Fat smack talk

Chapter 2

Monday morning, 7.30am: usually, Chantelle was in her powersuit and with a full beat on. She would be stressing about catching the 7.54am to be in the office by 9am. Instead, today, she sat at the kitchen island on her phone, ripping through TikToks and picking at a bowl of cereal. Matt was brewing espresso, to prepare her morning coffee as he always did. She loved her shaken iced espressos, but this time, Matt would be stirring things up.

He had gone “errand running” on Sunday after his Saturday research session. Matt was obsessed with reading online forums and stories about these people who called themselves feeders. Some told tales of mutual fattening, or their partners desire to transform by adding 100lbs, but some sneakily portrayed their stealthwork: fattening up their partners without their knowledge. This was what Matt had circling through his brain.

The cashier at the nutrition store had not questioned his order of appetite stimulants and mass gainer protein. She had glanced at his gut, and wondered silently if needed either of the supplements.

He had also grabbed enough JuJubes (Chantelle’s kryptonite) to pack a minivan. That morning, as she picked at her cereal, he set his schedule.

8am: Morning Coffee with Appetite Stimulants
11am: Lunch Smoothie with Appetite Stimulants and Gainer Powder
1pm: Bowl of JuJubes Left on Kitchen Table for Grazing
5pm: Takeaway Dinner to Celebrate

As Chantelle hopped from the island, he watched how the sweatpants hung off her hips. She had sworn to work exclusively in comfort clothes for the first month. Her lean waistline let the soft fabric drape from over her natural curves. Her t-shirt reflected the short and youthful waist she sported back in college. Matt stared at her, trying to fathom how she would transform.

Whenever guilt crept in, he just remembered how he felt in the back seat of that Uber. A few pounds should do the trick. It’s not like she was going to blow up into some crazy whale…right? She had been obsessed and vain and fit her whole life. A quick lesson should do the trick.

When he dropped off her shaken espresso, he hovered to watch her take the first sip. She smiled at him and ran her hand along the small of his back and over his butt.

“Damn, at least you’re packin’.” She said with a handful.

“Text me what you want for dinner tonight, okay babe? We’ll celebrate.”

She didn’t look at him, but kept peering at her monitor as Matt left for work. He was in studio all day, and knew it would be a late night. As he left, he caught one last glimpse of his lithe girlfriend in her work chair; he made sure to memorize just how much space was between her hips and the arms of the chair…for reminiscing.
12.37pm, she texted him. “fcken starving today, no clue why. must be getting my period. Consider yourself warned.”

Matt beamed when he saw the message, and then immediately doubled the order he had placed at the Mexican takeaway for tonight.

2.12pm: “found your sweet treats…thank you honey bear
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Tedflansky 4 months
Such a promising first two chapters, can't wait to read more!
Angelhoney 1 year
can’t wait for more, love your writing so much
FTMfatty 1 year
This is amazing writing. Can't wait for more!