Influence the influenced: fattening up the gym girls

Chapter 7: Katie's new hope

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While walking towards the gym, Katie jiggled so much that her sports bra constantly moved upwards therefore almost exposing Katie's tits. She could even see her belly jiggle in the shadow as she was walking. After an embarassing and long walk, she finally made it to the gym. She was all sweaty and her sport outfit was already soaking wet. She grabbed the key Melany finally gave her and went inside. She knew exactly what kind of exercises she wanted to do because she'd run them through her head every day since she got locked up and fattened by Melany. She wanted to start with running on the treadmill. She changed her mind because she could not even run across the street when she was going to the gym, so she would do that exercise when she'd have rested a bit more. So she went on to the second exercise: the leg press
As soon as Katie sat down on the leg press machine, she felt reliefed. Finally, after the long walk and standing for way too long she was able to sit down. She waited just a little bit longer and then started the exercise. She started with not much weigh. As soon as knees bend, she could feel her belly pressing against her inner thighs. How was this possible? She had never felt that before! Therefore, as soon as her belly touched her big thighs she pushed out again, making the exercise not effective at all. She then reminded herself that her fat belly was the problem ofcourse, so she stopped doing leg presses and started to do some sit ups. Well, she atleast tried to do some sit ups. Her belly was, again, in the way of begin able to make a full rep. She tried to push her belly between her thighs but nothing worked.
At this point, Katie already tried three different exercises. None of them caused any calories to burn, even tho she was sweating a lot. She couldn't do any exercise without all of her body fat disturbing both the exercise and Katie's endurance. She tried every exercise available in the gym and she could not handle any of them. After an hour, she gave up. She layed down on the floor exhausted and out of breath. She was covered in sweat, but her watch said she only burned 16 calories. 16... Katie almost started to have a mental breakdown. On top of that, she got really hungry. She needed to eat otherwise she thought she'd pass out. The only thing available to eat were some protein bars from a vending machine. Katie thought that would be a bad idea. The proteins would just turn into stored fat since she's not even able to excercise anymore. But she had to eat something. She let her hungry thoughts take controll and she bought 6 big protein bars.

She walked to the bathroom and locked herself up on the toilet. She started to devour every single protein bar untill she ate them all. She was getting tired of her way too tight leggings so she released a lot of pressure by exposing her big jiggly belly. Her belly bursted out of underneath her leggings and landed on her thighs. She was satisfied by eating all of the protein bars. She looked down at her belly while jiggling it. Would she ever get rid of all the fat or is this something she'd have to live with for the rest of her life? If she was able to loose all of that fat and be as skinny as she used to be, would her addiction to food ever go away or would she just live a miseable life trying to stay fit? She got up from the toilet with her exposed belly. As soon as she left the toilet she was facing a huge bathroom mirror. There she was. Looking at her fat hanging belly. Realising how much she had really gained. She slapped her belly and saw it jiggle a lot. "Melany was right... I am a fucking pig..." she said to herself.

While Katie was still staring at herself, someone walked into the bathroom. Katie tried to hide her belly as fast as she could, struggling to even lift her belly up. She was ashamed. "Don't worry, you have no idea how much I do that aswell" the girl said that walked into the bathroom. "I'm sorry..." Katie said with red cheecks. "Don't worry about it! You look amazing" the girl said. She looked at Katie and her tight outfit. She then realised she did not use to be that big. "My name is Cassy" she said. Cassy had a big figure aswell. She weight around the same as Katie, maybe a bit less. But her outfit actually fitted. "I'm Katie" Katie said while she was still blushing. "Katie, I know it can be though, believe me. I've been going to the gym for atleast half a year now but I have not even lost a pound yet. I just like to keep myself busy here you know" Cassy said. "Yeah well I actually try to lose weight. I need to loose weight... I'm sorry it's..." Katie struggled to speak. "Complicated? Yeah I know don't worry about it" Cassy said. "Hey, are you done with your exercises? I can take you to my house, I probably have some clothes that will actually fit you" Cassy said. Katie really wanted to get some more comfortable clothes. She had to be honest with herself, she would not been able to do another excersise. Espacially not after she ate all of those protein bars. So she agreed to go to Cassy's house.

Cassy lived in a nice appartment. It was very tidy and cosy. "Would you maybe take off your shoes? We just want to make sure we don't have to clean that much" Cassy said. Katie would gladly take off her shoes, since they were not comfortable at all. Maybe her feet got swollen up by all the weight gain? But thats not the only thing Katie wondered. Cassy said "we", like her and a partner? Indeed she had. As aoon as Katie walked into the living room, Cassy's boyfriend was sitting there. His name was Ryan. Ryan was also pretty big, just like Cassy. He was pretty tall and had a pretty big belly. Katie was a little bit concerned. "Why are they both fat? Are they going to stuff me aswell? Are they friend of Melany who just try to keep me locked up aswell?!" Katie thought to herself. But her thoughts were interrupted by Cassy. "I know you already ate quite some protein bars already but would you like to join us for dinner?" Cassy asked Katie. Katie freaked out because of the fact Cassy apparently saw all the wrapping paper of the protein bars. She tried to ignore it. "Yeah sure, sounds good" she said. It was almost 7 PM and if she'd go home she'd probably get stuffed by Melany and she wouldn't like that. Besides, she got pretty hungry again anyways.

