Brianna gets bulky

Chapter 33 - Brianna Has Enough

Chapter 101

4 days later, Brianna and Alex pulled up in front of Brianna’s family’s home in San Antonio. Neither of them were really looking forward to it - both vividly remembered Brianna’s mom’s visit two and half years prior, and were none too eager to relive the highlights.

Brianna, especially, had cause for concern. She may have lost 20 pounds over the last year, but she was still 70 pounds up from when she’d last seen her mother. No amount of walking was gonna hide that fact - this was gonna be great…

They knocked on the front door and came face-to-face with the wicked witch herself. Brianna’s mom looked the same as ever, and it was etched all over her face that she could tell Brianna did not. But then, a smile came over her, and she exclaimed, “Welcome home, you newlyweds! Come in, come in!”

It had been 5 years since she’d last entered her childhood home and everything looked more or less the same. Except her room, which had been converted into a plain old guest room. “Don’t worry, I didn’t throw anything away”, explained Brianna’s mom, sensing this may not be a happy change, “It’s all in boxes in the closet”. The party was due to start in a couple hours, and she left Brianna and Alex to get settled.

And so they did - Brianna got out her phone, scrolling through years worth of photos until she found what she was looking for. Then, she opened her closet, where each box of clothes was oh-so-kindly marked by their size (with her oldest 4s being at eye level, of course). It only took her a few minutes to find what she was looking for.

Calling Alex’s attention - she showed him the pictures. The first was one of her in Europe, probably at her smallest, in a pair of tight-fitting jeans and a white t shirt. The second was one of the bikini ones taken by Eve back at the beach in Palermo. From the pictures, Brianna pointing out the clothes in real life. Raising her eyebrows and smiling suggestively, Brianna asked, “How ‘bout a fashion show?”

Chapter 102

Stripping down, Brianna exposed her naked body. She really was as vast as ever - her huge, pendulous breasts resting heavily on her gut, which still hung down to the bottom of her fupa. If she’d put on any muscle over the past year - in her legs, back, or anywhere else - she was still much too fat to be able to tell.

Then, she picked up her old outfits. As sexy as the whole scenario undoubtedly was - gaining 200 pounds was a bit too much to be able to try on old clothes. In Brianna’s case, these old outfits may as well as been doll clothes.

Her sexy size 4s were hardly able to go up past her knees, while the accompanying shirt failed to get around her boobs or her fat upper arms. The same went for her bikini. And despite her failure (or maybe because of), Alex appeared more than pleased as he watched it all unfold.

But now that she was naked, Brianna figured she should probably get ready for the party. After all, it was the whole reason they were there to begin with. In the years since she’d last been home, her parents had had a pool put in in the backyard. She’d seen pictures and definitely wanted to take a dip, so Brianna decided to wear her bikini under her clothes just in case.

These days, Brianna’s bikini bottoms had more in common with a sling than anything. If she didn’t let her belly hang over the top, she’d cram it into the bottoms. And between her fupa and lower belly, a lot of her was held in one place. And you know what? That was just the front. In the back, her ass gobbled up as much fabric as it could, exposing the two fat pillows her ass had become.

Feeling confident, Brianna quickly selected clothes to wear over her outfit. Slapping on a huge pair of size 26 jean shorts coupled with a 3XL T shirt, Brianna was all set to party.

Chapter 103

Brianna and Alex arrived in the kitchen just before the first guests arrived. Brianna’s mom was there setting out all manner of food and drink, while her dad was outside, BBQ-ing sausages, burgers, and ribs.

This. Despite the dread, this is what Brianna had been looking forward to most. The near-unlimited food and drink on display - and it was her cheat day, the one day a week where she gave in to the other love of her life, food, and consumed all that she could.

Brianna grabbed herself a beer and got to work. As guests began to trickle in, Brianna could be found socializing between bites of whatever she had on hand - chips, ribs, salmon pinwheels, ribs, and on and on. Some of the guests hadn’t seen Brianna since she’d gone to Tokyo, and the cause of her expansion was plain to see.

Always dutiful, Alex played a part, ensuring her plate never went empty. And there was an art to it. Brianna couldn’t be seen to have a plate piled to cartoon-level proportions, there had just be one or two things at a time. After all, Brianna’s mom was always close by.

This carried on for a while, until Brianna had managed to sample a little (read: a plate) of everything her parents had put out. Her body had been ready for this and was nowhere close to full. But that’s when something strange started happening. Her food started disappearing.

Each time she’d grab something new and turn away, even for a second, it’d be gone by the time she turned her attention back. At first, Brianna thought it was a brain fart, that she’d misplaced her plate. But no. It happened again and again and again. And Brianna got suspicious.

She made her way back to the kitchen and located the enormous garbage bag where people were throwing their things away. A quick peek inside confirmed her suspicions - whole uneaten plates of food could plainly be seen. Then her mother, who’d been busying herself around the kitchen when she came in, preparing an admittedly gorgeous looking cake, asked, in the strangely kind tone she’d used all day, “Looking for something, dear?”.

Brianna groaned to herself. She knew exactly what was going on, even if she didn’t want to believe it. Her mother had clearly decided Brianna had had enough and was keeping her from eating more. And yet, Brianna had no interest in fighting today. She’d stop for now, and pick up the “food tour” again later.

