Berry brothel: self-service

Chapter 6 - Berry Brothel: Self-Service Epiloge

Her muscles started to relax and she felt herself falling, sinking into the ocean of flesh she had become, every part of her body that had once been a human consumed into a giant blob. She would keep growing, until she covered the whole building, the entire strip, the state, the world. She was drunk on a cocktail of hormones, booze and pleasure. Her thoughts taking on a hazy dream like quality as she mused about her body covering an entire galaxy, millions of people crushed beneath her weight. she was falling deeper and deeper asleep, passed out from the intensity of the orgasm. When she woke she was in a plush candy themed hotel room and still huge. Not as large as her dreams but at least a thousand pounds. her breast and belly sat in front of her like domes, slightly rising and falling as she breathed. her body felt like it had been wrapped in feet of padding lifting her off of the bed. Just moving her arm up felt like a chore. It was so damn heavy. with effort she was able to rub the side of her belly feeling her hand sink into the soft flesh. in her peripheral vison she saw something on the bed side table. rocking her body back and forth she was able to roll herself onto her side to reach it. It was a pill and a card. The card read “We hoped you enjoyed your stay at the Berry Brothel piggy! Take the pill when you wish to revert to your normal size.” Marissa sadly popped the pill in her mouth. She wished she could stay this size for a while, hit the slots, a show or even the buffet. She pictured herself waddling slowly through the casino people's faces screwing up in looks of disgust as she jiggled by. She licked her lips at the thought of living her fetish in front of real tourists, but without a helper she was useless at this stage. She couldn't even masturbate, she was so large. So she swallowed the pill, sighing as she felt herself start to shrink. She closed her eyes and thought about what fun she would have the next time she paid a visit to The Berry Brothel.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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XxSecretFatB... 1 year
That place sounds fantastic. Can’t wait for the next chapter
Stranger122 9 months
I wish it was real too