Brianna gets bulky

Chapter 8 - Brianna Starts School

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Chapter 22

All good things come to an end, and after another few days, that included Brianna’s trip home. She had spent it continuing to eat and drink with the best of ‘em, savoring everything she loved about the place. And, it was fortunate that she packed a couple leggings, since her regular pants were getting tight!

When she returned to Alex and their new apartment together, it was amazing. He had really appreciated the pictures she sent, she could tell 😉.

In the mornings, she could find him pleasuring himself to one or the other, sometimes flipping between them.

But alas, also with her return home, came her return to life. She had gotten into the data science program, a 1 year program that was due to start in the next few days.

And happily, it was only 1 day a week in the classroom, with 4 days remote. That way, Brianna knew she could stay home and focus.

And so the first day arrived - and Brianna understood nothing. Her classmates came from illustrious careers, pausing their excellence to get a MA. Meanwhile, Brianna had gone in order to coalesce her skill sets into something marketable - basically a pivot.

Now, Brianna knew this would be no cake walk. From then on, she’d spend all her time attending class, studying, and trying to catch up.

Within the first couple weeks, she had to fulfill a minor university requirement: a physical. Given that Brianna had become quite the little heifer - she was a little worried…

Chapter 23

When the appointment arrived, Alex drove her to the office. Brianna could feel her boobs and belly jiggle somewhat with every bump and pot hole. She knew she’d overdone it in San Antonio, but hoped things wouldn’t be too bad.

Parking, the only spot was at the far end of the lot. Together, they walked it’s length, by the end of which, Brianna was already sweating. Then, there was a long flight of stairs (the office was on the 3rd floor), as well as an elevator that hung, very unfortunately, an out of order sign.

Hauling herself up the stair with one hand on the rail, it was obvious both to herself and to Alex that her level of fitness was getting a little worrisome, given she was only 27. And it had now been months since she tried exercising.

Finally arriving at the office, the sweaty fat girl took a seat while Alex checked her in. Almost immediately, her name was called, and Brianna had to lift herself up once again.

For all the build-up, the physical was pretty straightforward. First, there was a discussion of her medical condition, followed by some breathing checks. Brianna was glad these took place at a desk, not the bed next to it - she could see a situation where she might struggle to get on.

But luckily, that didn’t happen. Then came her height and weight. And for some reason, her weight hadn’t really changed - in fact, she’d lost a couple pounds, down to 182. Privately, Brianna knew that’s because she’d lost all muscle mass, since she was certainly bigger than ever.

And then - the doctor gave her final spiel, saying, “Brianna, I know that women who struggle with PCOS have difficulty with their weight. But I must say that, as you described to me earlier, you’ve gained upwards of 60-70 pounds over the past few years, well exceeding your healthy weight. This is not normal, even for someone with your condition. If you can stick to a diet and exercise plan, I think you’ll find much success.”

Taking a breath, she continued, “In the meantime, I’ll do two things - the first, is approve your university attendance, I see no reason why you can’t pursue a degree. The second is to offer you a referral to a dietitian - you might find some good advice there. Come and see me again after you do, then perhaps I can offer you additional medications”.

To that, Brianna thanked the doctor, accepted the referral document, as well as her signed university forms, and went back to Alex. Asking her how it went, Brianna replied, laughing, “That bitch said I should see a dietitian! What would we talk about? I have a great diet!”

Chapter 24

And so the months went by, and Brianna sat on her ass. Though she didn’t start seeing a dietitian, she definitely started learning the ways of stress eating.

Her program was hard, neigh impossible with her lack of experience, but she was surviving and getting decent grades to boot. But, every time a class introduced a new topic, or she didn’t understand something, she got a snack.

Sometimes it’d be sneaky a McDonalds delivery, sometimes it’d be a couple packs of ramen, or a big bag of extra salt sunflower seeds, or even scoops of ice cream. No longer was this an “off the wagon” thing, but it was life.

Last time Brianna engaged in this sort of habit, her weight exploded. This time, things were a little different. Alex noticed it first, but the weight was going to none of the usual places. Always a gainer in the top-half, the pounds finally found themselves in the bottom. With all that sitting around, maybe it was gravity, or maybe it was just a matter of time.

Her butt, always flat, got fat. Previously, it had looked wide because of the fat accumulated on her hips, but now it was so in reality. Each cheek broadened and spread, and a little roll began to form at the top.

Brianna was used to Alex trying to grab her ass when they did it from behind. Suddenly, there was too much to grab with just one hand.

Brianna’s thighs were hit as well. They were smacked with cellulite, on the outside, from knee to hip. On the inside, her thighs now touched going much further down. Overall, they got thick and fat. And for the 1st time, Brianna found her thighs too tight for certain pairs of pants.

Of course, her belly found a way to absorb some pounds too. It was as though her lower half as widened so much as to support a next level belly. As such, her belly crease took on formal definition, and frequently found it popping over her panties, forming a not insignificant belly hang.

And it showed. When out in the world, her pants would form a VBO (visible belly outline), giving her an especially rounded appearance. For such a short girl, the weight was getting to be fairly significant…
35 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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Jazzman 9 months
Blarg328 9 months
Pd500 10 months
It's great reading! She's so into eating & I love it! Will there be a chapter 31?
Blarg328 10 months
There will be smiley And a 32 & 33.
Fatpeter 1 year
Finally she is pushing herself and wanting to get really fat! Been waiting for this moment
FTMfatty 1 year
This is great, but... 254 lbs isn't enough to give anyone trouble moving their legs. That part threw me off.
Blarg328 1 year
I hear ya - glad you’re liking the story! smiley I envision Brianna to be a 5’1 version of Mochii, BBL919, etc that struggled with mobility too. It’s something she’ll struggle with for the remainder.
Fatpeter 1 year
Please keep this going! I think Alex needs to come clean and tell Brianna he likes her fatter
Blarg328 1 year
Love the enthusiasm!! There’s lots of story still to come, you never know what’s gonna happen (even if I tend to agree with you haha)…
Pd500 1 year
I'm really looking forward to chapter 5!