The conference

Chapter 7

I had absolutely no idea what to say, and so I said nothing. Instead, I dove, as quickly as I dared, down toward my 'treat'. And what a treat it was. I ran my tongue over the wide, wide contours of her gigantic stomach, swallowing cream as I tasted chlorine, sugar, and Tricia. Somewhere above me, I could hear the frequent squirt of the whipped cream can, followed by happy swallowing noises.

I traced a line of the cream upwards, following the swell of Tricia's enormous gut, transferring to one giant breast. I felt her tremble slightly as my lips brushed through the cream, connecting for a moment with her hard nipple, still concealed beneath that straining, flowery fabric.

"Free me," Tricia gasped, and I knew exactly what she meant.

Smiling, knowing that my face was covered in cream, I rose to circumvent the fat woman panting lightly atop the broken beds before me. It took no little effort to pull enough slack in the bikini top that I could unfasten it, and I truly appreciated the weight of Tricia's breasts as I gently relaxed my arm before slipping the fabric out from around her chest.

"Come here," she said, and I lowered my head toward her.

She pushed herself back up, though not easily, and I marvelled as her humongous stomach spilled forward once again to engulf her lap. Her massive breasts, slightly paler than the rest of her, rested atop that gut, each far larger than my handspan.

Tricia was breathing heavily as her plump hand grasped the back of my neck and she pulled my face toward hers, but not to kiss her, no, but to lick the cream from it. I felt the hairs rise on the back of my neck, and my toes curled as she licked and swallowed, breathing warmly and sweetly directly into my ears, cheeks and onto my throat as she ate.

"Get the other can," she whispered, relinquishing her hold on me when there was no more cream.

"The other can?" I asked, confused.

"The cream," she hissed, pointing at the trolley.

I hastened over and found another can, just as she'd known there would be. I popped the lid and handed it to her as Tricia slowly grunted herself into a recline again.

For a moment, I could do nothing but stare at the way her bulging stomach still covered her thighs, almost to her knees, and the way her belly button quivered amidst that pile of pale, perfect flesh. And then Tricia was lying fully on her back, the fat of her great bosom and stomach flowing lethargically upward, to spread out above her torso.

And there it was. I had not seen it before, but the faintest glimpse of light blue peeped between that infinitesimal gap between her heaving gut and rotund thighs. Her flesh settled, the momentum of her fat dwindling to nothing, and I could see nothing but wondrous skin once more. But I had seen it. I knew it was there.

Cautiously, I moved between her trunk-like thighs, marvelling at how soft and large they truly were. Tricia, sensing my intent, raised them slightly, holding them a little wider apart. This movement caused her belly to bulge significantly, but I once again caught sight of the fabric maintaining her modesty... supposedly.

"There they are," I breathed. "I had almost begun to wonder at their existence."

"Ha. Ha." Tricia exclaimed, though with a mouth filled with whipped cream, her scornful laugh became more a wet sputtering.

I plunged my hand between the meeting point of her overhanging gut and bunching thighs, my fingers finding the relatively coarse fabric of Tricia's bikini bottoms. Gently, I pushed the bulk of her belly upward, all but gasping at its weight, even as I prised her legs yet further apart. I pressed my ear into the underside of that heaving gut and allowed it to flow down onto my shoulder as I slipped my left hand beneath the triangle of bikini bottom into a pool of warmth and wetness. I heard the depression of the whipped cream can, followed by a satisfied swallow, and then a slight moan as my fingers slipped across her labia. I began to move my hand in a circular motion, applying medium pressure; to tease and excite.

It worked. Without warning, a shiver coursed through the giant woman and her legs tensed, squeezing in around me. Her stomach slapped into my head as yet more of its weight bunched into my neck and shoulder and, grinning, I slipped my hand from her bikini bottom and extricated myself from her mass.

"Don't stop," she said, regarding me in mild confusion as I stood up.

Slowly, I lowered myself onto her immense stomach, grasping one huge breast in each of my inadequate hands, hefting them even as I reached toward her mouth with my own. Her hands cupped the back of my head again, and this time she pulled me in to kiss her. My feet were barely still on the broken sunbeds, somewhere between her massive thighs, as I stretched over her girth so that my lips could reach hers. As her tongue, tasting like cream and Tricia, explored my own, I ran my hands around her expansive form, wishing only that I had more. How could two such paltry instruments ever hope to do a great body such as Tricia possessed justice in their attempted homage? I lost count of how many different handfuls of fat I could grasp, or how many rolls of her perfect flesh I could slip my fingers into and follow until my arms could no longer reach.

Sometimes I felt Tricia's mouth smile upon my own as she registered my surprise or pleasure at the way her incredible body continued to amaze me. And then she grabbed my penis, buried as it had been somewhere in the middle of her corpulence, and it was my turn to shiver. With plump yet confident fingers, she massaged me as the pool water and residual lines of cream squelched between us.

Preventing the climax, I pushed away, breathing as heavily as Tricia. She smiled up at me, a gleam in her emerald eyes, even as she squirted a stream of whipped cream into her plump mouth.

I took a few seconds, just to catch some air, and then moved back down toward her groin.

"You'll have to help me here," I said, surprising myself at how hoarse my voice had become.

Tricia laughed and I was transfixed by how every single part of her seemed to laugh with her.

"They have ties on the hips," she responded.

I immediately went to her side and allowed my fingers to follow the bikini bottom's strap from where it emerged beneath her bulging gut, out toward her hip. I found the tie, but it was a knot and not a bow as I had hoped. I tried to prise it open, but the wetness and tightness of the knot prevented it.

