Berry brothel: self-service

Chapter 4 - Berry Brothel: Self-Service, Main Course

Another giggle echoed through the room “who’s there?” she called out her voice tinged with arousal and fear. Around her the setting of a suburban living room was replaced with that of a kitchen. A simple wood table sat in front of her ominously empty. Out of darkness streamed a line of grayish blobs humming a rhythmic melody like an old time work song. Marissa gulped she knew what these blobs were, she had read about them in hundreds of stories online. They were the munchies! And each one of them sported a bloated version of her own face!
“Give you a caaaaaaake, and I'll give you ten pounds” the lead Munchie called as the group circled Marissa. The munchies voice was deep and heavy but familiar Marissa’s own voice pitched down to a baritone.
“Way-oh eat up tubbo!” The rest of the Munchies responded to the leader, like a team of railroad workers.
“Grease on your brow, but hunger in your soul” The leader sang out. Giving Marissa’s flab a squish, sizing up the amount of work their team would have to do.
“Way-oh eat up tubbo” The group responded to the leader’s call with thumbs up.
The munchies lumbered around the kitchen opening the fridge and cabinets, pulling out impossibly large plates of food. Full ham hocks, giant bowls of mashed potatoes, soon a full thanksgiving dinner complete with turkey was laid out in front of her. Marissa found herself licking her lips at all the food the munchies were expecting her to consume. Part of her was horrified, thoughts fliting to the red button at her hip, but a currently in control part of her was salivating at the mouth. An ice cream scoop was sitting in front of her, as she lifted it she noticed the layer of fat that had blown up her digits like sausages. She took a scoop of the mashed potatoes, savoring the butter and creamy texture, giving herself over to the munchies.
“Picking up food and we're picking up speed” the Munchies called. Marissa began to eat, shoveling spoons of gravy laden potato into her mouth.
“Shovel as much as the fatty needs”
“Sugar and lard gonna earn your weight”
“All the way to immobility” Marissa moaned through a mouth full of potato at the word immobility. The thought of being a pet pig to these creatures began building her arousal again
Putting the scoop down, Marissa grabbed a drum stick in each hand and began to two fisting them rhythmically, taking a bite of one, then the other, in time with the munchies song. The song had a rhythmic quality that was lulling Marissa’s already alcohol-dulled senses into a hypnotic state.
The speed of the song slowly began to pick up and Marissa felt body respond as if she was a puppet on strings being controlled by the munchies singing.
“Blowing through dress sizes, making up time” the lead munchie called.
“Eat!” responded the rest of the group. The word hit Marissa like a command and she shoved an extra large bite into her mouth. The Munchies song was so simple and repetitive, it was impossible not to fall in line with what they wanted.
“Way-oh eat up tubbo” the Munchies sang and she chewed. Marissa was consciously catching on to the pattern of the song now. so she knew she had to empty her mouth before.
“Ain't nothing gonna stand in the way of our line” the leader bellowed again and Marissa braced herself for the next extra large bite
“Eat!” Again Marissa found herself taking another mouth filling bite and rushing to swallow it before the next mouthful.
“Way-oh eat up tubbo” the song was training her, Marissa realized. Not only was the pace slowly but inevitably increasing but everytime they commanded her to eat she was taking a larger and larger portion. How long could she keep this up? She finished the drumsticks and reached for the scoop again to eat some macaroni and cheese.
“Picking up food and we're picking up speed”
“Shovel as much as the fatty needs” Marissa felt her arm violently forced forward on the beat grabbing and shoving a handful of pasta into her mouth without regard for table manners. A small munchie sat on her shoulder and teased her “silly fatty, pigs don’t use spoons do they? And you want to be a good piggy don’t you?” a look into a reflection of her own eyes made her nod yes, as another handful of macaroni was shoved into her mouth. Marissa smiled inside. It felt so good to be so out of control just letting herself go with the flow of what the munchies wanted her to do. It was making her so wet to be so trapped, so abused for these things.
“Sugar and lard gonna earn your weight” She felt her belly growing faster again, her weight pulling her forward. Her back fat and ass pushed her closer to the toy, she could feel it on her thighs teasing her by being just out of reach of her pleasure spot. She wanted to readjust herself, but the munchies wouldn’t allow it. They wanted her solely focused on eating.

