Brianna gets bulky

Chapter 34 - Epilogue, Part 1 (Brianna Orders Dessert)

Chapter 106

Nestled in the heart of San Diego, on a trendy street in an up and coming neighborhood, lies a bakery called Marla’s. A family-run operation, Marla’s had a line out the door throughout each morning and lunch time, all crammed with people wanting to try their specialty cupcakes.

Gordon, the owner’s nephew, tended to work the shift just after the lunch rush. It was usually the quietest part of the day, and Gordon usually filled the time with people watching. Just about everyone, it seemed to Gordon, stopped at the bakery’s window and ogled at whatever cupcake variety they had on display.

Sometimes it’d be children, begging their parents for one. Other times, it’d be teenagers, out of school, and taking selfies with the local landmark that was Marla’s. Then there were the fatties. To Gordon, there were two varieties - the ones trying to lose weight, who often sped up when going past the bakery, or there were the pros, as Gordon called them, who often stopped in their tracks to come inside and order a half dozen.

There was one particular fatty that Gordon felt like he got to know over the passing months. He didn’t know her name and she never came inside. She didn’t fit either category, though, as despite never entering the business, she stopped in her tracks every single day, going as far as to nearly smoosh her face up against the glass, if only to get the best possible look.

She was pretty, even at her size, and Gordon couldn’t help but notice her. She was in her late 20s, early 30s, he guessed. And despite her short stature, she was clearly at or over 300 pounds. Her ass and hips were incredibly wide with very little “junk in the trunk”, while her frame was dominated by enormous boobs and a belly that was clearly visible even from within the jeans she usually wore. And her face was about 70% cheeks and 30% chins - but even still, there was an appealing quality to it.

Gordon noticed her most days, and over time, began to piece piece together “her deal”. She hadn’t always been big - he could tell by the way she walked and the way fat had distributed, on her face especially. Unlike Gordon’s categorized fatties, even though she was clearly trying to get in better shape or lose weight, her actions around the cupcakes indicated a woman who would much rather be inside eating them. Self-control was the only thing holding her back, and even then, barely.

As the months went by, Gordon watched her keep up her routine. She didn’t look as sweaty and miserable after a while, and even replaced her waddle with a slow, yet confident walk. He could even swear she lost a few pounds. Then, she disappeared.

Two weeks later, she showed up again of the sudden, looking redder and sweatier than Gordon had seen her months. “This girl’s fallen off the wagon, for sure”, Gordon thought to himself. And sure enough, as she engaged in her usual examination of Marla’s merchandise, she turned and - for the first time ever - came inside.

Chapter 107

The woman stood there for a moment, taking in the AC. She looked like someone who’d finally come upon the oasis after weeks of wandering in the desert.

Gordon had been training for this day for months, and with utmost professionalism, welcomed her in and made multiple recommendations. When she made her selections, only 4 cupcakes, she spoke with a voice softer than Gordon would’ve expected. Then, as she sat down, Gordon struggled to distract himself (as not to stare) while she consumed her purchases. She must’ve liked it, since she ate each one with increasing speed. Even though she looked full from the moment she entered Marla’s, she was gone again 10 minutes later.

And so began a new routine. Each day, she’d come in, order her 4 cupcakes and leave - often trying anything new that Gordon recommended. In short order, 4 became 5, and 5 became 6. To Gordon, she was getting bigger with every visit; her clothes tighter, her face sweatier, and her waddle returning in force. Her soft, sweet voice even got breathier. After a 3ish months of this, there was no denying she’d gained a considerable amount of weight, definitely more than 20 pounds.

One day, she lumbered inside as if she’d run a marathon, and set a new Marla’s record (at least in Gardon’s book): 12 cupcakes by 1 person in a single sitting, in 30 minutes or less. Of course, there was no way for Gordon to know this, but that was the day Brianna hit 350 pounds.

No sooner had she set this record, she vanished. For a couple weeks, Gordon found he missed the company, a predictable part of his daily shift. And a couple weeks after that, she was in his rearview. Soon enough, he began to focus his attention on other passersby and forgot all about his ballooning regular - that is, until about 4 months later.

It was a particularly uneventful afternoon at Marla’s. Gordon had just served two teenage girls who seemed far more interested in taking photos of their cupcakes than actually eating them. “Typical”, thought Gordon, as he took up his usual position staring out the display windows. Then, the phone rang. Answering it, a vaguely familiar breathy voice was on the other end, asking if they did deliveries. It wasn’t Marla’s bread and butter or anything, but they could definitely do it on request, but only on orders of 25 or more.

Explaining this, the woman, who identified herself as Brianna, replied, “Oh that’s no problem, I actually wanted to order 50”. And that was that - Gordon arranged for the delivery to take place the following day.

Chapter 108

The next day found Gordon annoyed. Their delivery contractor had just called in sick, meaning he’d have to deliver all 50 cupcakes himself.

Given the size of the delivery, he called his aunt, the actual Marla, to explain the situation. She immediately arranged for the lunch shift to stay a little late so Gordon could take care of “Miss Brianna’s” order. And so, soon enough, he was parking outside an unassuming apartment building.

Entering the complex, Gordon’s only thought was “Damn it”, as he saw there was no elevator, but rather an endless-looking flight of stairs. Upon reaching the 5th floor landing, he knocked on the door of the second unit on the left, just as he’d been instructed. For a few moments, he thought no one was home. Then, Gordon heard footsteps and the door opened.

In a rush of realization, Gordon knew that voice and the person in front of him. It was his regular, or rather, his former regular. Even at first glance, she’d gotten huge; probably another 25-30 pounds, at least, added to her petite frame.

She was wearing a rust colored T shirt that, despite its ability to stand in for a small ship sail, looked it ran small. It’s accentuated her pillow-like upper arms and accentuated her fat frontal features. Meanwhile, she wore a pair of tan shorts that she had attempted to wear above the waist - it too looked a couple sizes too small. And in the gap between each article of clothing lay a think layer of belly fat that had escaped their confines.

Having taken in the woman’s appearance, Gordon composed himself, saying, “Delivery for Brianna from Marla’s Bakery”. If Brianna had the energy to jump or squeal in delight, Gordon figured she probably would have. Instead, he noticed she was gripping a handle installed by the door in order to stay standing.

“If I did know better, I’d say this girl’s fattening herself up”, Gordon thought, as he handed over the cupcakes. Taking one last look at the woman, Gordon wondered how someone got like this. “Not like I’ll ever find out”, he thought. Then, against his better judgement, as he departed, he said to Brianna, “Enjoy the cupcakes! I bet everyone at your party’s gonna love ‘em!”. And with that, he left.
35 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 8 months
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Jazzman 8 months
Blarg328 8 months
Pd500 10 months
It's great reading! She's so into eating & I love it! Will there be a chapter 31?
Blarg328 10 months
There will be smiley And a 32 & 33.
Fatpeter 11 months
Finally she is pushing herself and wanting to get really fat! Been waiting for this moment
FTMfatty 1 year
This is great, but... 254 lbs isn't enough to give anyone trouble moving their legs. That part threw me off.
Blarg328 1 year
I hear ya - glad you’re liking the story! smiley I envision Brianna to be a 5’1 version of Mochii, BBL919, etc that struggled with mobility too. It’s something she’ll struggle with for the remainder.
Fatpeter 1 year
Please keep this going! I think Alex needs to come clean and tell Brianna he likes her fatter
Blarg328 1 year
Love the enthusiasm!! There’s lots of story still to come, you never know what’s gonna happen (even if I tend to agree with you haha)…
Pd500 1 year
I'm really looking forward to chapter 5!