The silver pig

Chapter 2

And she did. Sasha came back a few days later and was treated just as lavishly as before. She left with even more food inside her larger belly and felt even more satisfied. She continued to return at least once or twice a week for a while.

By the sixth week she visited, she noticed that some of the pudge she had gained after eating so much and getting herself stuffed was starting to stick. Her belly and thighs and even her breasts were starting to look softer and fuller.

After a few months of such rich food and stuffing herself to the brim and then some, she soon grew out of her tank tops and shorts and had to buy larger sizes. When even the new clothes began to grow tight, she got onto her scale and groaned pleasantly when she read the number.

"One hundred sixty... I've already gained forty pounds!" Sasha hummed in delight as she tenderly caressed her plumpening breasts and the new rolls of fat on her belly. She walked over to the mirror and turned around, examining her growing body from all angles while exploring every inch of new pudge with her fingers. "Feels so good to be big...but I don't think I'm big enough yet."


On one visit to Lynn's Buffet, Sasha sat down in her usual booth and immediately noticed the edge of the table was digging into her pillowy belly and her thighs had grown so large they took up most of the seat.

After another fulfilling meal complete with plenty of dessert and pitchers of soda, she leaned back against her chair to catch her breath while rubbing her belly deeply.

Just then, the owner of the buffet walked up to her and leaned over with her hand on the back of the booth. "Did you get your belly full, honey?" Lynn asked as she patted Sasha's belly over her increasingly tight shirt.

"Oh yes, everything was delicious as always." Sasha paused to let out a burp and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "The food is so rich it's made me put on a couple pounds!"

"Looks likes more than just a couple!" Lynn chuckled softly. "What's your name, sweetie?"

"Sasha." She replied.

"Well, I've noticed you've been coming here a lot, Sasha. Which is why I wanted to offer you this." The woman pulled something out of the pocket in her apron and handed it over to Sasha.

It was a silver card with a simple image of a round pig on the front. Sasha turned it over and read the words "Lynn's Buffet Silver Member Card" and the buffet's address and phone number on the back. "What's this for?" She asked.

"Whenever you come back, show one of my waitresses the card and you'll receive some...special treatment." Lynn winked.

"Hmm...for how much?"

"It's free of charge. Your enjoyment here at my establishment is payment enough for all of us!"

Sasha was pleasantly surprised. "Wow, thank you!" She smiled and slipped the card into her pocket, though she had to push up on a roll of fat to reach it.


When Sasha came back a few days later, she showed the card to the waitress who always refilled her soda and was promptly escorted behind the blue velvet curtains guarded by twin silver pigs near the buffet tables.

Behind the curtains, there was an extra room decorated with blue and silver tapestries and ornaments.

"Wow!" Sasha gazed around at the room, with its comfy benches lining the walls and huge, soft pillows arranged on midnight blue rugs. To the left was a wooden door marked 'Kitchen,' and to the right was a gigantic, ornate door decorated with golden pigs and labeled "Gold Cards Only.'

"Please, have a seat. You're the only Silver Member here at the moment, so enjoy yourself!" The waitress bowed as Sasha took a seat on a bench that creaked beneath her weight.

"My name's Becca, by the way, hon." She added.

"Thank you, Becca!" Sasha looked around and was debating whether to ask what the Silver Member Card room was all about, when the door to the left opened and a group of attractive waitresses emerged, each carrying a tray or pushing a silver cart in front of her.

Sasha's eyes went wide and she licked her lips when she caught a whiff of the deliciously irresistible smells wafting from the many plates of gourmet food on the carts and trays.

Becca pulled a large table in front of Sasha and stepped back to let the other waitresses arrange a plethora of plates and bowls on the table.

Sasha rubbed her belly eagerly as it let out a growl. "Is this all for me?!" She cried, astonished.

"Of course! Just let us know what you like and don't like, and we'll customize your meals every time you visit!" Becca replied.

The last waitress placed a pitcher of soda on the table with a smile. "I'm sure you've noticed by now that we don't use silverware here, so don't worry if you make a mess!"

"In fact, we encourage it!"

"Well, if you insist!" Sasha looked down at the food, unable to contain herself any longer. She grabbed a steak in one hand and a sandwich in the other, taking alternate bites of each. When the pile of sandwiches and steaks were gone, she moved on to devour several bowls of different soups, a tray of cheese and crackers, and a plate of potato salad. Each time a plate or pitcher went empty, one of the waitresses darted into the kitchen and returned with a full plate or glass.

Sasha ate and ate, rubbing her palms over her belly as it grew and filled with food. Her clothes were soon even more tight against her body than ever before. After she finished what must have been a large five-course meal, the plates were cleared away and replaced by trays of sweets and treats.

For dessert, there was pie of all flavors, cream puffs, deluxe ice cream sundaes, donuts, and boxes of candy.

Sasha grabbed a pie in her hands and shoved her face into the pastry, eating loudly and messily. One pie disappeared and then another and another until there was a pile of empty tins in front of her. She moaned and squeezed her belly as she filled herself with sweets.

"Ohh I'm so full but everything's so good...I need more!" Sasha grabbed a bowl of cream puffs and dumped them all into her mouth, chewing the puffs even as she brought a bowl of chocolate ice cream to her lips.

As she gulped down the partially melted ice cream, she could feel her belly expand and push into the waistband of her shorts. All of a sudden, she felt a sudden relief of pressure as the button on her pants burst off and clattered to the floor. The zipper shot down as her heavily bloated belly sagged out into her lap.

But did that stop her? Of course not. She grabbed another bowl and gulped down the frozen treat.

After piles of donuts and a few pieces of candy for good measure, Sasha's fat stomach and thighs were spilling out of her clothes. She sat back against the wall, panting and licking chocolate and cream from her lips.

"Did you enjoy your first Silver Card meal, Sasha?" Becca asked with a smile.

"I sure...did...whew." Sasha grinned and patted her stomach. "I've never...eaten so much before in my life!"

"We're pleased to hear that." A waitress standing near the edge of the table bowed before she collected a stack of empty plates and tins. "Please feel free to rest and digest a while in our special room until you are ready to go home."

"Not that you have to leave of course!" Becca chuckled softly. "Next time, please stay for dinner."

"You don't have to ask me twice!" Sasha giggled.

After succumbing to a food coma and lapsing into a short nap, Sasha hefted herself from the table and waddled home with her incredibly stuffed and satisfied belly hanging out beneath her shirt.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Hubbert2995 1 year
Continue the story
Fanedfox 1 year
Well done! Sasha going to be huge! I like where this is going.
I would only suggest adding some descriptions of her clothes and body.
Dragondoll 1 year
Thank you! c: And thanks for the recommendations, it's appreciated! smiley
Piturekapiteka 1 year
What a great story, can't wait to see what's behind that gold door and what she will need to do to get access to it
Dragondoll 1 year
I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
Pd500 1 year
I'm digging your first 2 chapter's!
Dragondoll 1 year
Thanks so much!
Dragondoll 1 year
Thank you so much!! I'm so happy you're enjoying my story smiley
Fanedfox 1 year
Great story, I loved it. I hope you add a chapter or two of Sasha returning to eat even more.

I love to go to a buffet like this!
Dragondoll 1 year
Thank you! I have more chapters to add. So glad you enjoyed it!