Influence the influenced: fattening up the gym girls

Chapter 6: the satisfaction factor

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Three months went by. Katie, Christine and Melany got a lot bigger during this time. None of their clothes fitted anymore and the only thing they all did was eating and sleeping. Well, Melany also fed Katie and Christine. The past couple of moths have been very busy for Melany. She bought a lot of food every day and had a whole routine of feeding Katie and Christine as much as possible. She served both Katie and Christine three big dinners everyday and not so little snacks in between the dinners. Before every meal, Melany applied some oil and cream on their big bellies so that they'd stay soft and shiny. Everyday, Melany observed the girls could eat more and more, and so could she. What had started with one and a half buckets of ice cream, already became three. What started with bearly finishing one small pizza, already became a family sized one with extra toppings. What started with just a tiny bit of protein powder, aldeady became a finished jar by the end of the week. It actually was like feeding two pigs to get them as fat as possible, to make them ready for slaughter. Only Melany wasn't planning on slaughtering them. Her only plan was to add up more and more pounds to katie's and Christine's their already big bellies. Melany got huge in the meantime aswell. Mostly because she wanted to show who's boss. While feeding Katie and Christine, she also ate with them. She weighted around 270 lbs at this point. Her belly was constantly hanging. It developed a beautiful round shape and was pushing out beyond her tits. She was constantly walking around the house only wearing underwear, so Katie and Christine could watch her jiggle constantly.

Katie has been miserable during the past three months. Melany lied to her. During the past three months, Katie has not been able to go to the gym. She has been locked in her room. She could walk around by now because she behaved well towards Melany. What was once a fit girl now became a fat piggy with an addiction to food. Even tho she still had the urge to go to the gym, she also got very hungry a lot. She was used to it now. So Melany had to feed her a lot otherwise she'd feel hungry and even more miserable. Katie still believed she could lose all the weight she gained if she was just able to go to the gym once. She tried to exersice every day after each stuffing session but she was then either too full or her room was not practical enough for a specific exercise. Katie did not realise how much she had gained, mainly because Melany got rid of all her clothes and her mirrors. Therefore, Katie had to be naked all the time. After evey stuffing, Katie felt out of breath, her shiny soft belly made more noice every day. She hated it how Melany played with all her fat every time she finished a meal or a snack. Her bed became too small for her to even turn around, but Melany enjoyed watching Katie struggle and jiggle. Katie now weighted 250 lbs, which was by far the goal Melany had in mind for her.

Christine became a monster. Out of the three, she had gained the most weight, and she absolutely loved it. What was once a slim fit girl trying to get some joy out of life, finally found that joy while tranforming into the most messy and laziest pig ever known. For the past three months, she has done nothing but laying in bed, eating and pleasuring herself while acting like a pig. Every day she demanded Melany to add more food to her meals and snacks. Melany loved it. In fact, Melany loved it so much, she started to pleasure herself while she watched Christine devouer a meal. Melany and Christine developed a big connection between each other and even fed each other aswell. Only Christine was the one that ate the most. Christine did not see Katie during those three months, so they have no idea from each other how fat they got. Christine was at that point around 324 lbs. But she wanted more. She wanted more of that warm feeling, more of the satisfaction that she never felt for the last couple of years. She had to get as fat as possible.

After these three months, Christine wanted to try something. She told Melany she wanted to try to eat as much as possible, by eating all day long. "But Christine, I can't. I have to feed Katie aswell" Melany said worried. "Katie doesn't even want to get fed. I do. I want to get fed. Why haven't given up on her already. I'ts just a waste of food. You could invest all that food riiiiggghhhhttt here" Christine said while slapping her belly. Melany looked at Christine up and down. She was laying completely naked on her bed that became way too small for her. Covered in oil she was trying to seduce Melany while rubbing all over her fat belly. "Well, she has done whatever I wanted for the past couple of months, maybe she deserves to get out of the house for one day" Melany said. "Thats good!" Christine said with a big smile. "What's are we going to eat tomorrow? I want literally everything Katie would get. Get rid of her tomorrow. And would you hand me those hamburgers please? Thank you". Christine became like a spoiled child. Melany handed her a plate of four double cheeseburgers. At this point, that was Christine's snack between her meals.

