Brianna gets bulky

Chapter 31 - Brianna Meets Reality

Chapter 94

Brianna was in her usual couch position. She was smaller than usual, maybe 250 pounds. Her dreams hadn’t yet caught up with her recent, rapid gains. In front of her was an enormous sheet cake, the size of the table in front of the couch.

There weren’t any plates or knives or spoons around, and Brianna couldn’t seem to get up. So, she did the natural thing and grabbed a handful of cake. It was chocolate with a layer chocolate mousse inside, and was delicious as she stuffed it in her mouth.

With every handful, she could feel herself gaining. Her belly expanding, her arms fattening, her thighs widening, her boobs inflating. Eventually, she was as big as she was in real-life, then bigger, and…

Brianna woke up. Regaining a sense of her surroundings, she realized she must’ve fallen asleep trying to cum after finishing those donuts. She was still in her fridge chair, and the donut box lay empty at her feet. Then, for a moment, she thought about the dream she’d just had, and realized how horny she was feeling.

Brianna made to get up and out of the chair, and only then noticed how stiff she was. Sure, she’d fallen asleep while sitting, but it had to be the exercise she’d just done. 3 push ups, 10 crunches, and 5 jumping jacks was all it had taken to push her into total exhaustion - Brianna felt herself get, somehow, even hornier.

It was pain as Brianna got herself up and contained her body’s jiggling. She was so slow these days, and her libido demanded immediate satisfaction. She waddled towards the bedroom, stopping only to grab the wedge she used for these circumstances. By the time she laid down, Brianna was already huffing and puffing once more.

Using her vibrator, Brianna began to pleasure herself - And as she did so, her thoughts began to race. She gripped her lower belly, and remembered when there was nothing to grab. She remembered weighing 185, then 200, and thinking she was fat. She remembered that skinny girl, Carly, who helped her at the grocery store. She remembered Alex stuffing her again and again.

Then, she thought of the dream she’d just had. That cake. When she was done, Brianna thought, she should order a cake like that and do it for real. She thought about the sensation of growing bigger, bigger than she already was. And how far would she go? 350 seemed like an eventual given, but 375? 400? 415?

She recalled being 115 pounds. She could see the loose outline of her ribs. She could go to the beach wearing a bikini. She could get up without using a handle. The thought of potentially having gained 300 pounds put her over the edge.

And Brianna came. Hard. She shook. The bed shook. And sleep overtook her once again.

Chapter 95

For the third time that day, Brianna woke up. Her “lunch break” had gone on way too long, and she had work to catch up on. But that isn’t what woke her - at first, she thought it was part of a dream, but as she gained alertness, she realized she could hear ringing.

Quickly determining that her phone was neither buzzing nor beeping, Brianna pulled herself out of bed to investigate the source. Her body well and truly ached from the day’s exertions as she made her way into the living room.

Her fridge chair was right where she’d left it earlier, just outside the bedroom. Wanting a take a quick break, Brianna made to sit down. As she did so, she accidentally stepped on the discarded donut box, and watched it collapse under 330 pounds of force. Satisfied by this minor display, Brianna parked her wide ass into the seat.

As she sat, Brianna marveled at how much space her belly and thighs were taking up these days. Horny fantasies aside, the view made her wonder just how big she’d end up getting. At her current pace, 350 might as well happen tomorrow, if not next month.

But what was her max? Mobility had been a concern for a while, but barring that, Brianna had no idea. She’d never had an actual weight goal before. And though 415 had a certain appeal to it, it felt as though there were something out of control about a number that started with a 4.

Then again, to Brianna, 150 had felt out of control, as had 180, 200, 250, and on and on. As she concluded she’d need to discuss this with Alex when he got home, Brianna snapped back to reality. The ringing had gotten louder.

Brianna had been so wrapped up in her weight musings that she’d forgotten why she’d gotten out of bed in the first place. Getting up, she waddled around the apartment, checking various appliances, and yet she couldn’t find the source.

Already winded and ready to give up, Brianna decided to make sure it wasn’t coming from somewhere outside the apartment. So, she headed to the front door and opened it. The ringing entered a whole new level of pitch. People were streaming down the stairs. Brianna realized - the ringing was the fire alarm.

Chapter 96

“Fuck!”, Brianna thought to herself, panic swelling. “Ok, what to do, what to do”. Brianna knew she should probably following her neighbors’ lead and head downstairs. Mostly a shut-in at this point, she did wonder if she could chance the idea of a false alarm, but quickly waived away the notion.

Instead, she knew she should quickly grab a few things, in case the alarm was the real thing. As plodding and slow as Brianna had become, she did her best to move fast. Waddling from one side of the apartment to the other and back, she found an old backpack and filled it with her phone, her work laptop, and what she considered to be the essentials - at which point, Brianna once again opened her front door and left.

From essentially the moment they had moved into the apartment from their place in Tokyo, Brianna and the stairs had been mortal enemies, a relationship that hadn’t improved an iota in the 150 pounds since. These days, Brianna left the apartment so seldom that the situation had gotten worse.

Normally, Alex escorted her down while carrying anything she needed. Now, staring at the stairs, the alarm blaring, Brianna knew that there was no better time to conquer than this very moment. And fortunately (or not), the stairway had emptied out, leaving Brianna the freedom to navigate by herself. After all, it’s not like anyone would’ve been able to get past her.

Brianna gingerly took the first step, then the second, then stopped, her belly slamming heavily against her. It was only then, in a cold realization, that she remembered what she wearing - those ludicrous, old workout clothes. In rush to leave the apartment, she never gave thought to the fact she was decked in an outfit that revealed about 95% of her large body.

