Fat demon

Chapter 2

“I know how we can make this better,” Bobby told Crowley.

The demon had come to the hunter without a summons that night; they were no longer needed. Bobby was pleased to see him, without doubt, but he seemed on edge about something. Crowley could only hope it meant for an energetic session later that evening. Life – if one could call it that – was frustrating enough in Hell, with all the demonic fools he had to deal with. Couldn’t something go right?

Certainly he’d been delighted to discover Bobby Singer’s fat fetish on top of his other secret desire, but what if Bobby wanted something other than what Crowley could provide? The demon wasn’t at all used to being the one not in control during his lustful liaisons but now he was actually concerned that Bobby might not want to continue!

Being this fat felt so good, being….subordinate to Bobby felt so right.
Now, he jumped as he felt Bobby move around behind him. They were still in the kitchen rather than the bedroom but that need not slow things down… The hunter pressed his burly form against Crowley and pulled him close, which Crowley allowed, going almost limp to let his body fit against Bobby’s. He had yet to activate the spell which would increase his form and hopefully encourage Bobby’s lust.

Bobby was hard, pressing against him as though he meant to take him right there, clothing be damned. Crowley whimpered faintly and quivered as the hunter’s large, calloused hands caressed his plump back.

Bobby was a human who had hunted demons; indeed, a hunter of great experience who now advised other hunters who sought out demonkind, werewolves, vampires and any other of the denizens who lived in the shadows of the world humans thought was theirs. But ever since he, Crowley, had made his interest clear and they had spent that first frantic night together, Bobby’s focus had turned to him. His fantasies were now becoming real.

Bobby’s confession that not only did he enjoy men; he appreciated fat men, had truly inspired Crowley. The result had been quite a few visits now where he’d activated the spell, to make the ultimate fat suit of himself. Bobby had lost control of himself with swift and gratifying ease as he indulged himself with the softly fat, delicious body the demon now possessed.

“Remember last time,” Crowley murmured, when Bobby seemed to be slowing down. He did not want Bobby to run out of steam. Indeed, he was enjoying the hunter’s dominant side so much that he was beginning to rather hope Bobby would take more charge in things.

“Oh God, yeah.” Bobby moved, rubbing his erection against Crowley’s backside.

“Do the same as you did then, darling.” Crowley dropped his voice to a velvet huskiness. “Give it all to me, to the hilt….and touch me….remind yourself how male I am.”

Bobby moaned deeply as he reached around Crowley to grasp and jerk his huge, throbbing member. Crowley moaned and rasped out the words of the increasing spell in that infernal language, that sounded like lava exploding from a volcano, and his body and limbs began to swell while Bobby’s fingers gripped his dick through his trousers and he pushed himself back against the hunter.

“Got to tell you something,” Bobby gasped. “Don’t vanish the clothes….just yet. I got to tell you; your spell – it feels like cheatin’. I want to do something to help your meatsuit get like this permanently.”

“You’re talking about feeding me up, darling. I don’t need to eat, Robert!”

“Maybe you don’t need to but wouldn’t you like to? I’ve been thinking of some things you might like. Experimenting in the kitchen, you might say, with you in mind.”’ Bobby humped him again aggressively, delighting in Crowley’s estatic cries and the feel of the swollen body under his hands.

“So I’d eventually be like this all the time,” Crowley mused, surprised to find he rather liked the idea, thinking of himself as one of those waddling, wheezing fatties he’d seen in certain online gay porn that Bobby liked. He had seen how the sight of them made Bobby desperately hard and eager to fuck him to satiation.

“Hmm. I’m not sure it would work, lover….”
“But we can try?”

“Of course.”


And so it began. Bobby would bring the meals and sweets into the bedroom and take every opportunity to press them on Crowley, particularly enjoying it when the demon had his face in some creamy dessert while the hunter mounted his deliciously flabby form and indulged his desires.

The fatter he got, the more Bobby wanted him, so it appeared. Crowley himself was as near insatiable as a man or creature could be, but Bobby’s desires seemed close to his own. Crowley used spells and Bobby took Viagra and whatever else he needed to ensure he would be able to service Crowley as the demon begged him to do.

One night, Crowley teleported himself to just inside Bobby’s door. He found, when he began to move, that his gait had become an unsteady waddle. He called out to Bobby and found himself gasping for breath. The light came on and he saw Bobby watching from across the living room, his eyes bright with lust, fired up by the effects the demon’s great weight was having on his ability to even move and breathe at all.

Crowley smiled wickedly and made a gesture which banished his clothes to some other dimension. He stood there, his rolls of lard hanging thick around his body and his limbs, as Bobby tackled him, knocking him easily to the carpet and climbing aboard his obese, sprawling body.

Crowley’s massive legs were parted as far as possible, but Bobby still had to lift his fat pad and seek with urgent fingers to find his way to the demon’s hole while Crowley whimpered and gasped with lust.

He was not, of course, actually helpless, but had noticed that his seeming to be at Bobby’s mercy inspired Bobby’s lust to a great degree. He enjoyed this kink as much as he did quite a few others, but he’d been gratified and surprised by how much Bobby shared this desire.

“I want you fatter yet,” Bobby growled above him. “I want you so you can’t move and have to just lie there and moan while I fuck you and know any of your demons could show up and see how much you want it, how much you want a mortal man to take you and dominate you and do whatever else to you.”

Words were beyond Crowley now. He willingly accepted the delicious cakes and sweets which Bobby shoved into one end of Crowley’s obese, quivering body while he serviced the other with his dick. Crowley was a demon butterball, fat legs in the air and spread as far as he could to allow the hunter access, mounting him from front and spearing his hole with his hard, aching dick.

The demon king could have used his powers to end it at any moment but he never did.
Other demons, Hell in general, had just shrugged it off when they witnessed Crowley’s vast, bulging meatsuit waddling its way around the infernal realms. This was just another sin, albeit an extremely graphic one, and some even admired Crowley’s degree of indulgence. They thought it was just how he wished to appear for now. They had no idea of what happened when he transported himself to the earthly realms and into Bobby Singer’s bedroom.

Right now, though, Crowley couldn’t imagine being in any other state, having any other concern. Bobby’s bed was all his world and Hell was a distant irrelevancy. The bed creaked warningly as the demon’s immense weight pushed it to its limits. He quivered and convulsed with the delicious loss of control and shrieked his delight as the nerve endings of his grossly obese body – no spells or magic needed now! - were triggered and tingled to ecstasy by Bobby’s large rough hands, masculine body and his considerable dick.

Smooth rolling fat hung from Crowley’s limbs and swelled his body as he lay under Bobby, being buggered and sucked and jerked and caressed to satiation by the strong, burly hunter whose lust for him matched Crowley’s own need. For tonight at least, he was fucked and satisfied to infernal fulfilment and knew the Heaven he had foregone.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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