Berry brothel: self-service

Chapter 5 - Berry Brothel: Self-Service 4 Dessert

The darkness resolved into a hexagon of mirrors with Marissa at its center. the table in front of her had retraced, allowing Marissa a clear view of her reflection since her fattening. she moaned in stimulated pleasure, the weight of her belly pressing the toy harder into her spot the more she gained. She was huge. The couch which had previously been able to hold three of her was now full to the brim, containing just her enormous ass. the glow of the start and stop buttons buried under her fat. The remains of her slacks consisted of just a bit of black fabric peeking out from her belly rolls. Without her bra her tits hung down nearly to her first belly roll, her nipples a few pounds shy of being aligned with her navel. Her belly was the star of this show. it swelled out in front of her by a few feet, her arms not even coming close to touching the highest part of the dome. she pressed her sopping pussy harder into the viberator. She was so big. More than her size was also how dirty she was, her feast had not been dainty but rather hoggish and sloppy. blots of grease shined on her pale skin contrasting dark blobs of ketchup and sauce which stood out like badges to her gluttony. She scooped up a bit of the ketchup with her finger and brought it to her mouth. god her arms were sore. the muscles seemed to, almost rebel at the slightest effort to use them. How was she going to keep up the feeding, if she couldn't use her arms?
A faint sound filled her ears “Hurry Hurry step right up!” the voice called doing a mock carnival barker impression “Come see Marissa the one ton wonder!” Marissa squirmed in delight on her couch. Was she really approaching one ton? Could she really be that big? One of the mirrors opened like a door and in stepped the the skinny version of herself dressed as a very sexy ringmaster complete with top hat and tails. she tickled Marissa under her chin “ready to go on my little piggy”
“Yes mam” Marissa said, shocked and turned on by how much deeper her voice had become as she gained.
Skinny Marissa’s voice turned cold as she slapped Marissa across the face “Bad Freak, Pigs don’t talk do they”
Marissa bowed her head submissively playing along with her demon “Oink Oink” she said
The Ringmaster beamed “that's better, now let's put on a show shall we?” exiting through the door she had entered and yelling “it's showtime!”
A mechanical whirling filled Marissa’s ears as the other mirrored panels lowered opening like a flower looking up Marissa got the feeling she was in a pit the mirrors designed to allow anyone looking down a full three sixty view of her fat body at the rim of the pit she could see heads poking up watching her some of their faces twisted in disgust. “Gee whiz is she big!
“Darling if i ever get close to that big divorce me”
“Geez look at the rump on that hog”
The skinny version of Marissa walked around the ring of the pit taking tickets “who wants to see our one ton wonder go for two tons?”
When Marissa looked down the table was in front of her again now packed with sweets of every kind. The alcohol coursing through her veins triple-ed everything, while the toy pressing to her made her so sensitive she could feel every fiber of the couch she was sitting on. She reached out to grab one of the donuts in front of her and missed, the crowd laughing at her lack of coordination. Her cheeks burned at the humiliation making that glaze of the donut that much more tasty once she crammed it into her mouth. her next pass grabbed a churro. followed by a handful of chocolate cake. with each treat that entered her maw she heard the crowd “ooh” and “ahh” and jeer at the pig in the pit
“feast your eyes folks will she stop or will she pop!” the barker cried. Marissa moaned into the fried twinkie she was eating, popping was starting to feel like a real possibility now. throughout her whole meal she never had a single pang of fullness, but the feeling was now starting to settle in. She was running out of room. She tried to rub her stomach to aid it in making more room, but it was to no avail. she couldn't reach the edge of her belly, it pressed against the table as its weight drove the toy harder into her, intensifying her pleasure.
“Come on lads give her some encouragement! She won't get nearly big enough without your jeers!” The barker egged
“Come on fatty, eat up!” One man yelled.