“No, nothing!”, she called back. It was a warm evening and she needed to distract herself from this latest frustration - Brianna made her way back through the party, past Alex, who locked in a deep discussion with a family friend, and towards the back door, where the pool awaited….

Chapter 104

Despite her anger at her mom’s latest antics, Brianna had to admit her parents had done a great job with the new pool. It was exquisitely blue and inviting, and Brianna was glad she had the foresight to put her bikini on under her clothes.

Though not as populated as the home’s interior, many party guests had found their way to the backyard as well. Some had even had the same thought as Brianna and were currently bobbing in the water.

Standing by the side of the pool near the stairs, Brianna took off her clothes to reveal her bikini beneath. It may have looked a little ridiculous, but this was her childhood home and the party to celebrate her marriage - she refused to feel self-conscious today.

But before a single toe could touch the water, Brianna’s mom was by her side, towel in hand. Outwardly saying, “Her you go. I brought this out for you, sweetie”, her mother leaned in and hissed, with venom in every word, “Put. That. Away.”

Shocked, Brianna asked, “Put what - “. Before she could finish, her mom jabbed a long bony finger into her exposed belly flesh. “This!”, she said in the angriest whisper Brianna had ever heard. “Eat like a pig in my home. Fine. I can throw it away. But showing yourself off like this? How dare you. I can’t believe what a whale you’ve let yourself become. I have no idea what on earth Alex sees in this.”

This was too much. After a lifetime of low-key bullying and body shaming, Brianna’s mom had crossed the line into outright cruelty. And Brianna had just the response, built up over years of resentment. Raising her voice so everyone could hear. “E-nough!”, she yelled, putting as much force as she could into the first letter. “I’m sick and fucking tired of your bullshit, lady. Calling me a whale, at my party, how goddamn dare you.”

The party had gone quiet, if only to better listen. Brianna knew her mother was already mortified, if only for her social standing. She continued, in a slightly quieter tone, “I lost 20 pounds recently, thank you very much. But it’s not like you’d ever notice. If you’re so fat phobic that you’d rather hate me than deal with it… I think you and I are done. Let’s give it way more than two and a half years next time.”

Without waiting for a response, Brianna grabbed her clothes, stormed back through the party, and into her room - her body jiggling all the way. Alex followed her moments later, their shared worst case scenarios realized, asking, “What happened? Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?”

It was the third question to which Brianna had an answer, her feelings demanding consumption, “Get me the cake”.

Chapter 105

Brianna and Alex packed their things the next morning and left. They had intended to stay through the week, but that seemed pointless now.

Once everyone had left the night before, in between the sounds of Brianna demolishing the cake that had been meant for everybody, she and Alex could hear her mother raging.

As Brianna lifted herself into the car, still incredibly full, she could’ve sworn her mother had been looking down on them from the 2nd story window, watching the couple depart. But Brianna didn’t care - that wasn’t a relationship she wanted any part of any longer.

As they drove through town, Brianna made Alex stop at a Whataburger for old time’s sake. “You sure?”, he asked, knowing her cheat day was long over. “Positive”, replied Brianna.

Over the next 4 days, all the way back to California, Alex and Brianna probably stopped at every fast food place in 4 states. By the end, the car reeked of oil and meat and sweat and Brianna looked positively inflated. She was so full that Alex had to help her up to the apartment, as though it were the day of the fire alarm all over again.

When they arrived, Brianna planted herself on the usual side of the couch and began ordering dinner (mostly for herself). Alex gave Brianna a quizzical look, not quite sure what was going on. After all, Brianna had been so good about getting healthier over the past year or so.

“Bri, are you alright?”, he asked.

“Better now that I’ve got a chicken bucket on the way”, she replied.

“But I thought you weren’t eating like this anymore”, Alex said, with a hint of a question.

Brianna took a deep breath, and said, “Mom called me a whale. She’s been shaming me my whole life. That’s nothing new. But she even said she had no idea what you see in me. And the best part is that you love what I am. You’ve been with me from almost the beginning. I can’t make her happy, clearly, even though I’m so much more than my weight. But you, my dear husband, take my weight and so much more. I love you.”

“So does that mean -“, started Alex. But Brianna cut him off, “Let’s add some meat to these bones. Fuck it.”
35 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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Jazzman 9 months
Blarg328 9 months
Pd500 10 months
It's great reading! She's so into eating & I love it! Will there be a chapter 31?
Blarg328 10 months
There will be smiley And a 32 & 33.
Fatpeter 12 months
Finally she is pushing herself and wanting to get really fat! Been waiting for this moment
FTMfatty 1 year
This is great, but... 254 lbs isn't enough to give anyone trouble moving their legs. That part threw me off.
Blarg328 1 year
I hear ya - glad you’re liking the story! smiley I envision Brianna to be a 5’1 version of Mochii, BBL919, etc that struggled with mobility too. It’s something she’ll struggle with for the remainder.
Fatpeter 1 year
Please keep this going! I think Alex needs to come clean and tell Brianna he likes her fatter
Blarg328 1 year
Love the enthusiasm!! There’s lots of story still to come, you never know what’s gonna happen (even if I tend to agree with you haha)…
Pd500 1 year
I'm really looking forward to chapter 5!