Hiking up shorts to cover her belly once again, Brianna kept one hand on her waistband, while the other gripped the stairs railing. As a result, her journey downstairs was slower going than it even would’ve been. And she got further down the flights, her body began to fight back in all the ways it could.

Her legs, still exhausted from the workout, screamed. They hadn’t been subjected to this sort of sustained movement in quite some time and were unhappy about it. And sweat began pouring everywhere, from every roll and crevice. Her thighs rapidly began to chafe and she could feel her underbelly grow slick.

And as Brianna struggled through this very real scenario, making her way down one set of stairs at a time, there was only one true feeling that kept her going - hunger…

Chapter 97

Brianna was nearing the ground floor. If she hadn’t spent the last couple years primarily eating in the apartment, she’d be really worried at how slow she’d gotten at something as simple as going downstairs.

It’d been at least a month since she’d last gone out - with Alex’s assistance, of course - so it wasn’t precisely shocking. And yet, at that very moment, Brianna was less concerned about her struggles, or even about the fact that a fire alarm was blaring and she was clearly the last one out.

Instead, her thoughts mostly concerned the snack she’d have once she got outside. “Surely”, she thought, “Someone will have brought something down with them, or maybe even ordered something”. This made her happy as Brianna began to fantasize about the various things they may have ordered.

A burger, she decided, was a must. If they hadn’t ordered yet, she’d request double bacon and cheese. Sweet potato fries too, if the restaurant had them. Oh, and maybe onion rings and a milkshake to go with it. And remember, this was just a snack.

Brianna had lived and breathed her gluttony for so long that it had become her happy place, especially as her obese physical self wobbled and shook with every slow step. She was only shaken from her reverie when she finally reached the bottom. Finally, she could release her hand from her waistband and walk more normally. Her legs were shaking from the prolonged effort, and she was basically naked, but it didn’t matter - Brianna had made it downstairs!

The thrill ended a moment later when she stepped outside. The whole building was out there, and all watched as she shuffled her way out of the building. What they must’ve thought of this red, sweaty, fat girl waddling her way out of the building 5 minutes after everyone else - Brianna had no idea. She was just bummed there wasn’t a snack table nearby.

At this point, though, Brianna’s body had had just about enough, probably for a month or two or six. She needed somewhere to sit, stat. And seeing as there no chairs nearby, the floor would have to do. So, she made her way through the crowd, not even asking what was going on with the alarm - and when she made it to the back, she plopped herself down.

Chapter 98

As though without a care in the world, Brianna sat on the ground. The area outside her building wasn’t exactly stuff vacations were made of, but through sheer mass, Brianna spread herself out a bit.

Her legs splayed, she brought her backpack down between them and opened it. She’d left the apartment in a rush, and had thrown in only what immediately came to mind.

Her backpack comprised of two sections. The first had stuff you’d more or less expect: laptop, charger, cell phone, etc. The other was… less usual. Brianna didn’t even remember packing half of what was in there, but it was a mess.

Candy bars, chip bags, snack cakes, a thing of leftover spaghetti, a pack of cooked sausages, a pack of cheese slices, and even a half pint of ice cream (which had already begun to melt). Brianna had clearly emptied one of her fridges and called it “essential”. Her wallet, extra clothes, and other sensible items didn’t make the cut. She didn’t even have cash on her.

Brianna blinked. “This is… not good”, she thought to herself, even as she dislodged the ice cream and began to slurp at it. That’s when she saw her phone light up. It was another message from Eve, with even more photos from their time abroad and that day at the beach. And that’s when it clicked - something had bothered Brianna about the images earlier, but in her current situation, it was so clear.

Back then, Brianna held the infinite power of choice. She was young, could go anywhere, and do anything. Now, sure, she’d ended up living Tokyo for a bit, but as she inched towards her mid-30s, it seemed as though she’d settled into the path of a morbidly obese, food addicted shut-in that could no sooner embrace her freedom than she could drive, let along get down the stairs.

And as is so common in life, one negative thought led to a cascade of others. Suddenly, in a wave of reality, the full weight of her weight and fitness issues bore down upon Brianna’s mind. She couldn’t even do more than 10 crunches, she couldn’t even walk down some stairs without it being a production, she couldn’t even go through an emergency without making it about food.

This was a lot to comprehend, but Brianna knew every word she thought to herself was harsh, yet true. Some tears had welled up, but she got herself through it by continuing to work on the ice cream, which had melted to the point she could drink it. As she did so, she guzzled it an act that certainty constituted eating one’s feelings.

As she gulped it all down, some dribbled down her chins and onto her mostly exposed boob - remember: in public and surrounded by her neighbors. But now, already feeling better, Brianna’s mood had shifted to horniness. She couldn’t act on it, but a resounding, powerful thought came to mind that sustained her, “This is my life now”.
35 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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Jazzman 9 months
Blarg328 9 months
Pd500 10 months
It's great reading! She's so into eating & I love it! Will there be a chapter 31?
Blarg328 10 months
There will be smiley And a 32 & 33.
Fatpeter 12 months
Finally she is pushing herself and wanting to get really fat! Been waiting for this moment
FTMfatty 1 year
This is great, but... 254 lbs isn't enough to give anyone trouble moving their legs. That part threw me off.
Blarg328 1 year
I hear ya - glad you’re liking the story! smiley I envision Brianna to be a 5’1 version of Mochii, BBL919, etc that struggled with mobility too. It’s something she’ll struggle with for the remainder.
Fatpeter 1 year
Please keep this going! I think Alex needs to come clean and tell Brianna he likes her fatter
Blarg328 1 year
Love the enthusiasm!! There’s lots of story still to come, you never know what’s gonna happen (even if I tend to agree with you haha)…
Pd500 1 year
I'm really looking forward to chapter 5!