Blackmail by kelsie... preview

Chapter 5

"Hello?" I croaked, recognizing the number and then instantly recognizing the voice on the other end of the line.

"Hello, this is Kelsie. Mr Becker I presume? Well, I'm giving you a courtesy call to let you know that you have a doctor's appointment later today at 1pm. Are you still coming in today as sheduled?" she said in a very professional sounding voice.

I wanted to yell, "Shut the fuck up, you psycho bitch. Stop fucking harrassing me, you crazy cunt!!!", but I couldn't as Shelia was right there and that could possibly raise suspicions that I didn't want cropping up in my mafia boss' daughter and dear wifey. I still thought about doing it, but then, what if Sheila checked out the number and discovered it was the number to our doctor's practice. I hadn't saved it into my phone, too lazy, but Sheila just might figure something was ary and I couldn't have that.

So instead I calmly answered, "Yes, this is Mr Becker, but I wasn't aware that I had a doctor's appointment today… Mrs Kelsie, did you say?"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Ms Kelsie? No sugar dumpling today, huh?" replied Kelsie in a jovial manner that was way too loud for my liking, so I walked into the adjacent kitchen, holding my hand up to my wife, like I was having a hard time hearing. Once I got outside if what I thought was my wife's earshot, I whispered urgently, "What the hell are you trying to do? Huh? Calling my house?

"Wow..." purred back Kelsie with her voice now sounding sultry and in full control, "... someone's being very hypocritical aren't they? Mr, I'm single and in the importing and export business", she said, convincingly feigning anger.

"Shhhhhhh, shhhhhhh, shhhhhhh. Keep it down. Look I'm sorry, that I lied to you"

"Sure you are!!!" yelled Kelsie on the other end of the phone.

"Look, I said I'm sorry. How can I make it up to you?"

"Just come in for your regularly scheduled appointment for today and we'll discuss my terms", said Kelsie and the phone went dead.

"Was that from Dr Wu's office?" called out Shiela from the dining room.

"Fuck", she had heard at least a little bit of our conversation, but how much?

"You have an appointment today?", she queried and thus showing she had overheard way too much.

"Ummmm, yeah. I must have forgot."

"You want me to go with you hun?"

"No!!! Nah, nah. I got this. No need to mess up your plans", I said calmly as my heart raced in my chest.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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