Brianna gets bulky

Chapter 7 - Brianna Goes Home

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Chapter 17

Brianna hadn’t stepped foot in San Antonio in nearly 3 years. Between distance, cost, and higher travel priorities - she and Alex had never made an effort to visit their respective homes.

Now, while Alex was prepping their new lives in California, Brianna took the opportunity to catch up with friends and family. Through the excitement and joy, however, it wasn’t lost on Brianna that she was as coming home about 25 pounds heavier than when she left it.

And speaking of friends, it had been even longer since she last seen Alicia, Kamala, and Eve. Probably since she had met Alex - so, make that 35 pounds then.

On her second night back home, she met them for dinner and drinks. After the hugs and hellos, it was Eve that stated the obvious, “girl, your boobs have exploded!”.

It was true, Brianna had become exceedingly boob-forward. Since the foursome’s days traveling Europe and Sicily, her bras had shot from a 36C to a 42DDD.

Leaving out the much longer story, Brianna laughed, patted her girls, and said simply that birth control did a number on her.

The rest of the night by in a blur of stories, drinks, and laughter - it was the most fun Brianna had in ages. And the next morning, she woke back in her childhood room. She could smell breakfast cooking, and her ample tummy was already growling.

Her clothes from last night were still on the floor, but everything else still mostly in her suitcase. Feeling lazy, she went instead to her closet to see if there wasn’t something old and worn she could wear quickly. Spoilers - there wasn’t…

Chapter 18

There was plenty to wear, sure, but literally nothing that would fit. Brianna had gained plenty of weight even before leaving home - the first half of her 60-70 pound gain took place there. And at the time, her wardrobe flurried to keep up.

The wreckage of that time was was piled high in her closet - pants sized 4, 6, 8, and 10. She had gained so fast back then that they most looked almost new. Brianna had been so sure that, with each size, her weight would stabilize, or even return to normal.

Alas, that didn’t happen. And Brianna set about clothing herself. Grabbing the largest-looking pants and shirt she could find, she tried getting them on.

She didn’t bother with a bra or panties - she knew there was no chance there. The only panties should could find were S or M, and Brianna was an XL these days - her hips had become so wide, and her fupa & lower belly was so fat that she needed all the fabric she could get.

At her current size, Brianna lived somewhere between a size 12 and 14, but she figured the 10s were worth a try. She liked wearing things waist high, and since her waist was still pretty narrow, she had some hope.

She was wrong, unfortunately. Though they went up her legs well enough, they had no chance of closing around her pillow-sized gut.

Leaving that disappointment alone for a sec, she tried the shirt, a favorite of her younger days for lazy mornings that screamed for an oversized T-shirt. Alas, it was oversized no longer, but rather, a tad small. Much of its real estate went towards covering Brianna’s ever-expanding rack.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she looked every bit that fat girl she used to think she was. Her shirt came down only to the top of her belly button, while the pants barely made it to her hips. This left her whole lower belly exposed, stretch marks and all, hanging over the edge of her panties.

Saying fuck it, she grabbed a new shirt from her suitcase, put it on, and went to breakfast. Since her shirt went down a ways, she left the pants on - her free belly jiggling all the way…

Chapter 19

As Brianna ambled towards the kitchen, the smells of breakfast were growing stronger and stronger. And she was starving.

And when got there, she found her dad making pancakes, bacon, and fried eggs. And if you think she considered her diet for even a second, you’d be wrong.

Brianna carefully arranged 8 pancakes into a stack, laying bacon onto each level and placing 2 fried eggs on top, as if they were cherries on the cake. And so she got to work, slicing, chomping, munching, swallowing, and repeat.

After this flavor bonanza, Brianna even grabbed 1 extra pancake and bacon strip. She was stuffed, but just wanted a little more in her mouth. It’s a good thing her mom was out, or there was certain to be a little fat shaming.

Brianna wanted to get up, but couldn’t. She was too full, and needed to digest a little. This wasn’t an unusual occurrence. The reality was that Brianna had a pretty bad relationship with food.

Long before she had ever gained a pound, Brianna had always equated eating with being full. If her stomach didn’t ache a little after a meal, it meant it hadn’t been enough. Then, to compensate, she’d often snack throughout the rest of the day to try and capture that feeling of fullness and satisfaction.

Even as she dieted over the past few years, the concept of portion control had never entered her thoughts. She was always concerned with what she ate, not how much. And so her diets never achieved the desired affect.

And so, as Brianna digested her mountain of a breakfast, she scrolled through her Instagram. She hadn’t updated her account in years - on account of not wanting to show off her new body, but she loved to see what everyone else posted.

