Berry brothel: self-service

Chapter 3 - Berry Brothel: Self-Service 2 Salad

Marissa opened her eyes to find her setting had shifted, instead of a restaurant she had moved to a family basement complete with wood panel. In front of her was a small snack table with a large dressed salad on it and a fork lying next to it. Marissa picked up the fork feeling just how chubby her hands had become and stabbed through the layer of creamy dressing, she wrinkled her nose as she brought the fork to her lips. Skinny, Proper, Marissa ate salads. This fat slob she was indulging didn't want salad she wanted grease and burgers and fast food she wanted the heart attack special. She took another bite of the salad. At least she got to have full fat dressing now none of the lite shit she normally dripped sparingly on her greens. She took another bite and the Tv set in front of her clicked on. It showed a stage with a cheaply dressed background of a barn and silo. Something that would be used to teach about farms on a children's program. Marissa took another bite of her salad and saw on the screen the Waitress version of herself now dressed in a short red gingham dress a sexy knockoff of Dorthey from the wizard of oz. in a mock southern accent Tv Marissa waved out of the set saying “Well howwwwdeee viewers, today we are going to learn about Cows!” Marissa took another bite of the salad. “Let's start with the basics. What do cows say?” The Country Marissa waited a beat before saying “that's right Cows say Moo. Can all the cows watching say Moo?”
“Mrooooo” the moo escaped Real Marissa’s mouth before she could even think about what she was doing “MROOOOOOO!” another moo escaped her as the TV host said “i didn't hear you!” Marissa rolled her shoulder adjusting her bra strap that was starting to bite into her shoulder. A slight breeze made her notice that the under shirt she was wearing was starting to creep up her belly,but her belly didn't seem that much bigger.. she took another bite of the salad.savoring the creamy ranch more than the bland lettuce under it,she noticed that her bra felt heavier now the straps starting to cut into her shoulder. She realized that all of this salad must be going straight to her tits. Then the light in her head clicked on not tits; udders.Taking another bite with a bit more gusto she used the other hand to heft up one, the weight of it felt great as she strained her own dwindling muscles to lift it. Tv host Marissa was addressing the audience again,”did you know that cows can weigh up to 3500 lbs despite eating nothing but grass?” The host looked directly into the camera at Marissa “I guess even if you eat nothing but lettuce you can still turn into a fat cow” Marissa responded with another Moo thru the mouthful of salad she had just shoved into her mouth. Her pants were really cutting into her body a few more pounds and it would begin to tear.
Adjusting her seat she pressed against the vibrator for a few moments savoring the humiliation of being a fat cow despite a vague trying to be healthy, the hypocrisy of her actions turning her on like a lover's embrace. she noticed that she didn't have to move quite as far to hit where she wanted. Her back fat and ass were pushing her forward toward the toy between her legs. On the Tv Farm Girl Marissa was still speaking “Did you know Cows are social creatures and can tell how one another are feeling. This is kinda like humans if you put a bunch of Fatties in a room they will all make each other bigger! So remember boys and girls stay away from fatties or you will blow up like that one there!” The farm girl pointed directly at Marissa who let out a burp causing her fat to shake. Looking down at it Marissa was shocked to see how big her tits had grown, filling up the cups of her bra and straining them. Rolling her shoulder again the pressure on her breast was getting painful but the only way to get rid of it is if it blew off. Marissa took a few quick bites of the salad in quick succession. She needed to get this bra off. Looking down Marissa frowned her tits had outpaced her belly and were now obscuring her view of the growing sack of lard.moving her hand around to feel it, she felt at the white undershirt had been pulled most of the way up only covering the top of her belly and her now massive udders.
On the Tv the Farm girl continued to mock her, wondering aloud if Marissa’s tits were ripe enough to produce milk yet like a sow. Marissa for her part wasn't listening anymore, every bite she took put a bit more pressure on her bra clasp. pressing her nipples farther into the padding of the cups, adding new scraps of pleasure as they rubbed against the fabric. but the metal clasp hung on. more bites of salad and her breast jumped a cup size. Another bite of the salad, Marissa tried savoring the feeling of the dressing going down her throat into her belly and being turned into fat added to her tits causing them to swell and press on the padding of her bra and strap across her back. But she was finding it difficult. The clasp was digging in too deep, her bra far too small for her to lose herself in the pleasure. A few more bites and she achieved her goal, with a snick the clasp on her back came free and her tits spilled forward onto her belly. Filling up the slack in her undershirt as it became her new bra.