Cassy didn't want to make dinner, so she ordered some pizza. Katie didn't really like that. She thought she could finally eat something healthy for once. But she didn't want to be rude. Cassy was really nice to her. And since the only person she spoke to was Melany, she wanted other people to talk to aswell. "Ryan, you want the usual?" Cassy asked. Katie wondered what the usual was. "Yeah!" Ryan said. "Katie you want to try the usual aswell? You'll see what the usual is, in for a suprise?" Cassy said. Again, Katie didn't want to be rude. "Yeah...sure". Cassy ordered three extra large meatlovers. As soon as Katie heard that, she knew she should've just said she wanted a small pizza margerita. But now she had to eat it. Just like she had to eat all the food Melany fed her. It also explains why Cassy and Ryan became pretty fat. They probably order this stuff multiple times every week.

During dinner, Katie tried to convince herself that eating the pizza is not a big deal. Melany usually feeds her way more so this should be fine. During the pizza stuffing, Cassy, Ryan and Katie learnt a lot about each other. Cassy met Ryan at their university and have been together ever since. They also talked about working out in a gym as a fat person. Cassy also admitted both her and Ryan gained weight because of their relationship. Ryan more than Cassy. After they all finished the pizza, Katie didn't feel stuffed. She was used to eat at least three of such pizza's in one sitting. She didn't want to admit she was still hungry because Cassy already provided her with one. "Oh Katie I almost forgot, you need some different clothes!" As soon as Cassy said that, the doorbell ringed. It was Cassy's sister, Emily. Emily usually dropped by Cassy's house just to hang out. Cassy introduced her to Katie. For Katie, it was like looking at a mirror of the past. Emily was a very slim and fit girl who was really enthusiastic about everything. "Nice to meet you Katie!" Emily said. Katie was standing their with her tight outfit, already exposing one big belly fat roll. Emily looked at Katie's fat roll with a smile. "You guys met at the gym?" Emily asked. Why did Emily smiling? Did she like what she saw? Or was she just thinking Katie was pathetic? "Oh yeah we met at the gym today, I invited her to get some new gym clothes that I don't use anymore." Cassy said to Emily. "Oh okay! I'll wait here with Ryan, we'll choose a good movie" Emily said.

Cassy went upstairs with Katie. Cassy had this huge closet filled up with all sorts of outfits. The more Katie looked around in her room, the more pictures she saw of what seemed like different photoshoots of Cassy. She was posing like she could belong in a magazine or something. But then Katie realised, she aqtually is a model. A plussize model. She had pictures laying around everywhere. She was striking different poses in her bikini, showing off all of her curves and her fat belly. Katie couldn't believe what she saw. Cassy actually is a plussize model like Melany showed her a couple of months ago. Before Katie could process the situation, Cassy was standing in front of her. "I'm sure these will fit you! If so, you can keep it. Oh but first let me see if I have some proper underwear for you aswell" Cassy said. While Katie was waiting, she kept staring at all the pictures of Cassy. "They're pretty right? I still do it as a hobby but I actually want to turn it into a fulltime job" Cassy said. "The pictures are beautiful" Katie said. And she actually meant it. She realised such a nice girl like Cassy really enjoyed her body. Katie wished she'd be as confident as her. "Take your tight stuff off and give it to me, I'll get rid of it." Cassy said. Katie was not scared to undress infront of someone, she had done it for Melany for the past couple of months. Katie was now standing in front of Cassy in her underwear. " would actually be such a hot BBW model. If you want I could make some pictures of you?" Cassy said. "What's a BBW model?" Katie thought to herself, but since Cassy was so nice she thought it was a good idea. She needed an indication of how much weight she'd needed to loose anyway. Katie putted on the rest of her new outfit. "Oh no, keep it off. Just the underwear" Cassy said.

They went to another room which had this huge bed. Katie layed down on it. It was so soft and she actually fitted in it. It was like laying on the clouds. "Okay here's what we're going to do. I can tell you what kind of poses you need to do and I'll make the pictures. Simple right?" Cassy said. Katie went along with everything since she was really enjoying her evening at this point. After a couple of hours making pictures and having several snack breaks, Cassy had made some beautiful pictures of Katie. "Omg...they look pretty good" Katie said. She was suprised how talented Cassy was. "Shut the fuck up, they are amazing" Cassy said. "You know that I'm not the one who made the pictures beautiful right, that was you! Without you, what kind of stupid pictures would they be" Cassy said. Katie could watch herself for hours. She did look pretty. She couldn't believe it.

As soon as she realised what time it was, she almost got a heart attack. "Omg...omg Cassy I need to go home, I can't explain it" Katie said worried. She already knew Melany would punish her because she was already late. "Don't worry you don't have to explain it. Go. Just so you know, you can come by any time you want" Cassy said. "Thank you...for everything today" Katie said, and rushed down the stairs to go home. On her way out, she said bye to Ryan and Emily. They were watching a movie. Ryan was stuffing his face with all kinds of snacks while Emily kept on providing them for him. "Weird..." Katie thought to herself. But she needed to focus on getting home. While she was walking, she just knew she would end up in a food coma that night because of Melany.
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Stevita 1 year
This has been amazing! I'm delighted that Katie learned her lesson about body positivity but still got to achieve her freedom.
Stevita 1 year
Christine's development as a hedonistic feedee and Melany's increasing unhingedness were super enjoyable as well! Keep writing!!!!
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
I really loved this story, I can't wait to see more within this universe that you have created!!
Nickp72 1 year
Great story, hope these girls give in and get big. Looking forward to seeing where this will go!!
Nickp72 1 year
Great story, hope these girls give in and get big. Looking forward to seeing where this will go!!