The cult of gluttony

Chapter 23

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I couldn’t make it much further so I put down the spoon and leaned back into my chair.
Zoey was visibly annoyed and approached me, she grabbed the spoon and started force-feeding me, expertly scooping up the ice cream and bringing it up to my mouth. I could feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment as Zoey continues to spoon-feed me the rich ice cream.

At first, I tried to resist, but each bite was more delicious than the last, and I couldn’t help but accept each spoonful that Zoey offered as each time I tried to deny one of her spoonfuls she would be forceful and aggressive. This would have been a lot easier if my sense of taste wasn’t what it is now, the food felt downright addictive.

I could feel my stomach expanding, my waistband tightening around my hips, and the once-comfortable skirt (though honestly, it was still pretty snug before this) was beginning to dig into my flesh. I could feel the zipper straining against the pressure. I tried to discreetly adjust my clothing, but it was no use. The skirt was simply too tight and Zoey was too forceful in her feeding.

Finally, with a loud snap, the zipper gave way, and the skirt burst open at the seams. I gasped in shock and embarrassment, my swollen belly spilling out over the top of my now-ruined skirt.

Zoey looked a little pleased with herself for having fed me so well.

"Oops," she said, with a giggle. "Looks like I might have gone a little overboard with the ice cream."

“...Can I go now?” I said humiliated

“No way, there’s still some ice cream left” She denied me

“I really don’t think I can eat much more…” I replied

“No way! With a belly like this? You ought to have plenty of room in there” She said while approaching me

She lifted my shirt to reveal more of my bloated belly and then placed her hands on it, she began caressing it

“Such a big, fat, useless gut” She teased “Its only purpose is to consume and it can’t even do that?”

She continued fondling my belly, it was a weird feeling but it felt good. At one point caressed the area around my belly button, which was a particularly sensitive area of mine, I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me and I had to stifle a moan.

Unfortunately, it seems like she noticed, she then proceeded to close the distance and asked:

“What was that? Don’t tell me you enjoy this”

“I-I don’t, it was just–” I stammered before being interrupted

She once again placed her hands on my belly and began to rub it in a smooth and circular motion.

“Aah!” I squealed “W-What are you doing!?”

“You do enjoy this…” She observed “Did you let yourself go? Or perhaps you purposefully fattened yourself up?”

“N-No, I’d never do that” I stammered

“Nonsense, I can tell you’re into this” She teased

“Why do you say that?” I replied

“You enjoy all the eating! That’s why!” She said in a dramatic voice

“That isn’t true, I’m actually trying to slim down!” I protested

“How do you explain this to me? Are you telling me you just happened to–” She continued until I interrupted her

“You’ll stop this, right now” I ordered her while using my demon eyes

“I– uh… you–” She staggered through her words, she seem completely out of it
Her phone started to vibrate in her pocket

“Oh, that’s my alarm! It’s been an hour, thank you very much for coming and giving me your opinions” She said while grabbing me, helping me up

“The club members will be back over here soon and I have to clean the kitchen” She explained as she handed me back my phone and gently guided me towards the exit “feel free to return any time, goodbye!”
She unlocked the door and then forcefully pushed me out before closing the door once again.

I don’t really know what to think, that could have gone better but at the same time, I did manage to get her to put on the earring so I guess I’ll write this off as another pyrrhic victory. Just how many presidents in this college are freaks? Or maybe I’m cursed when it comes to earrings?

I looked down at the damage, urgh, this was going to be hard to burn off. I might have to live with this for a while, with the slower metabolism from the punch, the lower required daily calories from the knowledge needle, and the meals served with the cooking earring…

My train of thought was interrupted when I heard some footsteps approaching in the distance, my skirt was still open at the seams so I wasn’t particularly presentable, I quickly rushed to hide in a maintenance closet, I pulled out my phone and thought of who to call for help.

