The cult of gluttony

Chapter 7

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On the way to Classroom 101, I began to think about who would be a suitable target for the blue earring, which would send excess calories to the red earring’s wearer, Amelia. It had to be someone who consumed a large number of calories each day, an overweight student would be ideal but I didn’t know anyone besides Heather… And myself… perhaps I could–
I bumped into Casey “Oh, sorry about that” she apologized
That’s right! An athlete! Not only do they consume a large number of calories daily, but I could also try to convince her into entering bulking season early and consume even more!
“Actually, I was just looking for you!” I said “I wanted to give you this, as a token of our friendship”
Cassie smiled as she took the earring. "Aww, thank you! It looks wonderful."
“Don’t worry about it” I said with a devilish smile “I actually have something else for you but I don’t have it with me right now, I’ll give it to you in a day or two, okay?”
Cassie's eyes lit up. "You're too kind, Jane. Tell you what, how about we go running or lifting together one day?"
“Uhhh, yeah, sure” I said, while it is true that I have gained weight recently the thought of doing exercise sent shivers down my spine
We parted ways and I continued to head toward Classroom 101

“Long time no see Chosen one! Looking healthy!” Lilith teased
“Cut it off, I finally managed to swap the earrings, I also found a good candidate for the blue earring, by the way, did– oh my, you look different” I said
Lilith was looking… ‘curvier’ than last time I’d seen her, she wasn’t as plump as Heather… or me for that matter… but she was definitely chubbier than the first time I’d seen her
“W-What happened to you? I thought you didn’t need to eat” I stammered
“I might not eat but I still need energy, gluttonous energy gets turned into the succubus equivalent of calories, you can guess the rest” she explained “Besides, remember what I told you about lipomancy? As a succubus of gluttony, I also possess this ability”
“Makes sense, I guess. So, has the Cult figured out the information on this so-called Jonathan Ashford?” I asked
“Yes they have, they figured out that he’s the Student Council President, he lives in the individual dorm room N°4-F, he has high grades, and is straight as an arrow in terms of discipline and strictness. In short, he’s a model student.”
“Interesting, he sounds like he’s squeaky clean, if the note is indeed true then that means he’s hiding something. Perhaps he’s harboring a demon or artifact of his own? Regardless, I think I’ll take the matter of investigating him into my own hand. I think I’ll start by–”
My stomach growled loudly… Huh, I thought I ate enough already when I was with Heather and Amelia
“The cafeteria is likely closed this late in the day, you could use those overpriced vending machines, but why do that when you have such delicious food conjured right here?” Lilith said, grinning devilishly
“No, I think I’m fine with some cereal bar from the vending machines, I just need to– Crap, I left my wallet in my dorm”
“They might be fattening but it’s just one little snack, eating something just this once won’t do you any bad” She suggested
“Perhaps you have a point, Lilith…” I simply replied

I was waiting outside the F wing section of the dorm, I peeked my head over the corner, the coast was clear. I crouched and approached room number 4, making sure I wasn’t visible through the windows. I looked around one last time and when I confirmed I wasn’t being watched I began to pick Jonathan’s lock, just one of the skills I learned in my goth phase. The College locks were weak and with a final click, I managed to make my way inside. Jonathan’s dorm room was as clean and orderly as you would expect from someone with his reputation, I began to search his closet, his drawers, his bookshelf, etc. Nothing. I searched inside his clothes, I searched for fake bottoms, I searched everywhere he could conceivably be hiding something suspicious, but I couldn’t find anything incriminating, if he didn’t have anything in his room then it must be in–
My search and with it my train of thought were interrupted, I heard some footsteps approach, I looked around for hiding spots but there weren’t any obvious ones, the closet was an option but that was too risky, I decided to hide under the bed, I got down and squeezed under– oh no, please not now, I wasn’t able to squeeze under the bed… my belly prevented me from going under it, I sucked in my stomach and tried again, my front half entered through well enough but then my progress came to a halt, this time it was my ass that was stopping me. I could hear keys jiggling and fidgeting with the lock so I made one final effort to squeeze in, and to my surprise, I managed to get it inside, I adjusted myself and stood still as the door opened, I had hidden just in time.

I saw the door open and inside came a man, it looked like it was the President, “Damn keys” he muttered, he looked around the dorm, perhaps he knew that something was wrong? He was quite an orderly man, did I misplace something that was his? After some deliberation he continued his original task, he approached the bed and sat on top of it, I heard him fidget with something then the sound of an electronic device starting up, a laptop if I had to guess, judging by the sound of the fans, I heard some typing and clicking, he continued this for a while before standing up and heading for the door. Just as soon as he came he was gone again.
I began to leave my hiding spot, it was still difficult but I didn’t have the time concern I had previously. I picked myself up and noticed that the laptop he was using was still on the bed, I sat on the bed and opened the laptop, crap, it had a password. I mentioned I was tech-savvy but cracking passwords isn’t my specialty, I pondered what to do, one option was to take the laptop with me and figure out someone who can get in, but that would attract too much heat… Perhaps it would be a better idea to–
“Need some help?” A voice spoke that took me by surprise, I look at the source and there I saw Lilith
“Lilith? I thought you were bound to the tome” I asked
“Your good work has paid off, my powers grow and I can now have a greater range of influence, at least temporarily, I figured I’d supervise this particular excursion”
“I see, well, is there anything you can do to help me here?” I asked
“I saw him type his password, it’s jasH#2122Jpq6”
“Excuse me? Can you repeat that?” I asked
“Don’t forget the capital letters!” She said with a mischievous smile as she vanished

