Brianna gets bulky

Chapter 10 - Alex Has Thoughts II

Chapter 28 (Alex)

Alex took Brianna’s hand to help her up from the couch. He knew she could do it herself, but she seemed to appreciate the inertia. It was a dangerous path, he knew, but so far, he’d been able to push those thoughts aside.

As Brianna plopped down at the table to begin eating her Chinese takeout, Alex reckoned this to be her post-lunch, pre-late afternoon snack meal.

As he put away the groceries, he considered how much Brianna had changed recently. It had been about a year and a half since they moved together back to the US. She gone back to Texas to visit her family, then had started her master’s program.

It had a been a year of stress, no doubt, and Alex was proud of her for getting through it. He was certain he probably wouldn’t have been able to. But, that’s when some of her recent habits had begun.

For a girl that once panicked, time and again, as she gained weight, Alex was surprised by how little she seemed to care lately. He knew everything had taken a backseat during the program, but it seemed to have gotten worse since she started this new job.

He knew she got her lunches for free and wondered what she was ordering. He didn’t know for sure, but he was certain there weren’t many salads involved. But whatever was going on, it seemed like her days were now dictated by some sort of food schedule.

As part of that schedule, Brianna would come home exhausted from her walk home and claim she was too tired to do anything. And so, she got lazier, more demanding of him (not to mention, ruder), and certainly fatter…

Chapter 29 (Alex)

As the years had gone on, Alex had begun to lean harder into his fat admiration. It was hard not to with Brianna around.

When she was in San Antonio, she had even sent him what amounted to sexy before/after pictures. Comparing her body at 115 to 183 to whatever it was today was quite a treat. Though, not for the first time, Alex wished he’d met her earlier, so her could experience the thin version of her in-person.

And in daily life, watching her struggle to the couch as she digested her latest meal, her belly tight and full-looking, it was incredibly satisfying. And more to the point, he loved seeing that belly and those love handles spill out of her latest pairs of pants.

And Brianna must’ve had some sense of how he was feeling. Alex fell asleep most nights with his hand cupping her lower belly, at the point where it met her fupa. And, when masturbating, she’d let him finger her belly button until he came. One time, she’d even let him put his tongue in her belly button. Alex gave her an orgasm, but wouldn’t let him do it a 2nd time.

And Alex knew he was being an incredible enabler. Without him, Brianna probably wouldn’t have gotten to this point. Or rather, she’d certainly still be cooking, grocery shopping, or even folding her clothes.

When he’d left for the shop earlier that day, Alex had left his naked girlfriend on the couch, cooling the sweat in the creases between her fat rolls. Honestly, how could he not be turned on half the time?

As he thought about Brianna’s naked body, he noticed a box on the floor. Asking about it, Brianna explained between mouthfuls that it had come while he was out and suggested that he open it.

Doing so, Alex realized it was a gift he bought her a couple weeks earlier, having finally arrived: a new bikini…

Chapter 30 (Alex)

Alex and Brianna had been together for nearly 6 years, and in that time, Alex wasn’t sure Brianna had ever bought a new bikini. There had been several now-outgrown one pieces, but Alex wanted to see Brianna’s latest body shown off to the world.

Taking it out of the package, he held it up for Brianna to see. “Look what I got you”, said Alex, “I know you’ve been hot lately, and thought we could go to the beach to cool off”.

Brianna finished swallowing the last bite of her meal and replied, “Nah, I’m too full, not interested. Now can you grab me a beer? I’m thirsty”.

A little annoyed, Alex told her he wouldn’t get her that beer unless she put on the bikini. After all, she wouldn’t even need to get up. Mildly inconvenienced, Brianna agreed. He watched as she got her dress out from under her butt, and raised up her arms, so Alex could lift it off her.

Then Alex passed over the bikini. The XXL top fit around her chest nicely, with the back strands slotting into her rolls. The bottoms were a bit tougher, since Brianna had to lift herself up slightly while contending with a belly that wanted to rest between her thighs.

Seeing her struggle, Alex offered to assist. “Sure, help me up”, Brianna grunted between breaths. Getting her to her feet, Alex examined Brianna’s mostly naked form.

These days, her belly free-hung a little bit, brushing over the top of her groin. Not to be outdone, her fupa had expanded to look like a second belly, one that jiggled as she shimmied the bikini bottom over her fat ass.

Now that it was on, Brianna plopped back down and demanded her beer, exclaiming, “I’m still thirsty!!”. But Alex stood his ground, saying, “I’ll get you water, but if you want beer… I happen to have left two six packs in the car, if you’d like to drive to the beach with me”.

Brianna quickly stood up (see, she really doesn’t need help…), went to the fridge, grabbed a beer, turned to Alex and said, “This is an extra, let’s go”.

Chapter 31 (Alex)

The ride over to the beach was mostly uneventful. Brianna was still in her bikini and as Alex went along the bumpy road, she’d jiggle from head to toe - even her belly would pop out of the bottoms from time to time.

Once they arrived, Alex gathered everything from the car while Brianna went ahead to find a good spot on the sand. He watched from afar as she unsteadily walked across the beach, plopping herself down by a palm tree.

Naturally, he carried everything they’d need - beer and snacks (obviously), towels, etc. And so they enjoyed a nice afternoon by the water.

When it was time to leave, Brianna complained of being tired, thirsty, and hungry. Now, on those counts, Alex suggested she nap in the car, and that they could stop at a fast food joint on the way. For thirst, Alex told her to go get water from the fountain.

The beach’s water fountain was a large cube about halfway between the sand and the parking lot. As the couple approached, Alex noticed a raised, curved platform next to it, in the same style as the fountain.

Curious, Alex asked Brianna what she thought it was. Taking a closer look and noticing a very small screen, Brianna said, “I think it’s a scale”, then promptly hopped on.

Alex knew Brianna hadn’t been weighed in nearly a year and a half, since her last doctor appointment, as they no longer had a scale at home. And now, as Brianna stood on this public beach scale, Alex was immensely curious what it would say.

He saw the briefest glimpse of a rather high number before Brianna immediately got off. Then he asked, “What did it say?”
35 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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Jazzman 9 months
Blarg328 9 months
Pd500 10 months
It's great reading! She's so into eating & I love it! Will there be a chapter 31?
Blarg328 10 months
There will be smiley And a 32 & 33.
Fatpeter 1 year
Finally she is pushing herself and wanting to get really fat! Been waiting for this moment
FTMfatty 1 year
This is great, but... 254 lbs isn't enough to give anyone trouble moving their legs. That part threw me off.
Blarg328 1 year
I hear ya - glad you’re liking the story! smiley I envision Brianna to be a 5’1 version of Mochii, BBL919, etc that struggled with mobility too. It’s something she’ll struggle with for the remainder.
Fatpeter 1 year
Please keep this going! I think Alex needs to come clean and tell Brianna he likes her fatter
Blarg328 1 year
Love the enthusiasm!! There’s lots of story still to come, you never know what’s gonna happen (even if I tend to agree with you haha)…
Pd500 1 year
I'm really looking forward to chapter 5!