Helen's padding dream

Chapter 3 - Revelations

As dinner ended, Helen and Ivy lingered, reluctant to say goodbye. Ivy seemed as enchanted by Helen as Helen was by her, and suggested she drive Helen home. Helen's heart raced at the thought of more time together.

When they reached Ivy's sports car, Helen was awestruck. The sleek, cherry-red vehicle suited Ivy perfectly. But as she tried to get into the passenger seat, she struggled with her enormous padded body. The seat was low and tight, and her giant curves barely fit. She felt her face flush as she strained and squirmed, pretending the difficulty was due merely to her immense size and not the padding straining under her dress.

At last she was in, breathing hard, and Ivy gazed at her with undisguised desire. "I love seeing how your body has outgrown what it used to be able to do," she purred. Arousal and anxiety warred in Helen again—she was glad the padding heightened Ivy's admiration, but worried what Ivy might think if she knew the truth. As Ivy began driving, all Helen's thoughts melted away in the thrill of this fantasy made reality—yet underlain with fear of how fragile the fantasy might prove to be.

Squeezed into Ivy's tiny sports car, Helen felt like a giantess trapped in a space too small for her enormous body. The padding is straining under her tight dress, bulging out her curves and threatening to burst the seams. She feels squeezed into the small car seat, her giant breasts, belly, and thighs pressed up against the limitations of her clothing and the tiny space. She could barely move, and her padding strained and bulged against the tight constraints. Yet this difficulty only intensified her arousal at how hugely fat she had become.

When they reached her house, Ivy turned to her with eyes shining. "Can I kiss you?" she whispered.

Helen's heart raced. She longed to lose herself in Ivy's embrace and the fantasy. But she knew she couldn't deceive Ivy forever. "There's something I have to tell you first."

Ivy leaned back, brows furrowing. "You're not going to tell me you're really not that fat?"

Helen looked away, face flushing. Ivy had seen through her, and her hard-won fantasy was crumbling. Yet part of her felt relief at dropping the pretense, at no longer balancing on the precipice between fantasy and lies. She didn't know what would come next, but she sensed nothing would be the same.

To Helen's shock, Ivy laughed. "Oh, silly, I knew that before we met. Did you really think I believed you were that fat? I could tell from your photos the padding was fake. But that's what turns me on—indulging the fantasy."

Helen stared at her, stunned and aroused. Ivy liked her padding? She wanted Helen to embrace the fantasy, not be truly fat? Relief and excitement washed over her.

Helen couldn't believe it. After hiding her secret padding and weight gain fantasies for so long, expecting rejection if the truth came out, Ivy's acceptance was staggering. It was one thing to imagine being embraced for who she was; experiencing it was overwhelming.

Yet as Helen breathed deep, she realized: she could release her shame, share this vulnerable side of herself, be squeezed and constrained and aroused all at once—and Ivy would share it with her. The double life was done; this life of fantasy embraced could begin. Overwhelmed, she kissed Ivy fiercely, giving in to this tangled bliss of contradictions as she never had before.

Yet in the tiny sports car, she struggled to hug Ivy as she longed to do. Her giant padded body could barely move, squeezed into the narrow space. As they kissed eagerly, the limitations of the car made her padded curves bulge and strain against Ivy all the more. The impossibility of properly embracing only intensified the excitement of being too hugely fat to be contained. The fantasy was fragile yet, but with Ivy's acceptance, felt stronger than ever.

As the kiss ended, Helen asked Ivy breathlessly, "Do you want to come inside?"

Ivy's eyes gleamed. "I thought you'd never ask."

Helen's heart raced as she led Ivy up to her house and through the door. As soon as they were inside, Ivy pressed against her, hands roaming over Helen's huge padded curves. Helen shuddered with arousal at the frank admiration of her fantasy body, no longer hidden or constrained. She felt free to revel in this escape from the ordinary, this indulgence of her deepest longing—with a willing partner in Ivy. As Ivy stroked and squeezed her giant breasts and belly, she surrendered wholly to the illusion, losing herself in being the fat woman she had always dreamed to be.

At first, Helen was shocked by Ivy's fervent intensity, the way she pounced on Helen's body. Ivy had seemed so restrained and elegant before, and this hunger was startling.

Yet soon Helen was swept away as well. She had so longed for this, to be adored and indulged as her fantasy self, and Ivy's passion ignited her own. As Ivy kissed and stroked her, she returned the caresses, and they devoured each other with equal ferocity. In Ivy's unbridled desire, Helen saw her own set free. With Ivy, she could fully inhabit this body she had created, this deeply craved self, without limit. Shock melted into bliss as they indulged this shared fantasy-made-real.

As Ivy lavished attention on Helen's huge padded body, Helen returned the passionate caresses. She indulged the illusion of her fantastical curves and size, squeezing her giant breasts and stroking her massive thighs. With Ivy, she could fully enjoy being the woman she had always longed to be.

"You're so soft," Ivy purred, nuzzling against Helen's expansive cleavage. "So much more woman than any I've known."

Helen shuddered with arousal. "I want to be everything you've dreamed of," she breathed.

Ivy slid down to caress Helen's padded belly, making its great bulge shudder and roll. "You already are." Her hands wandered lower, sliding under Helen's straining dress. Helen gasped as Ivy's fingers explored her, the constriction of the padding around her intimate flesh heightening every sensation. As Ivy attentively indulged her inner self as thoroughly as her outer, fantasy and reality blurred into inseparable bliss.

As Ivy drove her to new heights of ecstasy, Helen felt herself letting go as never before. Her whole being was alight with pleasure, the confines of her ordinary self blissfully forgotten in this paradise of fantasy.

When Ivy shuddered in her arms with her own release, Helen held her close, sharing breaths, pulses racing together. The orgasm seemed to go on endlessly, their passion merging into something greater than either alone.

As the intensity faded into glowing wonder, Helen stroked Ivy's hair softly. "That was..." She struggled for words to do justice to what they had shared.

Ivy smiled against her padded breasts. "The start of everything we've both dreamed of."

And Helen knew, in Ivy's arms, she had found not just a perfect night of passion, but a way to embrace her true self without end.

When Helen woke, she saw Ivy standing by the bed in gorgeous lacy lingerie that showcased her fit curves. Helen gazed at her with admiration and longing. As perfect as their night had been, she was still padding and Ivy was still unattainably glamorous—yet Ivy looked at her with eyes that saw deep into her soul.

"I should take this off before work," Helen said reluctantly, indicating her padding. "Could you help me?"

Ivy nodded. "I don't want to damage the work of art that is your fantasy." She gently, sensually helped Helen strip off her layers of padding until she stood in just her underwear.

"Come to my place tonight?" Ivy asked. Helen's heart leapt—Ivy wanted to see her, ordinary her, again.

Helen smiled. "Nothing could keep me away."

She got ready for her day, feeling she was embarking on a new chapter of life—one in which she could fully be herself, flaws and all, without fear of rejection or need for escape, in the embrace of the woman who saw her most deep self.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Stranger122 1 month
Did you used to have a another story on her that was taken down?
Striker79 1 month
No, sorry
Fanedfox 1 year
Is Helen gaining weight? I couldn’t tell from your narrative. She’s eating, but is she trying to gain and get fat or just padding.
Striker79 1 year
In my mind she doesn't gain weight
Fanedfox 1 year
So, does actually gain weight or just continue her padding fantasies at home?
We written I liked her character.