Ari's naive transformation

  By Grek

Chapter 3

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"*glug glug glug* mmph ahhh!"

"So... How does it taste?"

"Hmm. It is adequate. *glug glug* You say this beverage will enhance my strength?"

"Absolutely! Everyone who goes to the gym drinks at LEAST one of these after their workout. But people who are SERIOUS about training drink them even before their workouts!" Lucy lied.

"*gulp* I see... So you're implying that I should drink these protein shakes twice a day for maximised effect," Ari questioned, enjoying her delicious drink.

"Well... I don't know... You have to have quite the dedication to manage two..."

"I'll do it. You really think I would be so incapable of drinking these lowly shakes twice a day? *glug glug* *gulp* I find your lack of faith in me disturbing Lucy," Ari explained, her eyes never leaving the drink in hand.

"Haha! Hey, I'm not stopping you. And well, if you can manage two, you might even be able to have three or four in a day! Buuut... I think that's only reserved for, like, top athletes," Lucy lied again.

"Is that so... In that case, prepare my second shake. I will become the strongest person to have ever graced this Earth - through rigorous exercise, and these strength-promoting, and delicious protein shakes," the determined girl declared.

Unfortunately, Ari couldn't make it all the way through her second shake. It was a valiant attempt, but she fell short nonetheless.

"It's okay! It's your first time having these... Of course it would be tough to drink two in one sitting," Lucy tried comforting her beaten friend, who was leaning back into the couch, bearing a milkstauche as tribute to her brave efforts.

"It is clear now that I was blind to the true *urp* difficulty of my task. I sincerely apologise for my display of arrogance," Ari spoke in a low, defeated tone.

"No, no! It's completely fine! Just downing that first shake shows that you have potential!

If you're willing... I could let you in on a little secret... You can get to be drinking those protein shakes like their shots of water," Lucy asked.

"I appreciate your humble concern, however, I deem myself unworthy of such-"

"The key is to expand your appetite," Lucy interjected. "You must increase your capacity for eating in order to drink more protein shakes."

"I see. That does indeed make sense. I am grateful for your-"

"Don't mention it! Ari, I said I was happy to help!"

"Thank you, Lucy. I have but one question now, how should I increase my appetite?" Ari queried her wise teacher.

"Well, there's only one answer to that, really... You have to eat more. Start with eating just a little bit more for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and maybe throw in a few snacks here and there... And wallah! Your appetite should steadily grow!"

"Very well. It appears I need to eat more, to get fitter... It is a strange equation."

Lucy knew she was taking a massive gamble here. If Ari caught on to the reality that her roommate was simply just trying to fatten her up, their friendship was finished.

After only one week of exercise and appetite expansion, Ari begun to notice some changes in her body.

The silver-haired girl stood up from her place on the bed, and gazed over her body. First of all, she still had that damned paunch. Her fingers could still easily pinch some stomach pudge.

However, when she turned her attention to her thighs, some changes were certainly present. Whenever Ari took a step, a small, but notable ripple resounded through her thighs.

Feeling her thighs, she could discern that they did in-fact bear new-found heft and softness. For the first time in her life, when she stood with her feet together, Ari's thighs lightly kissed.

"Hmm. I didn't really expect muscle to be so... Soft," Ari wondered as she proded the fresh layer of fat encasing her upper legs.

Turning around, Ari also noticed that her ass looked bigger. It felt tight against her panties, and now also jiggled slightly with each step. The young girl placed a hand on one of her cheeks, surprised by the softness with which she collided.

Ari felt sexy. She felt like she could be a model or a pornstar now.

"I think my hard work is paying off," Ari said as she gave her growing ass a pleasant slap, enjoying the aftershow of gentle ripples as gravity bounced it back into position.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Ffreedo 1 year
This was freaking great, I love how Ari talks, the descriptions, everything is just perfect.
FatteningDemon 1 year
How is 197.6lbs obese?
Lenni3 1 year
Your writing is pretty “superb” for a beginner such as yourself. Was really hot and fun reading this, well done!
Shammyboy 1 year
Very well done. I hope we see more from you.