My story: the road from fit to obese

Chapter 3 - road to 330

2022: the year of the belly.

as i mentioned, while i was over 200 pounds, my fat was well distributed, giving me the illusion that i was just curvy with a fat ass. however, all of that was about to change.

i kept eating and eating, thinking i was immune to my waistline expanding. at that point no one had really commented on my weight, except for the time when i tried borrowing some clothes from my sister and she told me none of them would fit me.

me and my sister had never really gotten along; i think she’s always felt as if, since i was the youngest, i always got what i want and my parents weren’t really strict on me.

that year my sister started going out with her boyfriend and i wasn’t staying on campus anymore. so whenever her and my parents were out, i would binge on the largest amounts of food possible. doordash was probably my most used app (and still is haha). i ate burgers, fries, pastries, cakes and even buckets of ice cream all by myself. i considered some of these things “study snacks”. and then i shamelessly ate 2 portions of whatever we were having for dinner that day.

my appetite grew immensely that year. my stomach often grumbled in the middle of the night, pushing me to get up and satisfy it.

i didn’t notice how small my shirts were getting. throughout the day my shirts would ride up, revealing my stomach.

i eventually noticed how big my belly had gotten. my waist was much larger, my belly button was completely squished and stretched out and my gut was covered in stretch marks. it started spilling out of my pants because it didn’t fit inside of it. this is where i actually realized i was on my way to morbid obesity and i couldn’t stop it.

by summertime i had reached 300lbs. my belly had taken over my once hourglass figure. i had morphed into a sphere of pure lard. there was not a single ounce of muscle in my body. let’s not even talk about how my butt had doubled in width and girth: it was bigger than a yoga ball. to move around i had to waddle like a penguin and swing my arms to help me out.

i usually spend my summers laying by the pool, getting tan, but this time, i didn’t have a swimsuit to do that. i eventually went online and bought a two piece swimsuit, but the top was too small for my breasts. therefore, i just wore these old tank tops i turned into tube tops. i looked enormous: the bottom could contain only half of my belly, the upper part caked over it.

i still sunbathed outside. this is when i started getting turned on by my body. i often untucked my huge belly from my bottoms and loved how it jiggled with every movement.

one day we went to the beach and some kid accidentally kicked a ball on my ass and i barely felt it. it was fascinating how much lard protected me. i often accidentally sat on the tv remote without realizing it and it would get stuck between my ass cheeks.

that summer i also got stuck in a plastic chair, as i talked about in “big girl struggles”.

when we were approaching halloween my sister made a joke about how i should be a pumpkin for halloween, since all i’d have to do is wear orange. i was comically spherical at that point.

when it got cold outside, we went coat shopping and it was very embarrassing: none of the coats fit me. my mom had to try zipping them, but none of them would.

another huge change was how fat my face had gotten. my cheeks were huge, my double chin was big and permanent and it just seemed like my face had sunken into a puddle of fat.

i finished the year at about 330lbs, more than double of what i weighed a couple years ago.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Alexey Ashel 5 months
Respect! Hope you find a job you can work from home 🏡 and still be happily obese and fat ☺️
That Purson 1 year
You should add more to this
CherryR0bot 1 year
I hope you get help for your depression. Losing mobility from an injury is extremely taxing mentally.
HappyBigBelly 1 year
Ah, the first year of it was hard on all of us. Many folks did the same thing you did — gain a lot of weight! I must say those binges sound quite delicious :-) And eating whipped cream is fun itself!