A woman looked to her daughter and said “this is why you have to eat your vegetables. You don't want to end up as a side show freak do you?” Marissa could picture her own mother scolding her in the same way. If only she could see her now, the thought of her mother's shock at seeing what her statuesque daughter had become nearly sent her over the edge into another orgasm. but she held it at bay. she had reached the last course. and she wanted to go out with a bang.
The crowd kept up its cat calls and humiliations. Marissa savored each one like the rich chocolate cake she was eating. She was getting so close to a final earth shattering orgasm but she was getting so full! A handful of blueberry pie was smooshed into her face. her body was operating on autopilot now, bringing treat after treat to Marissa's mouth. Her rational brain was sounding alarm bells to stop. If this kept up she was going to pop! This was getting out of hand, she needed to end it. Marissa looked for the button on the side of the couch. She had to stop this. She was packed to the brim, but she was still shoving food into her face. she turned her head and peered out thru bloated syrup covered cheeks. She couldn't find the button. While the munchies had been stuffing her, the tide of her fat had risen up and covered it. she was trapped! Another morsel of food passed her lips. She tried to move some of her hip rolls out of the way to get at the stop button, but the soft flab wouldn’t move out of the way enough for Marissa to even see the glow of the button. Shifting her weight Marissa drove the toy deeper into her soaked pussy. if she was going to pop Marissa would make damn sure she got to come first. Another bite. Another insult. Marissa’s orgasm was starting to crest. she just needed to shove a bit more food into her and she would be done.
In front of her the mirrored walls of room opened and out stepped multiple version of Skinny Marissa, the Waitress, Doctor, the Ringmaster and 2 of the Munchies standing on top of each other all of them shared the same look of mock pity that didn't quick hide the glint of evil in their eyes ``what's a matter piggy?” They spoke in unison a chorus of mockery, their voices distorting and echoing “are you getting full? Cause we aren't done with you yet” each of the doppelgangers grabbed a pie or cake from the table
“Come on Sweetie, let’s see how fast that metabolism is,” the Waitress teased, shoving a slice of Banana cream pie into her face.
Marissa chewed as fast as she could but before she could swallow the Doctor stepped up and shoved a piece of blueberry pie in“Come now eat up, Doctor’s orders”
The Doctor was followed by the Ringmaster with angel food cake “lets go piggy, i want my two ton freak!”
Last were the Munchies with a chocolate cake they fed to her so relentlessly Marissa could barely take a breath “Sugar and Lard gonna earn your weight, All the Way to Immobility” Marissa swayed drunkenly unable to focus as the Feeders passed her back and forth between them shoving food into her mouth each time they spoke.
The Mountain of sweets in front of her was nearly depleted. All that was left was three more donuts. straining, she grabbed the first donut and brought it to her lips. Her entire body ached from the pressure that was building under her skin. the crowd around her lost definition as her beer goggles obstructed her view. She swayed drunkenly on her couch which creaked like it could snap at any moment under her monstrous weight. She brought the 2nd donut to her lips and chewed, savoring the rich taste. The skinny versions of herself had vanished at some point, she couldn't be sure when, god she felt good. She grabbed the last donut, shoved it in her mouth, and let go. moaning through a mouth full of donut Marissa screamed as the orgasm took hold of her every inch of her massive bloated body on blissful fire. Her vision went white with pleasure. Her skin felt drum tight, the lightest touch would break it. She felt amazing. Her muscles had atrophied to the point she couldn’t move. Her belly hung nearly to the floor, its weight pulling her forward, pressing her harder into the vibrator. Her ass had become an ocean of flab, overflowing the couch she was pressed into. Her legs were buried under rolls and folds. Every inch of her body was swaddled in layers of soft fat. She felt so,... so… so fat. Her body was tensing, what was left of her muscles tighten every part of her massive body shook and jiggled with pleasure. She was so big. so tight . So good.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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XxSecretFatB... 1 year
That place sounds fantastic. Can’t wait for the next chapter
Stranger122 8 months
I wish it was real too