“All the way to immobility” The tempo of the munchies song kept increasing, and Marissa's arms moved to keep pace. they were moving so fast she was barely able to swallow before the next mouthful forced its way into her maw. If the song got much faster Marissa feared she would choke.
“You gonna grow a ton-a-day's pace”
“Eat!” the small munchie shoved a whole roll into Marissa’s mouth, filling it completely so that she could barely chew it. Swallowing it whole was the only way she was able to empty her mouth in time for the next bite of food
“Way-oh eat up tubbo”
“We'll make it two for the jiggle of your face” As Marissa chewed she could feel her face growing, her cheeks puffing up causing her eyes to take on a squint. At some point a double chin had formed on her face and now it was threatening to become a 3rd.
“Eat! “ This time Marissa was ready for the roll and was able to swallow it down, allowing herself a moment's breath before she was refilling her own mouth with another one.
“Way-oh eat up tubbo” Marissa’s arms were so tired. trying to keep up with the ridiculous pace the munchies set her arm fat jiggled wildly with each mechanical jolt. Her arms weren't a part of her any more. they were just a part of a machine that was fattening her up like a hog. There was very little left of her now, just a mouth, eyes and stomach, a giant sack of lard that was attached to her mouth. A giant sack that was steadily growing larger as more calories entered her and were turned into soft fat. This giant blob had two slightly smaller blobs resting on top of it. Her once taut full breast had turned saggy and pendulous only held up by her ever tightening shirt under all her added flab spots of cellulite covered her everywhere.
“Picking up food and we're picking up speed”
“Shovel as much as the fatty needs” Looking down as she stuffed herself, she saw the changes to her lower body, the pants she had been wearing had been reduced to shreds stuck in her rolls the arms of the couch that had been so far away when she had first positioned herself at this table all those pounds ago were starting to close in on her hip when she had to reach for a particularly far away bit of food the resulting motion caused her saddle bags to brush on the side of the couch she could feel the cool metal of the stop and go buttons as they brushed against her warm fat.
“Sugar and lard gonna earn your weight” a Munchie brought a tropical drink cup up to Marissa’s lips tilting it so she was forced to chug it, it was a Long Island Iced Tea but Marissa could barely taste it. Two more were forced into her before she was allowed to get back to eating her head swimming and all her senses dulled.
“All the way to immobility” the Munchies sang gleefully as they played with their piglet jiggling her flesh, slapping her ass, and giggling at Marissa’s inability to respond to any of their teasing

“Picking up food and we're picking up speed”
“Shovel as much as the fatty needs” The booze was really hitting her. It was hard for her to keep her eyes open. Worse of all, the food had lost its taste. It was no longer the glorious orgasmic food of when she sat down; now it might as well have been oatmeal being poured into her as she tried to sate the hunger.

“Sugar and lard gonna earn your weight” The Munchies walked around her as she ate observing their handiwork one climb under the table to play with the hanging part of her belly poking their finger into her belly button for extra jiggle
“All the way to immobility”

Picking up food and we're picking up speed
Shovel as much as the fatty needs
“Sugar and lard gonna earn your weight” She needed to keep her eyes open. She needed to keep eating. She needed to cum. But she had over done it. She was too drunk. She was too stuffed. She wasn't going to cum. Women get to cum and she wasn't a woman any more. She was just a pig.
“All the way to immobility” the munchies song slowed to a stop and faded away like a train pulling into a station. Marissa’s eyes were too bleary to really see the room fade back to the black shiny walls. Her 600lb body swayed drunkenly on her couch. Her arms resting at her sides. For the first time in what felt like hours Marissa stopped eating.
Marissa took a breath and really felt her body. She could barely move a muscle. She was so heavy. It felt like an enormous effort just to be able to stroke her stomach. but it was well worth the effort, to feel her hand sink into the fat. to feel how soft it was, how far out it stuck from her, the way she couldn't feel the peak of the dome, the feeling and knowledge thrilled her like nothing else could.
Rubbing the upper part of her stomach Marissa felt pressure rise up inside her again. Building like a balloon being inflated inside of stretching her over full stomach well past her limits. Her gut was drum tight, not an inch of space remained. She really had over done it she feared. Both hands rubbed to try and alleviate some of the pressure, but it didn't work. The pressure built to the breaking point. This was it she was going to pop! Marissa opened her mouth to scream her final breath
“Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp!'' The sound of the belch echoed off the walls of the dark room releasing the newly built up pressure allowing Marissa to shrink a little bit. She had room to breath.the fear had sobered Marissa a bit and she started to wonder if she should keep going. She was so big now, wasn’t this enough? She started to look around to hit the red stop button.
Then a familiar sound hit her ears. It was quiet at first but slowly got louder; calliope music. It was followed by a melange of smells that made Marissa's mouth water. Ice cream. popcorn, cotton candy, caramel apples, funnel cake, a carnival or better Marissa thought: a Circus. Marissa had been feeding her fetish online for a long time, so she had a pretty good guess what came next. If the circus was in town, then of course she was the fat lady. Marissa licked her lips and moved slowly to adjust her body so the toy was hitting her pleasure spot. Showtime.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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XxSecretFatB... 1 year
That place sounds fantastic. Can’t wait for the next chapter
Stranger122 8 months
I wish it was real too