The cult of gluttony

Chapter 24

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A couple of weeks passed and we had once again gathered in Classroom 101. While Madison and the cultists discussed our next steps I took a look at the tome to track our progress.

There were a lot of new names, I recognized some from my class but the vast majority were unknown to me.

It seems like the party was a big success, between all the conjured food, our new method of making larger items, and the punch that slowed the metabolism down, there were some great gains. It was sort of like a bell curve, a few people had gained only a pound or two, most had five to eight… and then there were the big names, some of them I recognized from the early days of giving away ‘free cupcakes’, the ones who were constantly snacking on our food and didn’t care much for exercise, they had gained twelve, fourteen and one had even gained eighteen pounds since we began.

As to our familiar and beloved students… Heather was up ten pounds since before the party, up to 166 pounds. She was developing into a nice strawberry shape which I found kinda hot, she didn’t seem to mind her gain for some reason, she almost embraced it.
Heather was fun to hang out with, she’s a geek but she has lots of hobbies and many movies and games to show everyone.

Casey had gained a whopping 0 pounds since the last time I checked the tome thoroughly, that was a while ago, back before I had met in the Cafe with Jonathan. She was at a healthy 144 pounds, and all of the weight she would otherwise have gained was transferred directly to Amelia.
Casey was fun, it’s unusual to meet someone like her so I’m glad I did, even if she goes a bit too hard when we exercise together.

Amelia had gained 9 pounds since before the party, it wasn’t as much as Heather's but it made sense, she didn’t really eat a lot. I’m guessing the earring has been doing a lot of heavy lifting in that regard, I imagine her gain is only going to snowball from here.
I liked Amelia, she’s cold at times but she reminds me of my goth phase, she has a side to her that I find intriguing, like that time when we played that RPG or when we were in the bathroom. The weight looked good on her, she looked healthier and more attractive, and she didn’t seem to have noticed anything strange recently, she’ll probably think it’s a growth spurt or something.

Madison was up 131, she had gained 3 pounds since the party, she seems to take care of herself but the needle has made it hard not to gain weight, same was true for the rest of the Cult, I imagine it’s hard to be around delicious fattening food for so much time without getting tempted of trying it. Lilith didn’t mention it but your stomach still behaved the same as before, so you’ll get hungry once it gets empty, even if you didn’t need more calories.

Speaking of the Cult, Valerie had gained 6 pounds, up to 143 pounds. I don’t get to see her very often these days, due to the bracelet and all. I’m proud of her for taking on that burden, she seems to be loyal… too loyal some might say, what does she have in mind?
Regardless, she seems to have done some good work. I hear that the people in her class are really feeling the bracelet’s effect now.

As to Lilith, I didn’t know her precise weight or even if she could even be compared to humans in terms of weight. She did, however, look larger, she was noticeably fatter. Last time she was just looking a bit chubbier but since then she was now looking Heather-sized, she had a moderate bust size, a rounded belly, and fuller thighs and buttocks. She certainly wasn't the twig I encountered in my dorm room, but she didn’t look much more intimidating though, she still has to work on that.

I turned my gaze back to the tome, skipped a few pages, and looked at the two most important numbers, the first one was the total weight gained. It was up to a whopping 142 pounds, 64 pounds more than when I last checked, the Cult and I had done some good work all around.

The second number I wasn’t so eager to look at… my personal gain was another 12 pounds, leaving me at 165 pounds, 1 shy of Heather… Well, it’s not like it’s my fault, I have gotten really unlucky recently, between the party incident with the President and the earring fiasco with Baker, no wonder I was getting softer. Not to mention, Lilith’s consistent incompetence, I know she’s young and inexperienced but if I didn’t know better I would say she’s doing it on purpose.

It still felt surreal, I never really stopped to think about the fact that the supernatural was real and that I was pretty much doing a deal with the devil. Of course, I had learned from my goth days that it was much more complicated than that, matters of this kind went beyond good and evil, heaven and hell, God and Satan. I had a feeling that even if I betrayed Lilith, even if I had rejected the deal, even if I hadn’t picked out the tome in the esoteric shop things would have turned out the same, it’s just the flow of causality.
Or maybe not, I’m thinking out of my ass. I read something like it in one of the manga that Heather lent to me as a recommendation.

“Chosen one!” Madison called out “I’m finished, you may speak now”

Here goes nothing

“Attention!” I called out, my voice projecting confidently through the room. The eyes of every cult member turned to me. “Brothers and sisters of the Cult of Gluttony, I stand before you to tell you about the fate of our sect.
Our succubus of gluttony has granted us great power, we have made some great progress so far and we’ve been thoroughly rewarded. I’m sure you have enjoyed all the free time, easy grades, free food, and gift cards we have earned for ourselves.
But do not be content with our achievements so far, to stop here would be foolish, for our mission is still incomplete and there is much more to be gained.
We must recruit more members to our cause, and stockpile more food for the days to come. We must be vigilant and keep an eye out for any who would try to stop us.
This is only the start. Now, the true work lies ahead.
— End of Part 1 —

Author's notes:
What will the Cult do next? How will she deal with Zoey and Jonathan? Who or what is DD?
All this and more whenever I return to this series.
This has been a really fun series to write, being the first story I have written thoroughly in many years, I’m glad I did this.
Turns out Utopia Station won the vote by a narrow margin, so that will be what I work on next.
Today’s question will be: What was your favorite part of this story? What would you like more of and what do you feel like should be improved?
As always, any ideas and feedback are appreciated!
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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GreenTrinket... 1 year
Thank you! Any feedback, criticism or ideas are always appreciated.
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