phone with Carol who was crying too. We were married in the fall for the cooler weather.

Clara was the matron of honor, and Dave was my best man. He had asked me to be his best man, I asked if it would bother his parents and Clara’s given how fat I was, but he assured me I was his first and only choice.

Of course our wedding reception of a massive gorge for all of the guests especially me. I started my weight gain from that day on. By our first anniversary I was over three hundred pounds and still eating.
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