That’s when she saw Kamala’s post from the night before…

Chapter 20

Captioned “great memories with great friends”, Kamala had taken photos throughout the evening - including Brianna looking very happy, if also bloated and a little tipsy. Gaining weight had done wonders for her tolerance.

Flipping through the pictures, Brianna saw Kamala had mixed them with photos from Palermo, now nearly 6 years ago.

There were tons - all displaying Brianna had her prime. With a lurch, she realized anyone going through these same photos would think she wasn’t in the pictures from last night - that’s how different she looked.

Sure, she’d always been a little skinny-fat back then, but 115 looked good on her. There was a picture of Brianna and Kamala in matching bikinis on some beach somewhere - it was hard not to compare that body with the one she struggled to clothe earlier that morning.

That body didn’t a huge double chin, but at that angle, a jaw line and a neck. Her face was its original shape - fuck, she was pretty.

And instead of being overshadowed by everything below, her face was in prefect harmony and proportion. Her boobs looked so manageable and small - thinking back, that 10 pound weight loss in Europe had left her bras a little loose. She was probably a B-cup and didn’t know it there.

Her stomach was just another part of her body there - and she had been so ashamed of it at the time. There was a little outward bump at the bottom, but it was normal for her. And where her belly was now starting to crease over, there was a small dimple - it was adorable.

Moving on down to her legs and butt, Brianna could see a difference there too. So far, it was remarkable how little of the weight had settled on her lower half. But indeed, those thighs looked narrow, not thick. And her butt looked flat, not wide. Alas, there was no totally escaping it.

The black bikini bottoms she had been wearing really accentuated her very pale, white skin. Now blemished with veins and stretch marks and dark patches and light patches - Brianna had lost that porcelain-like complexion.

Plus she couldn’t help but notice how nicely her bottoms fit, as there was no meaty fupa or love handles to deal with. “Lucky bitch”, she thought…

Chapter 21

Having finished micro-examining her thin bikini body, Brianna moved onto the next picture, then gave up.

By now, Brianna had by now digested enough to excuse herself from the table. But, she’d forgotten she was wearing old, unbutton-able jeans that no longer fit. Even though her shirt had covered everything before, her full stomach had bloated to the point a portion of it was visible from under her shirt.

Embarrassed, she shuffled back to her room, laid on her bed, cradled her full belly. And thought about that last picture.

It had shown her in tight, form-fitting blue jeans and a revealing white top. It was one of her sexiest photos - and she was sure she’d barely be able to get them on, should she find them in her closet. That’s when she had an idea - an old idea from times when she wanted to feel sexy. It would be a gift for Alex.

Heading back to her clothes-filled closet, she rummaged around, looking for a small box of items she’d left behind from her move. And when she retrieved it, she pulled out a small, portable hard drive, where, long ago, she had stored her photos. And booting it up, she quickly found what she looking for.

6 years ago, in Palermo, Brianna had experienced her first real relationship in Bruno. And with young lust in the 21st century, comes lots and lots of photos - some of which could be considered risqué. It was among those she found what she was looking for.

It was a portrait-style photo featuring Brianna, naked from the waist up, laying on her bed, in all her 115 pound glory. Her rib cage and hip bones were visible, yet smooth. Her flat belly was by no means the star of the show, and her belly button looked far shallower. Her boobs took center stage - though they were much smaller than today’s versions, Brianna had always considered herself busty. But in the photo, they had a more defined shape, and were certainly perkier.

Now attempting to reenact the photo, Brianna struggled to get her boobs and belly button in the same frame. There was just so much more of both these days, and her belly button was so much lower than it used to be.

In the end, she chose to capture the spirit of the old photo and prioritize her boobs. Yet, they had no desire to stay in place, flopping over her sides. But in the end, she got it. She looked fleshy and big, but the effect was there. And just for fun, she decided to send Alex both photos - the new, and the old.
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Jazzman 9 months
Blarg328 9 months
Pd500 10 months
It's great reading! She's so into eating & I love it! Will there be a chapter 31?
Blarg328 10 months
There will be smiley And a 32 & 33.
Fatpeter 1 year
Finally she is pushing herself and wanting to get really fat! Been waiting for this moment
FTMfatty 1 year
This is great, but... 254 lbs isn't enough to give anyone trouble moving their legs. That part threw me off.
Blarg328 1 year
I hear ya - glad you’re liking the story! smiley I envision Brianna to be a 5’1 version of Mochii, BBL919, etc that struggled with mobility too. It’s something she’ll struggle with for the remainder.
Fatpeter 1 year
Please keep this going! I think Alex needs to come clean and tell Brianna he likes her fatter
Blarg328 1 year
Love the enthusiasm!! There’s lots of story still to come, you never know what’s gonna happen (even if I tend to agree with you haha)…
Pd500 1 year
I'm really looking forward to chapter 5!