The silver pig

Chapter 3

Sasha doubled then effectively tripled her weight after just a few months of special Silver Card treatment. By the time the holidays arrived, she weighed a whopping 600 pounds and was struggling to find big enough clothes to last before she grew out of them again.

"Ohh," Sasha moaned as she sat in front of a mirror, squeezing her fat belly and plump breasts. She caressed her thick thighs before her hands wandered back onto her large and voluptuous belly. Even her face and buttocks had grown larger over the past months.

She purred in bliss as she admired her growing body in the wall-sized mirror. She needed such a huge mirror in order to gaze at her entire form.

Just then, Sasha's stomach let out a huge grumble.

"I must be hungry already! I'll go get something at Lynn's." She got up and sidled through her bathroom door, feeling the door frame squeezing her enormous sides on her way out.

As she walked into the buffet, she felt suddenly very grateful that Lynn had installed such wide doors in the entrance. She remembered a time when she had been so skinny she was dwarfed by the huge doors.

When she walked to the front desk and showed her card, Lynn followed her into the Silver Card room.

"Sasha! I'm pleased to see you're looking well fed and very content." Lynn was beaming with pride. "Tell me, can you still fit through your doors at home?"

"Oh, just barely! I'm looking for a new place to stay that's better suited for my size. My apartment is just too small for me - I even had to order a king-sized bed!" Sasha exclaimed.

"Well then, look no further than our Gold Member Card!" Lynn pulled out a card that was shaped like a curly-tailed pig that shone gold in the soft light. "Let me show you what you will receive."

Lynn took Sasha's hand and led her through the door painted with gold pigs. The room beyond was much, much larger and covered in soft, mattress-sized pillows. It also featured a television, bookshelves, and other household comforts, complete with an impossibly large four poster bed. There were even windows and a large sliding glass door leading out into a garden filled with beautiful flowers, stone statues, and even a pond with koi fish surrounded by benches and oversized lawn chairs.

Sasha gasped. "Wow! This place looks like an expensive hotel..."

Lynn smiled. "If you're willing to pay rent equal to that of your current apartment, you'll be able to live here for as long as you like and experience Gold Card treatment whenever you desire!"

Sasha nodded eagerly. "When can I move in?!"


Gold Card treatment was similar to the Silver Card, only she was fed breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with all the snacks she could possibly handle in between. And when she was thirsty, Becca or one of the other waitresses fed her milkshakes and soda through a funnel.

The more she ate, the larger she grew and the more gluttonous she became. When she was too big to fit in her car and travel to work, she was employed at Lynn's to clean plates and eat leftovers in the buffet after hours.

She found she was never bored either, as she had made friends with many of the waitresses including the owner Lynn, and when they were all busy, Sasha ventured outside and relaxed in the garden, always with a snack or two in her hands.

The waitresses all seemed ready to worship her like a goddess, as if it was their life's purpose to feed her and take care of her as one of their own. She spoke to other Silver Card members and recruited more, boasting of the excellent treatment she received as a Gold Card.

One day, Sasha was sitting in bed after another lavish dinner and dessert, with the tattered remains of yet another shirt and shorts hanging from her plump body which now seemed to be getting too big even for this giant bed. When the plates were cleared away from the table in front of her bed, Lynn walked up to her and gently rubbed her big, soft stomach. Lynn's hands were dwarfed by Sasha's huge gut and almost lost in the soft rolls of fat there that were ever growing.

"Keep up the good work, Sasha!" Lynn chuckled softly. "At this rate you'll grow out of this room and be ready for our Platinum Membership in no time!"
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Hubbert2995 1 year
Continue the story
Fanedfox 1 year
Well done! Sasha going to be huge! I like where this is going.
I would only suggest adding some descriptions of her clothes and body.
Dragondoll 1 year
Thank you! c: And thanks for the recommendations, it's appreciated! smiley
Piturekapiteka 1 year
What a great story, can't wait to see what's behind that gold door and what she will need to do to get access to it
Dragondoll 1 year
I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
Pd500 1 year
I'm digging your first 2 chapter's!
Dragondoll 1 year
Thanks so much!
Dragondoll 1 year
Thank you so much!! I'm so happy you're enjoying my story smiley
Fanedfox 1 year
Great story, I loved it. I hope you add a chapter or two of Sasha returning to eat even more.

I love to go to a buffet like this!
Dragondoll 1 year
Thank you! I have more chapters to add. So glad you enjoyed it!