‘Hee hee hee” the sound of high pitched giggling filled Marissa’s ears but before she could look around and place it she noticed a change on the tv in front of her.
Static filled the Tv when it resolved the picture had changed from a cheap kids show to an 80s themed workout space Physical by Olivia Newton John played in the background. the digital Marissa stepped onto the mat in thematically appropriate work out gear complete with leg warmers ``alright ladies are you ready to get into shape!? Or do you wanna to keep being fat cows?”
“Moo!” The sound escaped Marissa before she could choke it back with more salad. She took another bite in defiance of the fitness instructor.
In response the Instructor grinned evilly “Well let me convince you otherwise, first let's do some crunches! The Instructor layed down on the floor and began doing crunches at a rhythmic pace intime to the music. “See Fatty, this will give you the toned tummy all the guys want, I mean can you even reach down there under all that flab?” In defiance Marrissa reached her hand to touch her pussy, she made it but not without effort. her gut was soft but it would only compress so much and she nearly smothered herself in all her newly grown tit flesh. Her struggles caused the vibrator to graze her pleasure areas sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. She ate another bite of salad, every nerve on her fattened body on edge begging her to take the final step to orgasm. But Marissa didn't take it; instead she reached for the bottle of beer that had appeared next to her and took a long pull from it, backing herself down from the edge. The beer had an immediate effect on her belly causing it to surge forward and tighten as the gas expanded Marissa grinned drunkenly, with her gut distended she wasn’t sure if she could reach her pussy anymore, but she was glad that her stomach was out pacing her tits again, coming into view just past her nipple.She took another swig feeling her pants tighten around her body there wasn't much give left in them and it wouldn't be long before the burst. With another swig she let out a massive belch that shook the room and deflated her stomach a bit, hiding it once more under her tits but this didn't bother Marissa too much. She took another bite of the salad. she would get it back soon
The instructor changed from crunches to rhythmic leans and stretches “Hey fatty? You remember what it's like to look like this? She gestured to her trim and muscle body while Marissa looked down at her soft pot belly and jiggling thighs that she had to keep spreading further apart to keep them from touching Marissa took a stab at the bowl and found that it wasn't a lettuce salad any more but a giant bowl of potato salad covered in the thickest fullest fat mayo imaginable. Smiling, she took a bite of the potato salad and stared at the instructor on the screen mentally responding to her taunts ``yes I remember what it's like to look like you and it did not taste nearly this good” She took another big bite as if to prove her point.
After the stretches Marissa and the Fitness instructor fell into a rhythm. While performing various exercises and features of physical fitness she would taunt her real world counterpart who would respond with spoonfuls of potato salad. The Potato salad did not seem to have the same effect on her as the regular salad. Her weight was no longer focused on her breasts now but on her ass pushing her closer to shredding the black pants she was wearing “Hey! Hey Fatty! You on the couch!'' On the TV screen Fitness instructor had stopped calling out to Marissa. “I have a test for you.Stop stuffing your face for a sec!” Marissa obeyed, wondering what new humiliation this could be. She placed the bowl on the snack table beside her “Good job piggy nice to see you have a bit of self control left. Now what I want you to do is simple. take both arms and raise them above your head! With a flourish the Instructor demonstrated the move “can you do that for me piggy?” Marissa grunted with exertion and swung her arms over head, she felt the flab that had settled there jiggle with the movement feeling her muscles straining with the effort of holding up her newly added weight with a mock gasp the instructor clapped her hands with fake excitement. “Well done! I guess you're not completely immobile yet, you can put your arms down now” Marissa let her arms flop to the ground. Her arms were so tired she couldn't pick up the bowl in front of her.
The fitness instructor got into position for squats. Facing her toned ass to the screen the instructor began doing perfect squats showing off just how toned her ass was. “See fatty,” she taunted. “This is the kind of ass the boys want. big, but toned. No one wants to see your pig butt. Cheesecake is a dessert not padding for your ass. With a mouth full of potato salad Marissa heard a rip sound on both her hips, and the slight feeling of pleasure release. Her pants had given up the fight and now were beginning to tear like a sausage bursting its casing. The rip continued to move down from her hips along her legs. Marissa pressed herself into the toy as she ate riding the high of growing so big she was destroying her clothing. pressing herself deeper into the toy, she reveled in feeling her belly, ass and tits jiggle and shake. She was so close she could practically taste it, then a siren went off.
