Brianna gets bulky

Chapter 29 - Alex Has Thoughts VI

Chapter 88 (Alex)

Alex was in a meeting, nodding off as his manager droned on and on, when his phone buzzed in his pocket. It was Brianna, giving him her usual weight update. At seeing 331.5, he thought to himself, “wow, I guess the food got there.”

He recalled a very different time in their lives, about 5 years ago, back in Tokyo, when he had received the first “weight update” text from his then-girlfriend. She had just weighed in at 185 and was freaking out at the prospect of 200. That ship had long since sailed, and Brianna had nearly doubled her weight since then.

Alex wasn’t entirely sure what he’d done to earn such good fortune. When Brianna had learned the truth about feederism, he was certain at the time that she shared none of the sexual aspect, just a love of eating. And when she’d gorged her immobile way through Italy, then didn’t bring it up again, he figured that was it on stuffings.

Then he came back from that business trip last year, and she was like a woman transformed. Maybe she had just missed him, or maybe it was something that had been percolating, but she had turned into the quintessential feedee. Part of that, he knew, was finally getting engaged - it had freed both of them with a level of security they hadn’t known they needed.

He’d seen the direction things would go the moment that, one morning, she began whining about the distance from the couch to the fridge. It was literally 7 steps, but he saw an opportunity and immediately went about ordering her those mini fridges. And that was only the beginning.

With every milestone, like the first time he found her snoring in front of the fridge, he could see the gulf widening between the woman in front of him and the one that used to panic after every pound. Even after she hit the big 3-0-0, there wasn’t a meltdown to be seen, but rather another day of mindless eating.

And the next thing he knew, he had an exceptionally large partner at home - one that had fat rolls on her arms, had outgrown her car, got sweaty at the mere prospect of standing, and had nonchalantly texted him about reaching 331 pounds. It was heaven.

And yet, Alex was drawn out of his reverie by a second text from Brianna, one which made him scramble to make sure no one else saw.

Chapter 89 (Alex)

Brianna had sent him a picture of herself. She was wearing the ludicrous outfit Alex had left out for her earlier that day. Her belly was on full display - those old workout shorts were so obscured by her various rolls and bulges that it took a moment for him to tell she was wearing it at all. And not just that - while one hand took the selfie, the other held a donut up to her mouth.

All this, together with a caption that read, “find a place to call me”, led Alex to hurriedly excuse himself from the meeting. So, he rushed down to the parking garage, located his car, and got in the front seat. He then video called Brianna, who picked up instantly.

Her face was close up to the camera as she arranged something, giving Alex a clear view of a fat cheek, part of a chewing mouth, and one of Brianna’s several chins. Saying, “hold on a sec”, she then backed up, giving Alex a full view.

Not sure yet what Brianna had planned, Alex could only take in her appearance, a live action version of the photo she had sent. The key difference was that she’d been able to stretch the shorts to their max, and actually got it over the bottom of her belly. Before he could look her over further, Brianna got started.

She stepped forward and grabbed the donut box Alex had sent as part of her lunch. She opened it to reveal there were 9 left - she’d already eaten 3. She then grabbed a 4th, bit into it, and moaned as she made her way through.

“Alex”, she said, using her spare hand to jiggle her upper belly, “I’ve gotten so fat. Can you believe I used to be 115 pounds? I’m only a few pounds away from having tripled my weight. God, I’ve become such a fat ass. But you know what the doctor would say? I should probably get some exercise…”

Speechless, Alex watched as Brianna continued, saying, “and you were so nice to leave out my exercise outfit the morning. I know I’ve been a teensy bit lazy lately, but I just want to show you how in-shape I am. I wanna see how I compare to those gym bunnies we see all over town.”

Then, she asked, “But I should warm up first, how should I start?”, to which Alex replied, “Jumping jacks”…

Chapter 90 (Alex)

Even if she hadn’t done anything yet, Alex thought Brianna’s little speech was one of the sexiest things he’d ever heard. Then, she actually started doing jumping jacks.

Well, not jumping, per say. There was no way she could lift herself more than a centimeter off the ground, but for Brianna, the movement looked dramatic. Arms quivering, boobs bouncing, and thighs thundering, each time Brianna jumped, her body reacted in whole new directions.

And on the third Jack, the inertia was too much for her shorts, which flung downwards to set her belly free. And on the next, her belly lifted upwards, giving Alex a brief glimpse of the shorts, now obscured as if they were underwear.

After 5 jumping jacks, Brianna stopped. She put a hand up on the wall next to her, and caught her breath, using her spare hand to shove a 5th donut into her panting mouth. And when she was done, she looked back at the camera, flushed, but smiling mischievously, saying, “Alright, now I’m warmed up. See how fit I am? Those jumping jacks were nothing. Now I’m going to really get started.”