Surely, Heather would have something my size, not that ‘my size’ was particularly large of course. I dialed up her number and…

“Please leave your message after the tone”

Shit, maybe she’s eating or something. I’ll try Madison then, she would no doubt have the resources to get me something quickly, so then…

“This phone is currently turned off or out of service”

Crap. Who else could I contact? I don’t have the phone number for anyone else in the cult except…
Of course, Valerie, hopefully, the hunger area effect of the bracelet hasn’t gotten too strong yet, so I’ll just dial her up and…

“Hello? Jane?” A voice answered, it was Valerie

“Hey V, yeah it’s me. Listen, I need you to help me a bit”

“Did they reject the earring?” She asked

“No that went… well enough. I need you to bring me something” I replied

“Alright, where are you? What do you need?” She asked

“I’m in the maintenance closet near the cooking club and I need a skirt… Mine kinda… Broke.” I replied embarrassed

“What happened? Did they do something to you?” She questioned “You aren’t in danger aren’t you? I’ll rally the rest and–”

“No, it’s not that…” I interrupted her “It's just that… I ate too much”

“Oh” She simply let out

I changed from my skirt to a slightly tight set of jeans that Valerie brought me, she said she didn’t have any skirts at hand. She didn’t look any different, at least not yet but despite the short time we spent together, I could feel the bracelet’s hunger aura, perhaps it was because I stood within very close proximity of her.

I headed toward my dorm room, feeling slightly defeated at the recent mishaps.
As I walked down the hall, I could feel the stares of my fellow students, specifically towards my bottom.

I turned the corner and ran into none other than Amelia

“Hello Jane, what a pleasant surprise” She greeted me with her usual tone, she was pushing a cart filled with boxes

“Hi Amelia, what are you moving there?” I asked

“They asked me to move this surplus of M and L-sized skirts to the reception” She explained

“They are going to give some of them away or something, do you want one?”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine” I replied

“...Are you sure?” She asked

“Yeah, thanks for the offer though” I replied “I’ll get going now, see you later”

“Sure, bye” She said as she continued to push the cart

It was only when I arrived at my dorm room and began to satiate the bracelet-induced hunger that I realized I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I had called Amelia when I was in the closet, perhaps I could even have gotten her to give Baker the earring.
Things just don’t seem to go my way…

Author's notes:
I couldn’t resist the temptation.
We are very near the end, just some round of bookkeeping and we’d be set, this has honestly been a surprisingly good experience. I’ve developed my skills, gathered quite a following, and made some great friends.
If you’ve made it this far and feel inspired, I highly suggest you try writing something. Remember, I only started writing because I got inspired by a Thin College-like dream, it might be a bit silly but it’s a good hobby.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Liz 3 months
One of my favorite stories.
SoftFeedist 8 months
This was an absolute blast to read! I really enjoyed Jane's attitude how everything tends to go not quite how she wanted, although she never seems to complain too hard about the results
FlabbyGabby 1 year
Please continue; this story has so much potential!
GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you for your feedback! I do plan to continue it in the future when I get some more ideas. In the meantime, I'll be writing the sci-fi story I mentioned over at my DeviantArt.
Ubat 1 year
I’m really curious of weight development in main character, both in numbers and how it affects her clothes/look. It seems like she must have gained plenty of weight from recent events.
GreenTrinket... 1 year
We'll get to the numbers when we do the round of housekeeping near the end of what I have written out. I think you'll be most pleased with the numbers. 😉
Henryrinn 1 year
One of the best story I have ever read keep going please
GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you! It's such an honor to hear this kind of praise.
LeandroAlex 1 year
man i think you should continue this story up to colossal weights because it has so much potential. You can for example make Cassy exchange earrings with someone or Amelia keep another object .
Ubat 1 year
I'd prefer the main character to still gain against her will, unintentionally, probably try to lose it, but fail at this and maybe even accept this state, but don't turn into a feedee.
Ubat 1 year
About suggestions, I don't like stories, where the main character eventually finds a feeder, gets super enormous and enjoys it (and most stories are like this...)
Ubat 1 year
This story is so great!
GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you very much for your feedback!
Piturekapiteka 1 year
Omg it's here! I've been following this story on deviantart, literally just left a comment there 10 min ago. It awesome
GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you! I wanted to post this story on DeviantArt, Curvage and Fantasy Feeder due to my own experience of discovering stories that were exclusive to each platform.
ThePatchwork... 1 year
When introducing characters, do tell us what they look like. Narratives run on theaters of the mind, so the more information, the better!
GreenTrinket... 1 year
I'll keep that in mind, I have a bad habit of making character descriptions but forgetting to actually write them into the story.
Weighgainer 1 year
This is sooo good. Thin College is one of my favorites and this story has all the thinks I liked about Thin College, while still feeling unique.

Really good job so far.
GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you! I was a bit worried that it might be seen as too derivative but I'm glad to see that people like my spin on it
Kexickus 1 year
I dig this one so much!
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