Marissa collapsed back into the couch frustrated. she was so close to going over the edge, shoving potato salad into her to numb the frustration she turned her attention back to the tv. it was some sort of POV doctor show or a parody of one.The camera was as if she was the patient lying on the bed. on either side of her were two copies of Skinny Marissa, one in a fetish latex nurse uniform, the other in a doctor coat and nothing else. They both wore expressions of mock concern on their faces “Well Dr. Marissa, is there anything you can do for this Pig? The Nurse asked
“Sadly no. I’ve told this lard ass time and again that she needs to lose weight or else it might prove a serious health risk. But the cow just kept getting bigger and bigger and here we are.”
Marissa drank in this humiliation her arousal and ruined orgasm causing her to mumble threw a mouth full of potato “I want to do better but everything just tastes so good”
Ignoring her, the Doctor kept on speaking “Still no reason not to do our jobs. Let's get this done. First off weight”
“300 lbs Dr”
“That can't be right! The patient’s last exam was only last week! She was 250 then”
“It's correct Dr. I just triple checked. This porker has put on 50lbs in a week. Lord only know if she will last the year”
“Geez how does a person let themselves get this big”
“You know exactly how. Some people are just greedy piggies who don't know when to leave the trough. They eat and eat until they end up here”. For the first time the Doctor and Nurse looked at Marissa through the screen “Isn't that right fatty?”
Marissa hung her head in shame the tv was right about her. She was just another pathetic fatty. The life she had before was a lie, a joke she told herself to make herself feel better. She was a pig, a cow, a chubba wubba fat ass, and damn if that thought didn't make her pussy drip. Her vision swam in a drunken haze as thoughts of her family's reaction to learning that their model perfect daughter dreamed of being a pig. Looking down into the food bowl perched on her belly, she saw it was nearly empty with just a few bites left, bites she quickly shoved into her mouth. With no food to eat at the moment Marissa adjusted herself so the toy hit her spot again, amused that while her back fat was pushing her ever closer to the toy her ass now raised her too high in the air so pleasure was just out of reach without further adjustments.
Tv Marissa got a glassy look in her eye smiling at Marissa, “Good news fatty, it's time for your next course” puffing up her cheeks Marissa’s skinny doppelganger blew hard at the screen filling it with a heavy smoky obscuring everything behind it. Slowly the smoke curled its way out of the screen and began filling the room making everything hazy. The smoke had a strong skunky smell to it that made Marissa feel high just after a couple whiffs, she could feel a big dopey smile form on her face
.Adjusting herself so the toy hit the right spot Marissa let herself sink into crossfaded bliss. Feeling her belly press into her lap made this action difficult and filled Marissa with even more arousal. Her udders had grown so big from the salads that at this new angle she couldn’t see how big her belly was now, but rubbing her hands on it felt amazing. It was so soft, barley offering any resistance to her hands pressing into it. It was big too. She tried to finger at her navel smiling at how much of a challenge this was, between the size of her belly and the flab covering her arms.
The smoke had filled the room now. She couldn't see any of the surroundings or the table in front of her. One hand on the edge of her navel the other on her breast she rubbed and massaged, feeling her body sink forward closer to vibrator closer to the pleasure. Pleasure filled her mind as she sat there, playing with her newly grown body, reveling in all the new sensations. The strain of her arm muscles and they tried to hold all her new fat up, the warmth of her hand on the cold flesh of her gut, a spot of warmth in a glacier of ice, punctuated by a lightning bolt of pleasure from her finger running over her erect nipple. She could feel the crease between her thighs and her ass had moved closer to the edge of the loveset. Looking to the sides of her she saw that her ass filled the love seat she sat on, now she was sure another person would barely fit next to her.
Out of the smoke she heard a mocking voice “Poor Fatty” it teased “did someone get too high? Got a bit of couch lock? Well you know what happens next. After the high comes The Munchies.”The voice continued to laugh at her, its giggle growing more high pitched and multiplying as if there was a crowd of small children laughing at her. Drinking in the sound Marissa closed her eyes and let out a deep moan accompanied by the rumble of her stomach signaling she was ready for what was to come.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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XxSecretFatB... 1 year
That place sounds fantastic. Can’t wait for the next chapter
Stranger122 9 months
I wish it was real too