Brianna went off-screen for a moment, eventually dragging her reinforced “Fridge chair” into view. First grabbing the donut box and dropping it on the floor, she used the chair for an incredible level of support as she lowered herself to the ground. “Now”, she breathed, “it’s time for some crunches”.

At this, Alex watched as Brianna laid down, arched her legs, crossed her arms over her chest, and began to crunch. Well, they weren’t really crunches. Her head, neck, and shoulders lifted, sure, but the rest of body, not really. Her boobs made a downward motion towards her gut, which bunched up a little. She did 10 of these not-crunches before giving.

Actively out of breath now, Brianna panted as she asked, “Alex, you see how fit I am? Am I your sexy gym bunny?” Alex, already incredibly aroused, responded, “Oh yeah, babe, I can’t believe you forgot your yoga tights today, though, what’s everyone at the gym gonna say?”

“Oh, you know I like letting my skin breathe. Besides, I can’t help it if everyone at the gym stares at my muscle-y body”, answered Brianna as she grabbed donuts 6 & 7. This time, she jiggled her lower belly while she ate, moaning between bites, savoring the glazed sugar and the cloud-like texture. Once she finished, Brianna faced the camera, saying, “Alright, this has been an intense workout, but I think I have energy for one last exercise…”

Chapter 91 (Alex)

Still not believing his good fortune, Alex could only gape as Brianna got on her knees and flung her arms outward, all set to attempt a push up.

Immediately, there was clearly no hope of Brianna keeping her legs straight. Her belly hung most of the way to the floor and her fat arms were visibly shaking from the effort so-far. Settling for knee push-ups instead, Brianna tried 3, gave up, and collapsed.

Visibly exhausted, red and sweating, Brianna pulled her way to a sitting position and grabbed her 8th donut, then her 9th. Her eyes closed, Alex viewed on as his obese and out of shape partner took bite after bite from one donut and the next, her belly spilling between her thighs and onto the floor.

The facade now mostly faded, and with only 3 donuts remaining, Brianna opened her eyes and said simply, “I wish you were home to feed me the rest. A whole dozen donuts in a single sitting…”, then she laughed, “No wonder I’m so in-shape!”.

The whole show had taken roughly 10 minutes, and Alex was in awe. Not that he hadn’t been many times before, but he had just been given a full-on bbw feedee show without any prompting. He was incredibly turned on, and now wanted to push the envelope, relying, “Yeah, that’s probably right, but since I can’t be home right now, I want to watch you eat the rest… can you do that for me?”.

Never one to back down from a food-related request, Brianna gave her belly a hearty pat, answering, “I miiight have a little room left, let’s see what I can do”. Still clearly sweaty and spent from the minimal “exercise”, Brianna breathed hard as she lifted herself up and onto her special chair, taking the donut box with her.

Taking the remaining 3 donuts out and tossing it aside, Alex watched her use her belly as a table to store 2 while she got to work on the first, then the second, then the third. And to cap it all off, she grabbed from the cup holder a beer that Alex only now noticed. Cracking it open, Brianna began to down it in one, Alex looking on as her stomach tightened and expanded with each gulp, finally letting out a huge belch upon completion.

It was too much. Had they both been at home, Alex would have already been guiding Brianna to bed, ready to “work out” all the sexual energy this scene had worked up. Instead, on opposite ends of the city, they both began to pleasure themselves. In this regard, Alex was much more successful.

Brianna, however, couldn’t reach herself manually, but could stimulate her belly button in ways that were similar. But between the sugar, the movement, and the beer, she ran out of energy midway through - her body opting instead for a quick nap. Alex watched his soon-to-be wife slowly nod off before hanging up and heading back to work. For them both, life was good.
35 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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Jazzman 9 months
Blarg328 9 months
Pd500 10 months
It's great reading! She's so into eating & I love it! Will there be a chapter 31?
Blarg328 10 months
There will be smiley And a 32 & 33.
Fatpeter 12 months
Finally she is pushing herself and wanting to get really fat! Been waiting for this moment
FTMfatty 1 year
This is great, but... 254 lbs isn't enough to give anyone trouble moving their legs. That part threw me off.
Blarg328 1 year
I hear ya - glad you’re liking the story! smiley I envision Brianna to be a 5’1 version of Mochii, BBL919, etc that struggled with mobility too. It’s something she’ll struggle with for the remainder.
Fatpeter 1 year
Please keep this going! I think Alex needs to come clean and tell Brianna he likes her fatter
Blarg328 1 year
Love the enthusiasm!! There’s lots of story still to come, you never know what’s gonna happen (even if I tend to agree with you haha)…
Pd500 1 year
I'm really looking forward to chapter 5!