Berry brothel: self-service

Chapter 2:Appetizer

Berry Brothel: Self-Service, Appetizer

The room came alive transforming around Marissa into a busy family style chain restaurant. Marissa couldn’t believe how real it all looked. The sound of the conversations around her, the smells of the cooking grease, even the slight sticky spot on the table in front of her sold the illusion she was in public. A waitress came up to the table, dressed in a tight blouse and skirt clearly meant to exaggerate and show off her curves. She placed 2 plates in front of Marissa before settling into the chair in front of her. Shocked, Marissa found herself looking into her own face. Waitress Marissa smiled cruelly as real Marissa looked at the food in front of her, a tray of Mozzarella sticks on one plate and boneless buffalo wings on the other. Marissa picked up a stick and bit into it, nearly letting out a squeak as her pelvis touched the vibrating toy and letting out a gasp as she tasted the food. it was the best mozzarella stick she had ever tasted. Moist and juicy and dripping with flavor. She took another bite. And another. And another. it was so good she had to have more.

Nearly through the sticks, she looked up and saw her doppleganger still sitting across from her grinning wickedly, when she noticed she was being looked at she waved Marissa off “D-d-don’t mind me. I’m just enjoying watching s-s-someone enjoy all the things I can’t have.” Marissa noticed a small bit of delay as the double talked. She hoped it would smooth out as the A.I. got better at matching her voice. the stutter was annoying. “I wish I could eat like you.” Marissa took another stick and dipped it in the marinara absentmindedly listening to her double talk “l-l-let me g-g-guess. Fast metabolism? Must be. if I’d tried eating like this I’d b-b-blow up” The Waitress stood up and walked away leaving Marissa to enjoy finishing her sticks and start in on the wings. The first 3 wings went down easy. Marissa savored the taste of the buffalo sauce coating her lips. A drop or two fell onto her blue blouse staining it but Marissa ignored this, literally lost in the sauce. It was around the fifth or sixth wing washed down with a mug of beer she noticed. A slight pressure had been building up in Marissa’s gut but instead of coming out as a burp or fart, the relief was replaced by the external feeling of her clothing getting tighter, particularly in her skirt and the buttons of her now stained blouse. Looking down she saw that the buttons on her blouse were starting to pull. Grabbing another chicken wing she smiled to herself, enjoying the feeling of the vibrator through the chair and letting herself drift in the hazy of eating.

A haze that was broken by a loud burp, bringing Marissa back to the restaurant and the nearly empty plate in front of her. Marissa looked around at the other patrons noticing they were staring at her for her sonic interruption of their meals. Waitress Marissa came back over with another tray laden with food, giving Marissa the once over she smirked before quipping “Guess that metabolism wasn’t as fast as I thought. Starting to look a little chubby there piggy”. Marissa responding by putting a hand over her belly, A small pot belly was starting to form putting pressure on her blouse.Marissa rubbed the small ball of fat succeeding in schemering more buffalo sauce over her shirt adding to the air of sloppiness she was starting to feel. The bit of pudge was not limited to her softening belly either, all over her body she was starting to look just a bit thicker. she could still pass a skinny, but the word curvy would fit as well. Waitress Marissa replaced the wings and mozzarella sticks with a quesadilla and pepperoni flatbread. The grease pooling inside the curled up pepperonis made Marissa’s mouth water. She sat forward reaching for a slice of the pizza gasping aloud as the vibrator touched her body. the flatbread was again perfect. the cheese and grease felt so good going down her throat, she nearly food-gasmed “my, my, keep that rate up tubby, and we will have to wheel you out of here” the humiliating words only served to spur Marissa to eat faster, feeling the buttons tightening further around her growing stomach. It felt so good. Marissa picked up the pace, finishing the pizza in record time and starting on the quesadilla, cramming the food down as fast as she could, while washing it down from the mug of beer. A mug that never seemed to be empty or needed refilling by her taunting waitress. The beer was starting to affect her, giving everything around her a hazy outline as if her eyes couldn’t quite focus on what was in front of her. She ate faster, and this time when her body expanded to make room for more food she felt two light pings. The buttons on the bottom of her belly and across her chest burst off, showing white undershirt through the gaps in the shirt. Gaps that were growing with every bite she took. She giggled as she saw her belly start to rest on her thighs. she adjusted her seating spreading her legs a bit wider feeling every stitch in the now very over tight skirt as she did so. As she adjusted the toy grazed between her thighs, she stayed like that for a moment, savoring the pleasure of indulging herself, in lust, greed and gluttony. She was under sin city after all.

A strong hand pressed her back into the couch, moving the toy away from her pleasure center. “no, no, bad piggy. Y-you have to finish your dinner before you are allowed dessert” Marissa huffed, confused at being ripped away from such intense feelings. she looked up and saw the waitress standing next to her clearing away her last course to make way for the next one. a tower of fried appetizers. She noticed her beer mug was now replaced with a margarita glass. the waitress pulled out a mirror and held it so Marissa could see herself compared to the woman next to her. The changes were slight, but starting to form. Marissa’s face was covered in sauce and grease. Her cheeks were starting to swell, losing the defined jawline she had started with. “Smile tubby '' the waitress teased, pinching her cheeks in. Marissa smiled and found dimples starting to form which only made her grin wider. Still looking in the mirror she grabbed something from the tower and watched as the juice dribbled down her chin when she bit into it. Skinny Marissa brough the Frozen margarita glass to Marissa’s lips “Here, wash it down with a bit of this. The alcohol will help you eat more and get even fatter for me. Would you like that my chubba wubba?”

“uh huh” Marissa answers through a mouth full of margarita, little rivulets of green streaming down her face and onto the ruined blue blouse. Another ping as another button went flying off her belly surging forward and starting to pool on her lap resting on her plumping thighs that were getting closer to each other . Further up her body Marissa cupped and hefted one of her breasts feeling its weight and how close it was to popping another button on her shirt starting again around the restaurant Marissa noticed the other patrons pointing and laughing at her. Making disgusted sounds and gestures at slobbishness she was displaying. Whispered words were carried to her ears that made her want to shove even more food into words like “pig” and “fatty” were common enough but things like”Disgusting” “Whale” “Gross” and “Cow” sent chills of pleasure up her spine the way the toy had.

Moving down the app tower She grabbed a potato skin loaded with sour cream and bacon savoring the feeling of the crisp skin contrasting with the creamy topping. Marissa closed her eyes to better enjoy the sensation of the treat moving down her throat and turning into fat as it hit her stomach. She could feel the way her shirt was tightening around her sensitive skin, the cuffs tightening around her arms. the increasing tension on the last button that was keeping her shirt closed. All was turning her on so much she wanted to sit forward and please herself on the toy again. But she wouldn’t, she would be a good piggy for her feeder and keep eating. She grabbed another greasy morsle from the tower. the button on her shirt blew off. Causing Marissa’s body to shake as her flab readjusted its layout. Her breast sat heavy in her bra cups applying pressure but not straining it yet. Her belly had become a pot round and full sitting proudly in her lap as if she was pregnant. Her belly’s size partially hid how much wider her thighs and ass had become inching closer to the sides of the couch she was sitting on as well as raising her body up a few inches. Closing her eyes and running her hands all over her sensitive skin Marissa let out a throaty moan and to her own shock rather than a piggish squeal the sound that came out sounded more like a cows moo.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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XxSecretFatB... 1 year
That place sounds fantastic. Can’t wait for the next chapter
Stranger122 9 months
I wish it was real too