It took me more tries than I care to admit, but I eventually managed to get inside the President’s laptop
“Alright then, let’s see what you have” I said to myself
It was a pretty normal computer for a college student, it was very organized, I wish my desktop looked that clean…
It was devoid of games, personal photos, and all things unrelated to college, he was indeed a model student, and he had a VPN but with how strict the college internet was with its restrictions it wasn't really suspicious. But try as he might, everyone has some secrets so I intensified my search.
Browser history? Seemed clean, with no password-restricted folders, DropBox was normal, both his academic and personal email were normal, not subscribed or logged into anything strange, I checked the bin but it was empty, and data-recovery programs didn’t yield any results either, I checked the state of his hard drive and it displayed that he has used 726 GB out of his 1 TB total, that immediately sparked suspicion as he didn’t have any games or storage intensive files, he only had documents in his computer from what I’ve seen.
Despite this lead, I felt like time was running short so I was about to give up my search until a thought crossed my mind, I could use WinDirStat to find where all those GBs were. I downloaded the program, made sure to cover my tracks, and executed the program and it lead me to a single folder of several hundred GBs in size, I braced myself and double-clicked it. Inside was a collection that rivaled mine, no, surpassed it in every possible metric imaginable. We were indeed both alike, he had the same dark secret as I had, his collection had pictures easily in the thousands of several models both popular and not, he had a wide range of games neatly organized into genres, including some that I thought were lost to time, he had a collection of literature, he seemed to archive whatever he found in case it got deleted from the Internet, he had comics and manga sorted by author, he even had a large stash of premium content.
This guy was clearly either a veteran and member of the community for years or a pro capable of finding and archiving any kind of content, likely both. God, I wish I had brought my hard drive with me, this is like a gold mine. Well, I should probably make my leave, I’ll close– oh my, he has a CurvyCutie folder, I guess it wouldn’t hurt if I took a quick peek at it…

Author's notes:
Another day, another chapter! We are roughly at the halfway point of what I have written out (I still haven’t finished the story, so there is a lot more to come even after we reach that point) so don’t expect the pace to slow down anytime soon!
Ironically, one of the issues I’ve had writing this is the whole fat stuff, I get carried away with the plot, the intrigue, and all that fun stuff. Is the balance of fat to plot good? I’d very much appreciate some feedback on that topic.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Liz 3 months
One of my favorite stories.
SoftFeedist 8 months
This was an absolute blast to read! I really enjoyed Jane's attitude how everything tends to go not quite how she wanted, although she never seems to complain too hard about the results
FlabbyGabby 1 year
Please continue; this story has so much potential!
GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you for your feedback! I do plan to continue it in the future when I get some more ideas. In the meantime, I'll be writing the sci-fi story I mentioned over at my DeviantArt.
Ubat 1 year
I’m really curious of weight development in main character, both in numbers and how it affects her clothes/look. It seems like she must have gained plenty of weight from recent events.
GreenTrinket... 1 year
We'll get to the numbers when we do the round of housekeeping near the end of what I have written out. I think you'll be most pleased with the numbers. 😉
Henryrinn 1 year
One of the best story I have ever read keep going please
GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you! It's such an honor to hear this kind of praise.
LeandroAlex 1 year
man i think you should continue this story up to colossal weights because it has so much potential. You can for example make Cassy exchange earrings with someone or Amelia keep another object .
Ubat 1 year
I'd prefer the main character to still gain against her will, unintentionally, probably try to lose it, but fail at this and maybe even accept this state, but don't turn into a feedee.
Ubat 1 year
About suggestions, I don't like stories, where the main character eventually finds a feeder, gets super enormous and enjoys it (and most stories are like this...)
Ubat 1 year
This story is so great!
GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you very much for your feedback!
Piturekapiteka 1 year
Omg it's here! I've been following this story on deviantart, literally just left a comment there 10 min ago. It awesome
GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you! I wanted to post this story on DeviantArt, Curvage and Fantasy Feeder due to my own experience of discovering stories that were exclusive to each platform.
ThePatchwork... 1 year
When introducing characters, do tell us what they look like. Narratives run on theaters of the mind, so the more information, the better!
GreenTrinket... 1 year
I'll keep that in mind, I have a bad habit of making character descriptions but forgetting to actually write them into the story.
Weighgainer 1 year
This is sooo good. Thin College is one of my favorites and this story has all the thinks I liked about Thin College, while still feeling unique.

Really good job so far.
GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you! I was a bit worried that it might be seen as too derivative but I'm glad to see that people like my spin on it
Kexickus 1 year
I dig this one so much!
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