The conference

Chapter 5

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“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Tricia asked as I sat down next to her in the minivan.

Even though we had the vehicle to ourselves, I’d chosen the same seat as last time. We were stickier, both of us, but somehow, she still smelt fantastic, as though her perfume mingled with her own scent was the perfect cocktail of aromas.

“Of course not,” I said, lightly patting the thick thigh resting heavily atop my own leg. “I’d much rather spend the day with you.”

“But they could have rotated you in, the organiser said so.”

“Trust me, I’d much rather be with my actual partner, regardless of what we end up doing.”

“Thanks,” she said, smiling down at me. It was still strange to me just how much taller her massive rear made her when sitting. “Even if I could have continued, I probably shouldn’t anyway.”

I nodded, still stroking her thigh. “No need to kill yourself for a sports day,” I agreed.

She snorted softly. “Not just that, but I wouldn’t want to jeopardise my money maker.”

To my surprise, she ran her hands over her huge, bulging stomach, where it rested partly atop her lap, and partly between her splayed thighs in front of her.

“I thought your money maker was your face?” I said.

She laughed. “I’m sure it helps,” she answered, “but in my experience, it’s got nothing on the belly.” She gave herself a quick slap before looking out of the other window.

“I don’t understand,” I pressed, “how does your belly make you money?”

“I’m a webcam model,” Tricia stated simply. “And trust me, it’s all about the stomach. Tits are fine, hips and ass are also great if you’ve got them, and I do, but it’s all about the belly.”

A webcam model? But of course she was. Her size, her confidence, not to mention her beauty, it all made perfect sense.

“But I am sorry I cut the day short,” Tricia said, sighing.

“Sorry, why?”

She shifted her bulk to better look at me, and I caught that little gleam of mischief in her green eyes. “I was looking forward to seeing you in your swimming shorts, of course.”

“The hotel has a private pool,” I blurted, before I’d had chance to think.

To my relief and excitement, Tricia laughed. “Well then, perhaps I don’t need to be sorry at all.”

When we got to the hotel, I raced out of the minivan to book the pool. It was not available for two hours, which annoyed me at first, but when I told Tricia, she seemed content with the wait time. She was hungry, after such an ordeal, and two hours would give her time to recompose herself. And eat.

So we agreed that we would meet in the pool in two hours’ time, though I had to admit not wanting to let the huge, sweat-covered, tank-top wearing woman out of my sight. We got in the same lift, and once again, I was overwhelmed by her scent. She caught my eye and smiled, even as she laughed at my restraint.

“Good things come to those who wait,” she said, putting her finger on my chest.

The doors opened and I got out first. My room was a few floors above Tricia’s, but logistically, I simply had to make way. I got back in the lift, and just as the doors were about to close, she turned to me with a simple, mind-blowing question.

“Oh, Dave? A one-piece, or a two?”

I had less than a second to answer her, but thankfully, that was enough. “Two!” I blurted just as the doors met in the middle. I thought I could hear her laughter as the elevator swept me upward, but perhaps that was just my imagination.

Two hours later and I entered the private pool, using the code the woman had given me at reception. It was not a large pool and two plastic sun-loungers stood next to it. I put my towel down on one of them and took a quick walk around the edge, dipping my big toe in the heated water. It was probably about five metres wide and ten long, and, usefully, there were no steps in or out. Instead it was a walk-in pool, the bottom simply sloping down from the shallows to the depths.

Atop a small stone plinth was a bottle of wine and two glasses. I popped the bottle and poured generously for us both. And then I waited. Tricia was late, but then, I recalled, she had a habit of being the last to arrive. Anyway, when she did arrive, I knew it would be worth it. And I was right.

My heart leapt in my chest as I heard the keycode being typed in on the electric pad and the door opened, letting in a brief waft of chillier air.

“Dave?” Tricia’s voice came, as her eyes adjusted to the relative darkness of the private pool.

The only lighting was in the pool itself, a light blue, that was somehow far less chilling than one might have expected.

“Here, Tricia,” I said, standing on the far side of the pool as she pushed her way into the room, letting the door swing shut behind her.

My eyes were well-adjusted by now, and I could easily see that she was wearing what I assumed to be the largest dressing gown ever made.

“Ah,” she said smiling as her green eyes found me. “There you are.” She paused, and I knew she studied me. “There you are indeed.”

I grinned. “And there you are.”

“Here I am,” she said, smiling, taking slow, small steps toward the sun-loungers. “Now, I couldn’t quite hear you earlier, when the lift was closing, but you said one-piece, right?”