While Christine was shouving the cheeseburgers down her throat, Melany went to Katie. She opened Katie's bedroom door and caught Katie working out. She was doing burpees, but the moment she landed on her feet at the end of one burpee rep, she stood eye to eye with Melany. Katie's whole body was jiggling as she landed back on her feet. Her tits smacked against her soft chest, her belly made big waves of fat and her thighs were shaking a lot. "Melany... I'm so sorry... please, don't punish me" Katie said. Melany was furious. Did she exercise every time she was not feeding her? Waisting food she could've eat herself or could've given to Christine?! Christine was right. Melany wanted to get very angry at Katie by tying her up and stuffing her face with taco's, but she had to think about Christine. She calmed down. "Whatever pig, I guess I got good news for you" Melany said while approaching Katie. She started to rub some oil on Katie's belly. "Listen. Tomorrow i'll be too busy to feed you, let alone keep an eye on you. So this one time, I'm allowing you to get out of the house, to go to the gym or whatever." Melany said. She slowely got closer towards Katie's ear, their big round bellies were touching each other and pressing against each other. Melany started to whisper in Katie's ear: "But if you won't be back by the end of the day, I will hunt you down, and I'll will not allow you to stop eating untill you explode... got it pig?". Katie got goosebumps. But she was too exited to get frightened by Melany's thread. "Yeah okay...sure... I'll come back" Katie said. She had to come back. She had nowhere to go to and she would be too ashamed for other people to see how much she had gained. Melany gently pushed her belly forwards so that Katie would fall over and land on her bed. "Here. You'll need some clothes" Melany said and handed Katie some of her old workout clothes. They were strechy, but not nearly the size Katie already grew into. Melany left her room. Katie looked at how big and jiggly Melany's ass had become. She did not notice that before.

The next morning Katie jumped out of bed. She was ready to work out all day long untill she lost all her weight. She putted on her clothes, which were very thight. Her sports bra barely covered her tits and there was a big fat roll sticking out above her leggings. She didn't focus on her outfit. She just wanted to get out of there. She slowely walked towards her bedroom door, and for once, it was unlocked. She walked down the hallway towards the front door. She tried not to make any sounds, but her weight caused the floow to make a lot of noice. She neither saw Melany nor Christine. As soon as she closed the front door behind her, she started to scream out of joy. She started to run towars the gym, only after a couple of meters she was already out of breath and sweating. It really suprised her. A couple of months ago she could run around the whole city! Her joy turned into concern. Was she able to even finish one regular workout in the gym? She had to find out. After a rather long break, she decided just to slowely walk to the gym.

Back at home, Melany checked Katie's bedroom if she already left. And ofcourse, she did. Melany took off her underwear and went to Christine, who was still sleeping. "Wake up Christine, are you hungry?" Melany whispered. She suprised Christine with being naked. Now they were both naked. Christine responded with a nod and a pig like sound. Melany rushed to the kitchen where she prepared a moveable table that was covered in the most fattening food ever invented. She brought it to Christine and she started to feed her EVERYTHING. Christine shoved it all down her throat. Melany could hear the food being smashed together while pushing it with great foce into Christine's mouth. Christine started to get wet. "Melany..." Christine said after she burped into Melany's face. "Please...lay down on the floor". Melany was confused but she did it anyway. Shs layed down on the floor on her back, looking at Christine. Christine barely got out of bed and was now standing above Melany. Melany could barely see Christine because her belly covered Melany's whole view. Christine grabbed a big chocolate cake of the table and placed it on Melany's big round belly. Without saying a word, Christine struggled to get on her knees, and started to eat the entire cake off of Melany's belly. Christine started to moan so hard, while her belly hang towards the ground, amolst touching it. Now Melany started to get wet. She lifted her belly from both sides, pushing it into Christine's face, therefore covering Christine's whole face with chocolate. As soon as Christine finished the cake, she noticed Melany got wet. Melany's whole belly was still covered with chocolate. Christine pulled herself up, and layed down on Melany, all that weight started to crush Melany. She loved it. They started to kiss. Their bellies were pressed against each other, therefore they both were covered in chocolate cake. At this point, both their bodies were covered in chocolate and oil. Christine went up and down while Melany kept grabbing all the fat on Christine's body she could. They try to make their body's jiggle as much as possible. It was now Melany's turn to get on top. She grabbed a whole tube of liquid butter, and started to poor it into Christine's mouth. A liter of butter dissapeared into her mouth. Melany was so turned on, she couldn't stop pooring all the liquids she had into Christine's mouth and all over her body. Hony, oil, mayonaise, ice cream, and so on. Christine was covered in it. They started kissing each other again. Christine could not stop slapping Melany's big fat jiggly ass while Melany occasionally got up and fed Christine several meals while playing with her belly. They went on all day long...
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Stevita 1 year
This has been amazing! I'm delighted that Katie learned her lesson about body positivity but still got to achieve her freedom.
Stevita 1 year
Christine's development as a hedonistic feedee and Melany's increasing unhingedness were super enjoyable as well! Keep writing!!!!
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
I really loved this story, I can't wait to see more within this universe that you have created!!
Nickp72 1 year
Great story, hope these girls give in and get big. Looking forward to seeing where this will go!!
Nickp72 1 year
Great story, hope these girls give in and get big. Looking forward to seeing where this will go!!