"It's a knot," I said. "You couldn't have tied a bow?"

Tricia just laughed. "Sure, if there'd been enough fabric."

I grinned, and lightly slapped the side of her heaving belly.

"You could at least have tied it loosely."

Tricia squirted another shot of cream into her mouth before replying. "I did, Dave, but to be fair on my bikini bottoms, they had one hell of a job to do."

She then slapped the top of the side her stomach much more forcefully than I had, and I almost came just witnessing the sheer enormity of her gut bulging and heaving as a result.

"Wow," I croaked, barely aware that I had spoken.

Tricia laughed. "Are you going to untie me or not, Dave?"

"How?" I asked, my fingers desperately slipping over the hard, slick knot.

"Just get a knife from the trolley," Tricia instructed. "These were all but impossible to tie up, as you can see. I don't care if you cut them up. Just promise you'll make it worth my while." That last was said with a wink.

I scampered back to the trolley, found a serving knife, and darted back. I carefully lifted the string of the thong away from her flesh and cut it, easily enough, after a few attempts. I ran around to the other side of her, my eagerness almost making me slip on the slippery, water covered plastic sunbeds. I sawed at the other side of the bikini bottom and practically threw the knife away in my triumph.

"Impressive," Tricia teased.

I grinned at her, and she helped in what little way she could, by hefting as much of her massive stomach up as possible in her two hands, even as she pushed up from the ground with her pelvis. She by no means cleared the broken sunbeds, but her efforts allowed me to pull the severed thong from between her enormous thighs and bottom.

As soon as it was free, I tossed it to one side, and guided Tricia's legs apart again, allowing my hand to revisit her vulva. Within just a few moments, I slipped two fingers further down and then into her, at which point the massive woman trembled, losing her grip on her stomach, or perhaps releasing it on purpose, so that it thundered into my head and shoulder once again. I pushed my face into its softness, grinning as I began to penetrate her, adding a third finger to the first two, and slowly moving them in and out. In and out.

Tricia shivered, and I looked up to see how she kneaded her own, giant breasts in her hands, in counter rhythm to my own movements. A soft moan escaped her, and I felt its depth course through her entire body.

"Yes," she called, softly. "Yes."

I pushed my fingers in deeper, hesitated, and then pulled them all the way out, letting them linger right at the surface, before pushing them in again.

"Yes!" She moaned, far more loudly this time.

And I repeated the action.

"Oh!" She trembled, and once again her legs spasmed, those great, thick thighs slapping into me. "YES!"

I maintained my movement as she trembled, choosing to wrap my free arm around her quivering, heaving stomach, or at least, as much of it as I could. Proportionally, that wasn't much, but it was far more than I could handle.

"Dave!" Tricia gasped suddenly, and shifted her entire bulk, causing one of the sunbeds to scrape along the tiled floor. She spread her legs widely, bending her knees so that her belly bunched upwards once again. "Dave!" She repeated. "I want you. Now!"

I didn't wait to be asked twice. I pushed inside her instantly, feeling her massive warmth close in around me, engulfing me even as she shuddered again and let her legs fall slightly. It was all I could do to remain within her as that huge gut battered heavily into my midriff and groin, but I pushed back with everything I had. I pressed my face down into her giant belly again, my arms clinging around the boles of her thighs as I rocked into her repeatedly. I felt my limbs begin to tremble with the strain, but I would not have changed this for the world.

"Yes!" Tricia moaned again, and I pushed even harder, emboldened by her pleasure. "Oh, yes!"

Her small hands stopped massaging her bosom and heaved at her bulging gut, taking some of the strain from me, so that I could retract and hover, for just a moment, before entering her with all the force I could muster. My thighs, groin and abdomen smacked into Tricia noisily, and she groaned yet again.


I repeated. And then again. And then again, and again, and again. My world had become a mass of warm, sweetly smelling flesh, and I was in heaven.

"Dave!" Tricia screamed. "I'm coming. I'm coming!"

And she was. It was as though her entire, more than two-hundred-and-seventeen kilograms orgasmed in unison, her thighs constricting as her stomach heaved, her buttocks convulsing as her hands moved to grip her nipples immeasurably tightly. As this enormous woman shook with pleasure, I could do nothing but slide slowly, inexorably, out of her. And that was more than enough. I pushed back as best I could, thwarted by her size and weight, as I gradually emerged from Tricia's shivering warmth.

I shivered in turn, just before my penis left Tricia's warmth. But that did not matter, as I merely exchanged the encompassing pressure of her vagina for the throbbing weight of her stomach. I paused for long moments, enjoying the sensation of Tricia's pulsating mass vibrating against me, before relaxing entirely to collapse into the soft bed that was the enormous woman beneath me.

"Tricia," I whispered, when I had caught my breath, my ear still pressed to the swell of her gurgling, heaving stomach.

She put a hand in my hair to stroke it.

"Dave," she responded, and though I was not looking at her, I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Not the worst conference, eh?" I joked, turning to grin up at her, resting my chin in the softness of her gut, gazing at her round face between the twin, splayed mounds of her breasts.

She smiled back. "No, indeed."

I sat up gradually, prising myself from her enormity and rolling my shoulders.

"Dave?" Tricia asked.

I navigated around her, crawling until I reached her head. "Yes, Tricia?" I responded, stroking sweat-matted hair from her face.

"Well," she answered. "Sex always makes me hungry."

I gaped and Tricia laughed.

"Oh, Dave," she said. "You've so much to learn."
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Pd500 1 year
RFBurton 1 year
Caragdur 1 year
Great start so far! Excited to see what happens next.
ThePatchwork... 1 year
More please!