She tilted her head to one side and her hair, still unwashed I noticed, not that it mattered, barely moved. She laced her fingers beneath the lapels of the gown and ran them slowly down to the binding tie. I found that I was speechless, unable to do anything besides watch as Tricia’s fingers found one end of the fastener and began sliding it open, her other hand still holding the gown closed about her. At that point, I didn’t care that she might have misheard me. One-piece, two-piece, what could that possibly matter? Here, was perfection.

She paused suddenly, biting her bottom lip slightly. “Did you not hear me?”

So close! So close, I thought. The binding around her massive waist was all but undone. Barely five centimetres of the cloth tie remained.

“I said two-piece,” I croaked, unable to take my eyes from her.

“Oh,” she said, a slight frown appearing on her face. To my horror, she reversed her pull on the binding and began tightening it again. “I must have misheard you.”

“No!” I rasped, unable to not sound desperate, but she knew. Tricia clearly knew the effect she had on me. It was all-consuming.

“No?” She asked. “But surely, you wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise? Surely, I should go back to my room, and return later, in order to properly give you what you want?”

I was frozen in place, but so was her hand. She was no longer tightening the belt. “I want you,” I said, my voice cracking.

“Sorry, Dave, I didn’t hear that?” She said, her hand still unmoving.

“I want you,” I repeated, more loudly.

“I thought that’s what you’d said." She smiled that all-too-knowing smile of hers and I was held enthralled. “Well, good news, Dave,” she continued, and once again, she began pulling the rope tie loose. Twenty centimetres. Ten centimetres. Five. Four. Three. Two.


And then the loose end slipped free and Tricia let it fall, her other hand still holding the gown closed around her.

“You see, I didn’t mishear you at all, Dave. I heard you right the first time.”

I nodded, incapable of anything else. My entire being trembled with anticipation.

“Two-piece,” she whispered, her voice carrying effortlessly over the silent pool. “One,” she lifted her empty hand up. “Two.”

She raised her other hand, the hand holding the dressing gown shut. And as she did so, a small whimper escaped me. The bathrobe sloughed away from her to reveal the most amazing sight I had ever been privy to. She was incredible. The bikini top she wore was a pale blue, patterned with small, yellow flowers. I had known her breasts were large, but to see them straining at the slightly undersized swimming bra was something else. I almost doubted I could lift them, even with two hands, so heavy and swollen did they look, rippling and rising softly as she breathed in and out. And then came her stomach. Tricia had been right about one thing; it was all about the belly. Although I had had a decent preview the night before, seeing her entire gut, liberated and suspended by nothing but its own mass, so wide that I knew I’d never be able to wrap my hands around it, and so perfectly smooth, with its light spattering of freckles to match those on her face, was almost overwhelming. Her naval was a small, dark circle of perfect contrast, embedded within the slightest crease of her giant stomach that quivered with its own, jaw-dropping size.

It was not until Tricia shrugged out of the robe fully, letting it drop behind her, that I could see the thin slivers of matching fabric covering her hips; the front of those valiant bikini bottoms was firmly buried beneath the mountain of flesh hanging heavily before them, almost down to her knees. Her thighs were enormous, not parting at all until they reached the knee, each one many, many times wider around than my own paltry legs.

Involuntarily, I took a step toward her, and fell face first into the pool. Sputtering, I breached the surface, wiping the water from my eyes just in time to see how Tricia’s laughter sent veritable waves of fat to ripple across her entire body. She was leaning forward slightly, and her stomach seemed to both protrude and hang even lower, shaking softly with each bout of mirth.

I swam swiftly to the other side of the pool and climbed nimbly out to stand just in front of Tricia, dripping pool-water from head to toe.

“You know,” she said, tracing the lines of my chest with one warm finger. “I don’t think I’ve ever received such a compliment before.”

I grinned down at her, my eyes simply disbelieving of everything they were seeing. How could anyone possibly be this beautiful?

“Oh, Dave,” she answered, laughing. It was only then that I realised I’d spoken allowed, “I was wrong. That’s the best compliment I’ve ever received.”

And with that, she laced her fingers around the back of my neck and pulled me into her. Her mouth found mine instantly, and I pushed myself into her, my arms encircling as much of her, which didn’t feel like very much at the time, as possible. I felt the soft expanse of her breasts bunching up against my chest as her enormous gut pounded into my own, much flatter abdomen and groin. I kissed her back, running one hand through her dried but still sweaty hair as with the other one I explored the vast contours of her body. There was just so much to discover, so much to feel! One minute I was holding onto her upper arm, feeling its gradual, wide curve beneath my fingers as I pulled her to me. The next I was trying to reach behind it, my palm alighting on a swell of firmer, yet still incredibly soft, flesh that I believed might have been the top of her wonderful behind. And then I was testing the weight of her colossal gut, driving my hand further and further beneath it before tensing my bicep, trying to bear, unsuccessfully, ever greater amounts of weight.

I felt her smile beneath my lips, even as I felt her plump hands running along the lines of my toned back and buttocks. A poor exchange, I found myself thinking, considering just how much she had to offer. After a time, we broke free, our mouths at least, though we remained fully intertwined elsewhere.

“You know,” she said, her voice low, but vibrating through me with our closeness, “perhaps we don’t even need the pool.”

I laughed, glancing over my shoulder. “Come, then,” I answered, tenderly prying her arms away from me, before taking a single step back and slipping, more gracefully this time, into the water.

I resurfaced to a sight I knew I’d never get tired of. Tricia was staring down at me, and from this vantage point, beneath her bulging, hanging stomach, I could appreciate her in yet another, all-too exciting angle.

“Come on, then,” I said, patting the water beside me.

She laughed softly, but was not tempted. I watched as she turned slowly, fully aware of how my eyes tracked her progress around the side of the pool to the shallow entrance. It was hard for me to fathom just how huge Tricia was, even as I watched her from the side. Just the way her giant buttocks rose and fell, forcing her hips to sway as the vast expanse of stomach shuddered and pounded softly with the motion was hypnotising in itself. She rounded the corner, testing the water with one plump foot, and testing again the slipperiness of the pool floor before putting her full, and substantial, weight on that leg. I treaded water as I watched first her toes become submerged, followed by her ankles, and then her shins; and then the water was up to her knees. She paused then, glancing up at me, and smiled.

I gestured her forward, and a wave of concentration passed over her face once again. Two more steps and the surface of the water began to lap at the lowest point of her massive stomach. Two more yet and her naval disappeared beneath the level of the still water. Two more and then she pushed off from the ground, thrusting her mass forward, trusting that the water would take her. And, of course, it did.

We smiled at each other as she drifted over to me, not needing to kick or paddle, the momentum of her initial push adequate. I reached out a hand to meet her cheek and guide her mouth to mine, just a fraction of a second before the wealth of fat, led by her bosom but followed swiftly by her belly, bumped into me. She threw her rotund arms around my neck and I gasped, kicking for the bottom. My toes could just about scrape it, and with the new purchase, I moved to where I was able to stand and keep my head out of the water. Tricia smiled on my mouth yet again, but she did not relent, hooking one massive leg around my hip as she tried to do the same with the other. But the size of her stomach made it impossible, and so she had to settle for me holding her to me as tightly as possible, one hand barely able to hold onto her soft, smooth side as her implausibly fat belly threatened to push us apart. Yet neither one of us complained.

Tricia piled on top of me more and more, squeezing me ever tighter, and I exulted in it. Even with the buoyancy of the water, her unsubmerged shoulders and upper arms were heavy enough to make it a challenge as she pushed her head down onto mine, kissing me frantically.

After short minutes of euphoria, we came up for air, and Tricia sagged in my arms. This actually made her easier to hold, as she sank further into the water. She was panting and out of breath, and so was I.

“You know,” I said, brushing one strand of wet hair from her face. “I’d have taken that tandem bungee jump with you.”

Tricia barked a laugh and kissed me on the cheek. “No, you wouldn’t, Dave.”


The look she fixed me with was, once again, all-too-knowing. “You think I’m that easily fooled, Dave?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” I responded, faking innocence as best I could.

“Do you really think you’re the first man to try and discern my weight?” She asked.

I blanched. “I wasn’t, I was, I was just making –“

“Relax, Dave,” Tricia said, smiling and kissing me once more. “With what I do for a living, there’s many men, and women, who would pay for that secret.”

“But I –“

“So you’re telling me you don’t want to know?” Tricia asked, still thoroughly ensconced within my arms as she cocked her beautiful face to one side.

“I didn’t say that,” I muttered.

She laughed, the water lapping gently around us.

“Well,” she said, “put it like this, whether you were strapped to me or not, I couldn’t have made that jump.”

My eyes widened, and she laughed.

“Oh, Dave,” she teased, “I couldn’t have made that jump by a long shot.”
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Pd500 1 year
RFBurton 1 year
Caragdur 1 year
Great start so far! Excited to see what happens next.
ThePatchwork... 1 year
More please!